Braided brake lines


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Dec 15, 2011
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South Australia
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G'day Guys and Gals,
I'm looking to upgrade the brakes lines on my '05 Fizzer, and would like to find out which is a good kit.

On eBay, at the moment, there are HEL, Wezmoto, Goodridge, Galfer, Venhill and Cobra Performance brake lines.

Does anyone have any recommendations? (or perhaps you know of a good set, not sold on eBay?)

Any and all help appreciated.

I have the galfer lines of the front of an 09 and made a big improvement. Have heard things about the banjos rusting but have not come across this yet (would be over 12 months now). People swear by the hel lines aswell though. Can't realy go wrong with any of the big name braided lines.
I have seen that written about the Galfer banjos too - I'm actually leaning toward the Venhill or HEL lines, but just want to see any other recommendations and/or experiences.

the HEL ones come with copper and steel fittings, plus a few spares in case you mess up

they were a little bit tricky to install, trying to figure out which end to use, but work really well :)
Goodridge! The TRX has a 10 year old set on it...and they are like new!!! The FZ6 has them as well, and same, 3 years on the bike, still like new.

Both sets have stainless banjo bolts, etc....

I also have a set of Fren Turbo braided lines from the FZ6 Cup bike here, and they are nice kit too...

But for me, Goddridge is as good as it gets....they look schmick too!

Rick, the guys at Hel are pretty good, talk to Dean the numbe is on the web site, give me a hoy if you cant find it, its a bit hidden.
they have stainless banjos and they will custom make lengths if you want. delivery was real kwik and they even rang to sy the bano would not match the bolt and did I still want to go ahead. cool dudes to deal with:thumbup:
I've had Hel's on for about a year and half and they still look new. I belive you can get them in the stock (over the fender style) or two lines direct from the caliper to the MC.

I have the direct lines (easier to bleed) and they still look brand new. The rear line was a bit long (maybe an 1.25").

I had my local shop send it back and they shortened it (no charge and very quick turnaround), now it fits without a lot of extra hoop. I also had them make the fronts slightly longer (as I have risers), no extra charge and they work good...

I'm very, very happy with the performance... You could likly do a "stoppie" with the front if you wanted to now...

And as noted above, it didn't come with directions as the ends are different on the lines and it took some figuring out (just the front's) which went to the rt/lt and which was up and which way was up and down...
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Another vote for HEL. I got mine about 7 years ago or something like that. Still looks new aside from a bit dirty! No rust or corrosion at all. I would drop the coin for HEL again and will when it comes time to replace my fizzer lines.
It looks like there is a lot of good feedback on the Hel's. I will just add another brand to check out is Speigler. They are in the USA so they might have to be imported. I have them on my 08 FZ6 and find them to be great quality. They have so many different color choices. Whatever brand, make sure you get coated lines so you don't scratch the fairings.

The only drawback (depending on perspective) is that they only include one bolt for the master cylinder as they expect you to reuse the caliper bolts. I just reused all of them for a uniform look. They do have colored bolts for sale though; it depends on what colors you are looking to get if you really need matching bolts.

These are the clear (clear coating) and silver fittings. I was going to get smoked out lines and titanium fittings to make it all black, but I am glad that I got the clear as they provide a bit of interest. No reason to upgrade them just so they can look like stock colors.




What do you all think about the cheaper ebay brake lines..I cant remember the brand but I know there are some manufactured in the US. Anyone used those?

It is a Warm n' Safe Wireless heat controller. It runs my heated gear. I glued it on my WR250X, but I did want to be able to see the fluid level periodically so I just velcroed it on the FZ. The red knob is for the jacket and there is another knob right next to it that regulates a second channel which I use for gloves. Makes year round riding possible for me :thumbup:
I'm very happy with my Venhill kit. The difference between stock lines/fluid and the Venhill/Motul is night and day!
I own goodridge lines and love them. Installation was a snap and lines were cut perfectly! Besides all that good stuff they look awesome! I get lots of compliments on them. Who would of thought you'd hear nice brake lines dude!
So, basically, it's as I expected!

Apart from the allegation that the Galfer bayonets corrode (I'm pretty sure they offer zinc plated ones, as well as the stainless, which may explain this) it seems any brand-name braided lines will serve me ok.

Now, I just have to find them within budget, and get them.

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As my post states I changed the fluid at the same time I added the SS lines. However from my experience with cars (Toyota Supra backround) having high quality fluid and a proper bleed will give more results as far as lever feel is concerned.
+1 on that^^^

I did a bunch of maintenance to my bike this weekend including flushing the old brake fluid as well as replacing with a full synthetic dot4 and man what a difference, no more mush.