Canadian Members? Plz Post :)


SuperFlanker Moderator
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Apr 19, 2008
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Surrey, UK
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Just curious as there is a profound Euro/Aussie/US presence many canucks we got?

1) What part of Canada are you from?

2) Little bit about yourself.
epic fail.

this is a dark day in canadian history.....right up there with Jan 27, 1872 when there was a grain epidemic which killed 37% of the wheat harvests that year.

*single tear rolls down cheeck*
Hi all, I am from Lethbridge, Alberta. There are some decent roads around here but for the good stuff (twisties) I recomend riding an hour west to British Columbia. Plan your next ride up to Canada, there is no shortage of empty, twisty roads, and friendly riders. :thumbup:
Curse you people and your west coast nice weather. I still have a skating rink for a street. PS, even though i live in Calgary, go Oilers!

Anyone ever seen another FZ6 on the streets? I've ridden all over Cal and never seen another minus the ones at dealers. Seem to be pretty rare...

Howattzer, I love the R1, my second or third fav bike.
CFB Petawawa On!
Still getting snow storms here, but that's ok I haven't picked up the bike yet!
I get posted all over Canada so I hope to get the chance to ride all over this great country! (I just got back from a week in the arctic, we really do have a great diverse country, and I've now been to all 4 of our shores, Atlantic, Pacific, grew up on the Great lakes and was just up on the northern shore!)
Anyone ever seen another FZ6 on the streets? I've ridden all over Cal and never seen another minus the ones at dealers. Seem to be pretty rare...

I've only seen two on the streets while I was riding, one heading westbound on Baseline Road from Sherwood Park, and he must have seen me in the Park because by the time we hit 34th St., he was originally a mile back, caught up to me at the lights then turned off. The second was a block north of Whyte Avenue at 107th St., he was parked and standing beside his bike. Both blue, sorry soldier dude, they weren't you. I've actually met two members from here but I think they don't visit the forum often if at all anymore.

Hey, maybe I can meet you guys from Calgary half way for lunch or something as I've been to Sylvan Lake last year and it was a great ride in from E-town.

Our neigborhood roads are ice up here too, main roads are dry, but we are expecting some snow this week. :(
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Roll call in the middle of Feb?

I'm from Montreal, PQ. :canada:

Acquired full license last year; will have a full season this year.

There's a few of us from this area, but the snow has given us amnesia. I'm going back into hibernation. :scared:

When I left for the arcitc last week we were loosing our snow, and when I came back here we got another big dumping of it.... I love winter but now I'm just getting tired of it!
I'm from Halifax, Nova Scotia. Been thinking about a FZ6 for a couple of years now to go with my R1100RS and KLR "685". Last Saturday I purchased an 07 FZ6 with 1400kms - showroom condition, and about $3500 cheaper than an 09.

Now if we could just get past this miserable winter.