Cali trip?


Finally Summer
Elite Member
Jul 26, 2007
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Colorado Springs, CO
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So my roommate is from Cali and we were talking about when we get back to the states that he is going home for a few weeks on leave. Ive been thinking about going there for a week or so.

This will be late March early April time. What i wanted to know was would the weather be good enough to make it worth transporting my FZ there. And if so are a few of you willing to get together for a ride or just to hang out over a few brews. Im driving from NY anyways so i would be willing to meet up in a central locating in Cali.
It depends on what part of Cali you're talking about. The weather should be beautiful in So Cal. I grew up there and miss the nearly year-round beautiful weather.

In No Cal, where I currently live, the weather is hit or miss around that time of year. I bought my FZ in early March this year and I remember the weather being off and on rain through March. It wasn't too cold or too rainy though, just some light showers on about 30% of the days in March. April was drier and warmer.

I'd be up for a meet anywhere in Cali unless something major comes up. I'll be done with school by then and ready to ride!!
There are a few of us out here in So-cal - and i'm sure would totally be down to meet up.

I'm always down for a cruise, and always down for a brew.
In SFO area, it would likely be nice, but there's a possibility of rain. It would be sort of a bummer to plan a trip that completed depended on good weather and then getting bad weather. Probably better off is SoCal. Lots of nice riding there it seems, and every freeway is congested 24 hours a day so you'd have a chance to appreciate the value of lane splitting.
In It would be sort of a bummer to plan a trip that completed depended on good weather and then getting bad weather. .

The riding isnt the most important part of the trip. I just want to get together and put some faces with the names. Riding would just make it that much better of a trip
I have to disagree with the "raining" comments. In March and April there is a rare chance of rain versus February
In March of 2008 the National Climatic Data Center Rated California, on a scale of 1-114 (lower number is drier) as a 4.
There is always a chance of rain, but March is not a very rainy month and it is less in April. I guess if I were born and raised out here I would consider it rainy, but being from the midwest, it doesn't rain much here.
Is this trip still in the works?

Like I said, the weather is hit and miss right now; we have had some good weekends and some less than good weekends. Let us know if you still plan to come up; chances are that we can get a ride in as the weather has been nice 5 days of the week for the past couple of weeks. I'm sure there are several of us up here in Nor Cal that could meet up with you for a ride.