As if stretched Busa's wern't stupid enough...


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2007
Reaction score
Victoria, BC
I give you the Busa trike! Complete with spinners and tail!


Thanks, but I'd seriously rather walk than bee seen on that!
WTF is that!!!!?!?!?!?!!?!?????????!?! I mean seriously what where they thinking when they made it:spank::spank::spank:



As a kid I thought they were pretty cool, that was the 70's. As a rider I think they are an abomination in the eyes of god.
the trike is pretty lame, but the quad actually looks interesting. the quad is just a roof away from being a cager though...
You know, I was just thinking this morning - I love the spinners on my Lincoln Navigator, but I hate the claustrophobic feeling of a cabin. This is the perfect answer! It combines the bling of spinners with the free feeling of riding a motorcycle. As a bonus, you're guaranteed not to lowside :thumbup:



As a kid I thought they were pretty cool, that was the 70's. As a rider I think they are an abomination in the eyes of god.

Ok I lied because I'm a bit forgetful in my old age. There is one 'trike' I wouldn't mind having


Not mine, but it matched my jacket..
Ok I lied because I'm a bit forgetful in my old age. There is one 'trike' I wouldn't mind having


Not mine, but it matched my jacket..

Haha T-Rexs are Bad A$$ I saw one ripping up my street the other day. Think it was rented though. You can rent them through a bike and exotic car rental place here in Toronto.
I noticed both dealers in my area stopped displaying their Spyders outside which I concluded meant that they were not going to carry them much longer. Hated those things. We joked at work that if you purchased one you should get a complementary helmet and mouthguard.
Haha T-Rexs are Bad A$$ I saw one ripping up my street the other day. Think it was rented though. You can rent them through a bike and exotic car rental place here in Toronto.

Yea, that one is all sorts of modded. We hung around for a while hoping to talk to the guy who owned it but he never showed up. Took me forever to find the aftermarket maker, Aero.

The basic price for a 2009 T-REX start at $51,995.usd plus shipping and for a T-REX AERO 3S turn key, the price start at $67,995.usd plus shipping.
Too much for my bank account.
IMO, buying a 'Busa just says "I don't know what kind of bike to buy... That one looks fast, I'll take it!". The trike, quad and *ahem* "Tripl3 Threat" just put the icing on the cake regarding that stupidity...
The funny (sad) thing about 'custom & stretched Busa's' is that there are now a dime a dozen and so common place that they are not realy custom anymore. It's turned into a sad joke, one that custom Busa owners don't seem to get...and that's what makes it funny!

Look like :squid:, act like :squid: