Banned from riding for a week


winter soldier
Elite Member
Oct 16, 2007
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Edison, NJ
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Well actually I could still ride if I force myself into it. Last friday after leisurely watching tv I got up to turn of the box, while my right foot was in full swing it struck the foot of the couch in what must have been a perfect angle. Of course my initial reaction was WTF, after the pain I looked below to see the second smallest toe turned outward and slightly sideways:eek:. So I said to myself "it can't be fractured, otherwise it would still hurt like a moder". I foolishly but gently shook my foot to see if things would fall back into place, but after two failed attempts I knew it must be DISLOCATED. I bent forward to grab hold of said toe, pull on it forward and twisting it inward. Then all of a sudden I felt it "click" into place, Whew... it was dislocated. Who knew?? I've stub my toe plenty of times before but never this. After some Motrin, ice and elevation followed by compression bandage I was good to go. The following morning in the ER, the xray only shows contussion since I relocated my toe back into place. Got home and the missus is happy to know that I shouldn't ride for about a week or so or at least until the swellling and pain is gone:rolleyes:. I figured she'd be pissed tomorrow morning when she hears my TwoBros when I leave early for work.:D
So has anyone else had this kind of little misfortune?

Yup. I've been sidelined from riding my bike by the doctor for dislocating both small toes... one on each foot at different times a year apart.

The culpret: my vacuum cleaner. Don't clean wearing sandles. Doctor didn't want the vibration to hinder the healing process. At least the doctor could have prescribed some riding videos to eleviate the pain.

Feel better dude! You'll be back on 2 wheels soon!

Well no wonder you dislocated your toe....the culprit looks like it's made out of steel!

Get well soon! :thumbup:
Well kind of I have. When I was 13 I was with my brother who was about 8. Any how we were walking through our yard and he was carrying a cement block and dropped it dead on his toe. The block shot his toe nail right off. Mom rushed him to the hospital. Well why she was rushing him to the hospital I went to put the block back and did the same damn thing. Nether of us had shoes on and so off my dad and I went. Still to this day my toe nail on my big toe grows two different nails side by side. They slightly touch. You still can see the seperation. :banghead:
hear is was our faces looked like more than likely.:eek:
and this was for neither of us wearing shoes. :spank: <--- That smiley is funny as hell
A tad off topic about riding, but when I was 8, (19 now) my little bro (2yo) and I sprayed pledge on the kitchen floor. I was flinging him around while he was holding onto the back of my shirt. He eventually flew off and got his arm stuck under the Fridge!! Broke both bones in his arm. Ulna and Radius maybe?
A tad off topic about riding, but when I was 8, (19 now) my little bro (2yo) and I sprayed pledge on the kitchen floor. I was flinging him around while he was holding onto the back of my shirt. He eventually flew off and got his arm stuck under the Fridge!! Broke both bones in his arm. Ulna and Radius maybe?
Yep. I'm a klutz too. Was working at the Liquor Store last year and stepped on a mat behind the counter that someone had flipped upside down (wth?!?) My foot slid out from under me and I tried to pull it back in...not a good idea, shoulda just plopped down (hindsight) I sprained my knee and couldn't hold my bike up when I came to a stop. That really sucked because it wasn't the RIDING that it was affecting, it was the STOPPING...who takes their FZ6 out for a stop?!??:(
These foot injuries suck. Two days ago all of a sudden I experience extreme pain after I walk anywhere decent. Yesterday, taking the FZ6 out after 5 days or so off-line (was on camping trip) I discover that my left foot/ankle can't do the up maneuver for the gear shift. So now, I have to force my foot/ankle somehow up for gear changes. And I didn't run into a furniture leg or anything! I'm thinking about filing a lawsuit against Yamaha (who else can I sue?).
A tad off topic about riding, but when I was 8, (19 now) my little bro (2yo) and I sprayed pledge on the kitchen floor. I was flinging him around while he was holding onto the back of my shirt. He eventually flew off and got his arm stuck under the Fridge!! Broke both bones in his arm. Ulna and Radius maybe?

Similar situation with me. I was running from my brother and he was close enough to push me. I hit the fridge hard enough to rock it back. It came forward down onto my foot. Talk about pain!
Toe injuries are the worse ones because there's nearly nothing that can be done after setting it but wait.... Vodka makes the healing process much more pleasant. ;) Heal fast and get back out there.

FWIW, I've broken one little toe a long time ago and my nose has been broke 4 times (Catcher vs. Aluminum bat, 1 bar fight and twice in boxing matches) But I got it fixed in 2005 and the fight nights are over.
Yep, broke the 2nd toe on my right foot a few months back. Since it wasn't my shifting foot that was hurt, I kept riding. Rode the bike every day like that.

That's exactly what my buddy told me. "At least it's the shifting foot, so he tried to get me out of the house riding, but my missus did not buy the story :D
Oh man, broken toes are painful! Ouch.

When I was in college I worked construction during the summers and one day I was demoing a cinder block wall with a 16lbs sledge hammer, I missed the wall and hit my big toes square from the front. I took my shoe off and the toe was bent to the right (right foot) at about a 45 degree angle. I went to the Dr a couple of days later and he looked at it and said, "Yup, you broke your toe, be careful walking." And that was that. Damn that thing hurt!

Get well soon!
Well, looks like this is morphing into a full-blown toe converstation. I had surgery for an ingrown toenail. Ever had that done? Oh, geeeez! Doc asked if I minded having interns watching and I had no problem. I also told doc no need to shield me from seeing what's going on. The frickin' needles in the toe really made some of the interns squirm. The surgery was brutal. It hurt like F days after. Advise to stay away from getting ingrown toe nail. And, forget about trying to sue Yamaha or anybody for that matter. Suck it up.