Bent rim...


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Mar 7, 2011
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So i walk out to do some cleaning to my bike and i come across this..first reaction was some nutbag took a crow bar and try to pry my rim open..(if you look closely you can see silver as if there was metal to metal contact)..took it down to my nearest shop and the mechanic said it was becuase i ran over a pothole... BS.. i know i didnt cause if i did i would of remembered it and i would of pulled over and inspected the bike if it was that bad and im convinced someone did it.. by the way its going to cost $200 to get it fixed..:spank::spank:
Another picture from another angle might help.....

Looking at your photo in close up, it looks like you took a serious whack on the tire, when you were leaned over. Look at the spot in line with the deepest part of the bend, inside the unworn part of your tire. The slightly whiter section that's shaped like a long oval pointing directly at the dent looks like it's from an impact.

I can't see any pry marks where the deepest part of the rim bend is.... just at the edges of the deformation where the powder coat cracked.

What is your tire pressure? If it was low, and you were leaned over when you hit a pot hole, this is the sort of thing I would expect to see. The distance to the rim is much shorter due to the side wall length.
I never bent a street bike rim before but have bent plenty of dirt bike rims. That looks like what happens when under inflated tire hits hard surface.
That's exactly what it looks like when you hit a pothole or a curb. I've seen it happen. Really sucks! Send the bill to your local government, sometimes that works here. They're responsible for potholes after all.
I did my tire pressure before the ride that day.. it was at 36psi and after the ride there was no damge after ride cause I always look over my bike and I didn't see anything..I dont have any more pics because the bike is is in the shop.. might be the same person who stole the paper towel off the gas tank when I did the gas cap mod
Pothole or road hazard damage for sure, that's not damage caused by a crowbar. There is no leverage point for the bar to cause that damage as the tire would not provide a leverage point. Road damage happens and you may not even realize it happened. Just get it fixed and move on.
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I would of beat on it with a hammer and block of wood or something...then probably went and had to buy a new rim. LOL!
Even with correct tire pressure it is easy to distort the rim by simply riding over a rock. It has happened to me twice, and it was about $100 each time to have it repaired.
If it holds air but is deformed it may randomly stop holding air.

Why risk it? That's 50% of the tires you have.

I believe it's more likely to stop holding air, after the metal has been re-bent. Aluminum is actually quite brittle. Rims are similar to levers that way. Adding more fatigue and cracking is only going to weaken the part further.