Brand new FZ6 S2 .. damaged paint..


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Apr 11, 2010
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Brand new FZ6 S2 .. damaged paint.. *SOLVED*

Well I bought a brand new FZ6 S2 and after about 1 week of riding (1000km) the paint at my knees started to fade real bad. Now i have a completely black bike with 2 big faded spots where my knees are located.

So I went to my dealer and he says that every new bike is painted with environmentally friendly paint.. based on water (if you know what i mean..)

He says the only sollution is to polish the faded spots out and paint the tank with a clear coating. Ofcourse I told him to do it because it's insane that a brand new bike looses it's paint after 1 week! Ofcourse the spots are getting worse and worse :spank:

Today I called my dealer again and he's going to make an appointment at the local paintshop. I'm just gonna drop my bike of at the dealer and he'll take care of the rest. But at the end of the conversation he said that he would let me know what it would cost. Ofcourse I replied saying it's insane that i should have to pay anything seeing as the bike is brand new and it isn't supposed to fade like this. He keeps saying that Yamaha has painted the bike this way and that I have to live with it or get it painted :(

What are your thoughts on this? Should I paint it and pay? Should I keep pushing for a free paint job? Or should I just stop whining and apply the TechSpec tank pads I bought?
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I think thats bull - as far as I know all motorcycles these days come with clear coat on top of the paint already. I'd talk to the paint shop directly and find out what is going on, they should be able to tell if there was something funky going on with the original paint.

Are you sure you didn't have any kind of solvent on your pants/knees? Seems like a long shot but just thinking... I'm the 3rd owner of a 2004 silver fz and aside from 2 knicks the paint on the tank looks as beautiful as the day it was bought.
can you post pictures? i think your (d)stealer talks bullsh1t
call yamaha and before you explain what happened ask: "do you paint the fz6 with environmentally friendly paint.. based on water (if you know what i mean..) that fades after one week of ridin???"
i think yamaha will spank your dealers ass after this : )
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No the dealer is right about the new water based paints, but I can't see what that has to do with the clear coat damage. Unless you provoked the damage you shouldn't accept paying anything. It is strange that it was damaged so easily. Pics would shed some light though.
easy solution

An easy way to deal with this situation is to put on some gripper panels and you will not have to worry about it any more.

Google "TechSpec".

They sell side panels and center protectors for motorcycle tanks.
The panels come in bike specific pre-cut panels, or sheets, if you want a custom look.

I have the center, belt buckle protector. I ordered side panels yesterday.

The grippers are stick on but, can be removed if the need arises.

Most panels come in two versions- Fusion or Snake Skin.

These panels are not just for looks. They give you a more secure feel with your bike, especially when going down hill or braking.
Track guys like um too.

good luck, ice
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You might try going over the dealer's head and contact Yamaha directly. It sounds to me like the dealer is just too lazy to do anything to rectify your problem. Contacting the manufacturer has worked for me in the past with a new car I bought that was defective and the dealer kept giving me a ride on the "excuse train". Good luck. :thumbup:
My black FZ6 had exactly the same problem, but took a couple of months to get really bad. It is your knee moving about on the paint dulls it off and makes it look almost white next to the rest of the tank. A lot of the problems are down to the environmentally friendly paint they now have to use.

I got a bagster, hid the problem and gave my knees more grip... then a ferry company had to replace my tank with a new one after dinking it. Put bagster straight on new tank so tank will remain as good as new.
Thanks for the replies. I bought the Techspec Tank Grips already as a measure of last resort so to speak. I'll be sure to call my dealer and tell him I won't pay anything. I'll also call Yamaha directly asap just to be sure!

I'll make some pictures and show you guys as soon as I get a chance :thumbup:
I'll be sure to call my dealer and tell him I won't pay anything.

Good for you, there is no way the paint should be coming off after a week. There is an obvious defect here and they need to make it right. Tell them to re-paint it properly or refund your money and take the bike back.
Here are two pictures! The spot to the left of the scrated surface on the first picture is just some roadkill ;)


In my humble opinion:
1) the 2-3 horizontal small scratches is probably something you did
2) the marring is DEFINITELY not your fault, unless you tried to clean something up with a rotary polishing machine. I think it could be fixed with a polishing machine. Just ask an independent detailer so you can have a valid opinion. And make sure that the person using the rotary knows what he's doing.

If it cannot be fixed, I would demand a new tank. Factory painted.
Actually, the horizontals stripes are a reflection of my camera! :) The tank is scratch free except for the 2 spots. When cleaning the bike I always clean in one direction .. and slowly! I'm too carefull if anything haha.

I'll be sure to let you know what the dealer says when I call him on Thuesday. :spank:
There should be no problem because it is a water based paint.
Tell them to give you a new tank to replace the non factory painted tank that has been already refinished improperly. Probably got scratched or damaged and was refinished improperly at a local shop or the dealer.
There are instructions by people/engineers on how to use these products but management always knows how to make it better.:eek:

Call them and tell them you know that's not a factory finish! :spank:
@Motogiro; I don't understand your post. It's a brand new FZ6 S2 from 2009/2010. If i understand correctly your saying that the original tank on my bike has been damaged and re-painted? Resulting in a bad paint job by the dealer or importer of the bike?
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That is what happens when your knees move about on the paint surface of the tank.

What material are your trousers ? Do they have microfibre to help prevent them marking the paint, I doubt it.

Any thing rubbing on paint, especially if it has any abrasive properties is going to mark the paint, how can that be Yamaha's fault?
Thanks for the replies. I bought the Techspec Tank Grips already as a measure of last resort so to speak. I'll be sure to call my dealer and tell him I won't pay anything. I'll also call Yamaha directly asap just to be sure!

I'll make some pictures and show you guys as soon as I get a chance :thumbup:

I still think one week is too quick, I thought Yamaha had a 2 year warranty on paint work. I think it's good that you're contacting Yamaha direct, It surprises me to hear your dealers reaction :eek: Let us know the outcome.
That is definitely not down to you to sort out.
A tank marking up like that after a week :eek:
Mine's an '04,Black same as yours with 20,000 miles on it and hasn't got a mark.
I wear Full leathers,Jeans,Akito textiles (Not at the same time!) And none of them has so much as touched the paint finish.

My advice is to go in the showroom with a Brillo pad and tell the dealer,your going to test out the rest of the bikes to see if the paint rubs off so easily.......;)
My '07 has 25K miles on it and the paint still looks new, and I admit that I don't take care of it like I should.
That is unacceptable.
American made cars (all cars made in the US, not just The Big 3 American car manufacturers) had paint issues from enviro friendly paints in the late 80's and early 90's. That sort of thing is from the past, and has long been resolved.
Do not accept it. Contact Yamaha directly-Take it to an independant paint shop for their opinion-Go to another Yamaha dealer and get their opinion.