cape wrath

It is the most northwesterly point on the UK mainland. There is a road to it on my map. But there is now way to get over the klye of durness on my map
strange, although you can see a road google maps can't calculate it :confused: maybe there is a road that is closed for winter, I heard from other people trying to plan a route across the alps in the winter, for their journey in the summer that it just wouldn't calculate it. In the summer google maps would once again calculate their route (as the pass was open again).

Here's my attempt

Either this or it's a bug with google maps

Good luck

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After looking at it again I think you can only take the ferry/Bus service and then only between May and September.

"Cape Wrath is inaccessible by direct road - to reach it you must take a passenger ferry (which operates from May to September) at Keodale. From the ferry end, a minibus runs to the Cape. When the weather closes in, the minibus stops running"
ye i there is a road but u cant get ur car or bike over to it. just need to come up with some where eles to go with that bike
I wonder how many calm days you get like that for the 'ferry' and will they wait while you ride around and then want to go home?