Armor All, Plexus, or Pledge for the Plastics and Occasional Polishing?


Junior Member
Jul 18, 2009
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Fort Worth, TX
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Trying to nail down a cleaning routine. Got kerosene for chain and wheels, greasy parts. What do you like for windshield, black plastic parts, seat etc. to maintain them clean and original color? Have Plexus for screen already. Hear good things about Pledge for plastics and even painted surface polishing as long as no dirt/grit present to smear around. Armor All pros/cons?

Dunno if it's available in Tex-ass, but I got Opti-Coat paint protection on my paint/plastics for $100.

NEVER have to polish again, and it always looks ;just polished'!


Also got some vinyl protection for the seat, so everything is UV stabilised and protected. (I use degreaser on a rag for my wheels, and wash off)

Plexus on the clear plastic, and just Turtle Wax on the paint.
I'm not a fan of Armor All anymore; it looks great for half a day, then starts looking splotchy. :thumbdown:
I use Plexus on the windshield and headlights. I use Maguiers ultimate quick detailer on the painted parts. For the greasy stuff I put WD-40 on a rag.
I use Plexus on the windshield and headlights. I use Maguiers ultimate quick detailer on the painted parts. For the greasy stuff I put WD-40 on a rag.

+1 plus Lexol to keep my Corbin fed !! If I don't treat it at least once a month it gets a little slick.
I used to use Meguires, and dutifully polished every week - then I bought a new car and got Opti-Coat and saw how it ALWAYS maintained that 'just polished' look and I didn't have to do anything, except wash it with water occasionally.

Made it an easy decision for me!

i've waxed mine once, with plain old turtle wax.

for the screen i use rain-x.

wheels = wd40

think i have some carnuba wax somewhere, maybe the turtle wax was. dunno, but man does it smell nice after a waxing ! like panties peeled off a hot ass nice. oh, wait.
i just do a total wax every year before and after the season. (steps 2 & 3 for maguiar's). theres not much on the bike to wax so its not a big deal to me.

but Pledge has a wax base which is why i was told not to use it to polish my guitar. and i use Motul chain cleaner on the greasy bits. but thats because i have about 30 half used cans from when i was riding dirt every weekend.
Guitars are wood, FZ6 parts are plastic. Completely different examples. Pledge works great on plastic. Cleans, shines, and is a dust deterrant.
i just do a total wax every year before and after the season. (steps 2 & 3 for maguiar's). theres not much on the bike to wax so its not a big deal to me.

but Pledge has a wax base which is why i was told not to use it to polish my guitar. and i use Motul chain cleaner on the greasy bits. but thats because i have about 30 half used cans from when i was riding dirt every weekend.

Guitars are wood, FZ6 parts are plastic. Completely different examples. Pledge works great on plastic. Cleans, shines, and is a dust deterrant.

A. Not all guitars are wood. B. From my interpretation, he was comparing to how wax works well and he imagines Pledge would too since is has a wax base. Only mentioning the guitar to note how he found out Pledge has a wax base. Hope that clears it up and Sweater Dude please feel free to correct me if I am wrong.
Mr Sheen. On everything not metal or rubber. Great for helmets and visors too.