Best way to lower bike for 5'7" rider?

Grey Thumper

Junior Member
Oct 29, 2008
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Hi there, new member here. This is a fantastically useful site on one of my favorite bikes.

I really love the FZ6 and am planning on getting one once I sell my current bike (BMW F650CS).

I just have a concern with seat height. I'm only 5'7" (maybe 5'8" with boots, at best).

The Beemer's seat height is 30.7" (780mm), and I can flatfoot it easily. The FZ6 is 32" (815mm), and is wider than my single cylinder bike as well.

In your opinion, am I better off with:
a.) Lowering the suspension, but losing some ground clearance
b.) A lower or shaved seat, but losing some legroom (and possibly butt comfort)
c.) Just getting used to the height (tiptoeing or flatfooting with one foot)
Welcome to the forum "kabayan" , I think the FZ6's seat height will work for you just fine (with a little of getting used to of course considering your current ride's seat height) ... I stand 5'4 BTW and all I did was to adjust the rear suspension a notch lower from the factory setting.
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no need to flatfoot a bike, I am 5'10" but cannot flatfoot, i can touch both feet and just as long as you can maintain balance at a standstill that should be fine, i would say that it is a problem if you can only touch one foot at a time.

see what it is like without changing anything and if it is still a problem then you can shave the seat without loosing much comfort if any at all if you change the material inside the seat.
"Kamusta" Belgican, that's good to know. So, you just adjusted the rear preload? Hmmm, that's not a bad tip, will play around with it once I get the bike.

It's cool that you don't feel the need to flatfoot. I find it convenient to flatfoot, but I don't know if it's a "must have" for me. I've recently been tiptoeing to see if it feels less secure, and it doesn't seem to make much of a difference.

Anyway, "ingat" Belgican, keep the rubber side down and all that.
see what it is like without changing anything and if it is still a problem then you can shave the seat without loosing much comfort if any at all if you change the material inside the seat.

Thanks reiobard. Yeah, it seems like just tiptoeing (or using balls of feet) has the fewest compromises. I should just live with the bike for a while before making any changes.
My vote says try it for a while and see what you think. There's a good chance you may find it ok. I'm 5'6" and I do not feel uncomfortable at all with the height. Every bike is different and specs really don't mean much compared to actually physically trying it. :thumbup:
I wouldn't shave the seat or adjust the suspension. I too am 5"7" and I have had no problems with the height of the bike. I would (as others have suggested) get used to the bike first and if it seems like you are not confident, then you could shave the seat (won't be as comfortable for longer rides) or adjust the suspension.
I'm 5'7" as swell, and i've not even considered trying to get lower. Sure I can't flat foot it, but I definitely am capable of touching the balls of my feet on both sides without issue. I usually suggest to anyone who can touch ground with both feet at once, at least with the balls, to not even consider lowering, because of the change in ground clearance. it's almost never necessary, unless you're like my 4'11'' tall friend who can't touch one foot, without putting her knee on the seat.
Im 5'7 and the best solution is to lower your seat. I lowered mine by shaving some of the material off, you can check it out here: lowered my stock seat -

Wow, that really looks like a nice job you did modding your stock seat!

I bought the comfort seat for $150 delivered from, but if I had seen this first, I would have tried the sandpaper.

Fine Job!:rockon:
Im 5'7 and the best solution is to lower your seat. I lowered mine by shaving some of the material off, you can check it out here: lowered my stock seat -

I saw that on Sportsbike .net and was mpressed..

It would be good if you could do a step by step with photos on both sits.

Thanks for showing my bike seat as well.

I am 5`9" tall and got the Yamaha lowered seat which is available only in Europe. It made a huge difference. It feels like my bike now.
No ore tip toes at lights and struggling, unbalanced while backing out or manoevering.

Blantonators set looks great so badger him to show you how he did it in words and photos.

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I saw that on Sportsbike .net and was mpressed..

It would be good if you could do a step by step with photos on both sits.

Thanks for showing my bike seat as well.

I am 5`9\" tall and got the Yamaha lowered seat which is available only in Europe. It made a huge difference. It feels like my bike now.
No ore tip toes at lights and struggling, unbalanced while backing out or manoevering.

Blantonators set looks great so badger him to show you how he did it in words and photos.


I didn't take any pics during the process, so i can't do a DYI with pics, but i'll see if i can whip something up.
Major thanks for the awesome responses, everyone. Yep, first thing I'll do is see if I can get used to the height before I make any changes.
Wow, that really looks like a nice job you did modding your stock seat!

I bought the comfort seat for $150 delivered from, but if I had seen this first, I would have tried the sandpaper.

Fine Job!:rockon:

You didn't like the comfort seat? Inquiring minds want to know... much more than an hour on my bike and my skinny ass starts hurtin'...

Major thanks for the awesome responses, everyone. Yep, first thing I'll do is see if I can get used to the height before I make any changes.

Now back to this, the OP - I could not agree more with the people that said you should "try it out/try to get used to it."

I'm 5'8" in my stocking feet, not particularly long-legged, and I never once felt the bike was "too tall".

Good luck with it - I think you'll get used to it just fine. :rockon:

PS - Hijack alert - anyone know of a good "comfort seat" that doesnt alter height by much - just something that would be easier on the arse?

PPS - Sorry for the hijack, OP... I should've started a new thread, and perhaps will - but I'm a bit tipsy...and lazy... keep working with that stock seat solely based on the height and how comfortable/uncomfortable you are with it.

PPPS - Again, good luck! Keep the board informed~ :thumbup:
I'm confused :confused: Why d'y'all think it's how TALL the rider is that is the relevant factor? That doesn't make sense to me.....

Surely what matters is how long the riders legs are, right?
(Yup, and stop calling me Shirley!)

IMNSHO, we should be stating our inseam measurement, not our height. Everyone is different - some tall people have long bodies and short legs and some have short bodies and long legs (and of course, some are normally proportioned). Same for short and relatively short people......

Take me for example. If I were to reply to the thread per the crowd, I'd tell you I'm 5'8" and I can easily flat foot it on my FZ6, but that wouldn't further the discussion one iota. What's remarkable is that I have a long body and short legs. My inseam is only 29" (don't get me started on how hard it is to find pants that fit..... :( ). The previous owner of my bike was about the same height as me and also had short legs (shorter than mine even!). He lowered the seat AND the suspension pre-load. That's how come I can flat foot it. Actually, it's too low for me really: my knees are too bent for comfortable riding on long trips. I may increase the suspension pre-load and try to raise the seat a little again.

So, when discussing seat height please give us your inseam measurement as well as your height/build.

Ta very much! :thumbup:


Last edit - I see that blantonator mentioned his inseam (29") on the forum - way to go - my apologies to him!
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Assuming most people of a certain height have the same inseam is a bit of a stretch - but I don't see too many people of about the same height saying that they have a serious problem - therefore, everyone can't be wrong. This assuming that others of the same height are reasonably proportioned... :rolleyes: although not all are.

The last poster makes a really good point - IF you lower the seat height, you will have more of a bend in your legs - and I for one find that the stock leg bend/foot peg position really impacts comfort. After a couple of hours I start looking for somplace else to rest my feet as a result... just somthing else to consider...
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