Bikers' Nod Types

What type of nod do you do?

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Oct 12, 2008
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Which type do you do? I just did a poll on nodding to scooters here but I also realised I see a few different types of nod around and wondered what you lot do.

Personally, I do the "rotate your head sideways" one as it's easier, you don't take your eyes off the road and it's more obvious to oncoming riders than the up/down nods.
I wave predominantly, but there should have been another option. The nod up and wave... I overdo things...;)

It's a shame you can't edit polls or I would have added that one mate. Sorry. I'd have also corrected the random spelling on the last poll I did! :)
Most motorbikers overhere put out their hand, either with two fingers or the entire hand. Except for the Harley riders, as they probably fall over if they remove their hands from the handle bars, which is the commonly accepted theory ;)

Scooter riders (also the 250+ cc ones) don't seem to greet or be greeted, as they're obviously a lower species of two wheelers :D

Some also greet when overtaking on the highway by lifting their foot of the steps, this seems to be especially common in France.

As it's winter it's the easy greeting season, I don't see much other bikers around these days :confused:
I do the "power to the people-fist in the air wave" If I stick my entire hand out the wind wants to rip me off the bike.
Most motorbikers overhere put out their hand, either with two fingers or the entire hand. Except for the Harley riders, as they probably fall over if they remove their hands from the handle bars, which is the commonly accepted theory ;)

I agree, I wave anytime it's practical and occasionally nod when my hands are busy (at trafic lights). I know in the UK everybody nods.

Scooter riders (also the 250+ cc ones) don't seem to greet or be greeted, as they're obviously a lower species of two wheelers :D
On my commute I normally see a couple of scooter riders coming the other way (The Bergman types), we always wave.

Some also greet when overtaking on the highway by lifting their foot of the steps, this seems to be especially common in France.

As it's winter it's the easy greeting season, I don't see many other bikers around these days :confused:

On my 45 minute commute (at the moment) I see a couple of scooters and a couple of bikes (always the same ones), when it warms up about every 15th vehicle is a bike :thumbup:
I stick out my left hand, unless i'm at a stop light(hand on the clutch) then I look and nod up and down. Most harley riders don't wave back, especially if they're in a group. They are douchebags is what they are.
I always wave to cops on bikes, and most of the time they wave back(especially CHP). I onced wave to a city bike cop who was hauling ass and obviously busy, but he still waved back.
I throw a peice sign low with my left hand to on comin bikers or scooters anything on two wheels.Im usually not payin attention if they wave or sign back,because im a self absorbed a$$hole!!! LMAO :rockon::rockon:
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It depends on the situation.

If I am greeting an oncoming biker or I stop next to one at a light: I nod downwards.

If I am acknowledging a motorist giving me a gap: I either wave with my left hand, or tilt my head to the right, depending which side I am passing (I'm talking lane splitting in gridlock here). If my wife is on the back she does the gap acknowledgement by waving to either side as appropriate.
I mostly wave, including a wave to the Harleys that I'm almost sure won't wave back. I keep thinking eventually they'll warm up to the rest of us.

Downward nod when hands are busy with clutch. I figure the downward nod is the evolution of cowboys tipping their hats.
I mostly wave, including a wave to the Harleys that I'm almost sure won't wave back. I keep thinking eventually they'll warm up to the rest of us.

Downward nod when hands are busy with clutch. I figure the downward nod is the evolution of cowboys tipping their hats.

I think thats about raht, paaardner! I will throw the two finger peace down and low when I can to anyone who waves at me also.:thumbup:
Downwards nod to anything on two wheels, but never expect, and rarely get, nod back from Harley riders. I've noticed that some male riders have cultivated a very sexy tip of the head, almost like a wink, that is very nice to receive, so please could you all go out and practice that??! :p
Strangly enough, I rode a Harley for the last three years and still offered the "NOD" even to fellow Harley riders.....VERY RARELY did I get any response....Maybe coz I was ONLY on a Sportster....I have to admit, I see SCOOTER riders as a different breed tho...I reckon they are DANGEROUS, and NOT a "REAL" bike....
I nod down if at a traffic light and my hand is on the clutch. Other than that I wave (usually the "hang loose" pinky and thumb wave).......just to catch people off guard.
like most in the states i will wave when practical. always low mostly 2 fingers but i may have to start the hang loose.. when busy aka stopped or hard corner i will nod.
I give everyone a peace sign above the handle bar. Around here and back home I almost always get a reply back if they're looking even from the Harley guys.
I usually wave, but when I'm using the clutch or following idiot cagers I opt for the nod.

Sometimes... I just don't want to take my hands off the handlebars since I never know what the moron in front of me is going to do. For all I know he'll see the motorcycle coming in the other lane and slam on the brakes because he doesn't know what that two wheeled contraption is. Last thing I need is to try one-handed emergency maneuvers because I was too busy waving with the other hand. :D
