Beginning Phase 3 on my Naked Project

So did you connect the mufflers internally?

No, that's actually what has been holding the project up. I spent some time researching backpressure and kept getting conflicting information on whether it is needed or not.

So...I got off of my butt and visited a couple of local mom and pop mechanics shops (auto and motorcycle). All of the conversations pretty much provided the same information, basically that if I did not have an EGR Valve (Exhaust Gas Recirculation) then reducing the back pressure would make the engine perform better and get better gas mileage, as long as I get the engine tuned when I was done.

I asked them why there was so much missinformation about backpressure and they essentially said that the problems that people have experienced by increasing exhaust flow are often blamed on a lack of backpressure, when the real culprit is either, they did not tune the engine correctly after the modification, or they increased the size of their exhaust pipes, which reduces the exhaust gas velocity and causes positive pressure near the end of the pipes, messing up the exhaust pulses :confused:

I asked them why some people think that backpressure increases torque, they said because it does, a little bit, but it does it in the wrong way, it makes the engine work against itself.

So, I shared with them what I was planning to do and they all thought it would work just fine as long as I did not increase my exhaust diameter by more than 2.5" and got the engine tuned when I was done. I guess that means I will have to break down and buy a used PC III, anyone got one for :D
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WOW what did I miss!! LOL I wish you were'nt so far away I would help you build that Bad Boy!! I like your idea of the finished product ......keep on keeping on.... you got it whooped now,the hardest part is deciding what you want it to be!! :BLAA: :rockon: :thumbup: :thumbup:
In general, im not a fan of naked bikes, but in this case, I think it looks awesome and hope that your finished product comes out looking like what u hope!
I have not sold the other exhaust yet. Once I am satisfied with the new one, I will be selling off the first one I made (if anyone is interested) :thumbup: However at the glacial pace I move sometimes, I have no idea when the new exhaust will be done :D
I have not sold the other exhaust yet. Once I am satisfied with the new one, I will be selling off the first one I made (if anyone is interested) :thumbup: However at the glacial pace I move sometimes, I have no idea when the new exhaust will be done :D
Solid. Not worried as I just got my bike and it will be going into storage for the winter soon. But if you remember, shoot me a PM when you're ready to sell. If not, I hope I'm around to see your for sale thread whenever that happens... Thanks!