Arthritis anyone?


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Jul 8, 2007
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Richmond, BC, Canada
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I was recently diagnosed with severe Osteo-Arthritis in my lower back, which hurts a bit, but doesn't (yet) interfere with my riding too much. I'm taking anti-inflammatory tablets for it, but I find that I'm as sharp as a marble after taking them...not good for riding.
What is a good pain medication for arthritis that doesn't dull the senses?
I have arthritis in both hands, knees and my left shoulder. too many years pretending I was invincible on dirtbikes, as well as turning a wrench for over 10 years. somedays are worse then others. I'm just like an old car on the bad days, gotta warm up a bit before I can go anywhere. I've taken asprin and use icey hot when it gets really bad.
As one who is undergoing a fare bit of joint pain, try icing it at night, this should reduce the inflammation. Over the counter anti inflammatories do work you just gotta take a lot of them. When I am hurting and need to be clear headed I take up to 1200 mg of ibuprofen, a bit hard on the stomach and kidneys, but it does work.

Stretch, before you use anything, my tendons are inflamed and stretching seems to help, especially in my wrists and ankles.

Have you tried chondritin? This is supposed to help the joints and hold the arthritis off.

Another thing that can help is working out, the stronger your muscles are the more your body will strengthen your joints and help with the padding. Plus all the other health benefits.

I hope at least some of this helps. A lot of these methods are long term, you won't see immediate results. Well, the Advil will help right away. Of course check with your doctor about the advil thing, it may react with your prescription stuff and make things worse.

If it is your lower back, have you tried seeing a neurologist? I had lower back pain and my GP thought it was a pinched nerve or sciatica, turns out I had a vein burst inside my spine that did a bunch nerve damage. I ended up having to relearn how to walk because my GP didn't know what he was looking at. It took being operated on by a neurosurgeon to get fixed up, though the nerve damage was permanent, it just won't get any worse.

Always ask for a second opinion.

Good Luck, hope you get things figured out:thumbup:
maybe they have a anti inflamatory that would not take your sharpness away... I would ask

To be more accurate, the anti-inflammatory that I'm taking affects my coordination more than anything else....I don't feel that it's slowing me down mentally, I just feel that everything's 'not quite right'. I don't notice it at all normally, but when I'm on my's noticeable alright.
I'll ask my doc if there's an alternative.
I have arthritis in both hands, knees and my left shoulder. too many years pretending I was invincible on dirtbikes, as well as turning a wrench for over 10 years. somedays are worse then others. I'm just like an old car on the bad days, gotta warm up a bit before I can go anywhere. I've taken asprin and use icey hot when it gets really bad.

Same here...all the falling off bikes, rugby matches, brawling, "Hey! Watch this" episodes, and 25 years of working as an auto mechanic are all coming back to haunt me big time.
I'm pretty much doing what you're doing for the aches and pains at the moment.
As one who is undergoing a fare bit of joint pain, try icing it at night, this should reduce the inflammation. Over the counter anti inflammatories do work you just gotta take a lot of them. When I am hurting and need to be clear headed I take up to 1200 mg of ibuprofen, a bit hard on the stomach and kidneys, but it does work.

Stretch, before you use anything, my tendons are inflamed and stretching seems to help, especially in my wrists and ankles.

Have you tried chondritin? This is supposed to help the joints and hold the arthritis off.

Another thing that can help is working out, the stronger your muscles are the more your body will strengthen your joints and help with the padding. Plus all the other health benefits.

I hope at least some of this helps. A lot of these methods are long term, you won't see immediate results. Well, the Advil will help right away. Of course check with your doctor about the advil thing, it may react with your prescription stuff and make things worse.

If it is your lower back, have you tried seeing a neurologist? I had lower back pain and my GP thought it was a pinched nerve or sciatica, turns out I had a vein burst inside my spine that did a bunch nerve damage. I ended up having to relearn how to walk because my GP didn't know what he was looking at. It took being operated on by a neurosurgeon to get fixed up, though the nerve damage was permanent, it just won't get any worse.

Always ask for a second opinion.

Good Luck, hope you get things figured out:thumbup:

Doh! I'm putting heat on my back at night...are you saying I should be puting ICE on my lower back?
I'm going for an MRI next month, along with a chat with a surgeon to determine what's going on in my lower back (I'll count that as a second opinion... ;).) We do have arthritis in our family....I thought I was the only one who would get away with it.
Guess not. :(
The "up" side is that when I'm riding, I'm virtually pain-free.
Maybe it's the rose-tinted visor. :Sport:
To be more accurate, the anti-inflammatory that I'm taking affects my coordination more than anything else....I don't feel that it's slowing me down mentally, I just feel that everything's 'not quite right'. I don't notice it at all normally, but when I'm on my's noticeable alright.
I'll ask my doc if there's an alternative.
What is the generic name of the drug you are taking? There has already ben some good stuff mentioned. The best of which is that your not alone in your suffering? NSAID don't normally cause these type of issues. There is some good advice here. Core muscle exercises may help. Unfortunately as Danny has said its wear and tear (sometimes chronic and genetic). 1200mg of brufen is a shed load. As stated its hard on the gut and the kidneys. I don't know your age but the gut issue can trebble by the time you in your 60's. Im not saying trailblazer is wrong as it works for him. Doses on drugs are there for a reason. Explore as many avenues as you can first. You may have a hidden pathology that can be fixed. There are some really simple things that can be done if it is good old wear and tear. These are generic and are not aimed directly at you. Loss weight. Less axial load on you skeletal muscles reduces the work joints need to do, stop smoking, Improved circulatory blood supply reduces inflamatory periods and speeds healing. Change your mind set if it can't be fixed. Its your body your problem. work with it and learn whats best for you. I dont mean to rant, so sorry. I truely hope you can get some resolution with this. Good luck Neil.
PS. I do know where your comming from. I have fractured 16 bones in my 37 years ans some times I feel like my grandad could beat me in a foot race.
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Quinine is a very good anti-inflamatory. Commonly found in Indian tonic water, which tastes awful neat. The only solution is to mix it in equal proportions with Gordon's London gin, ice & a slice. Drink as required until all pain drifts away. (Don't ride after this therapy) :thumbup: