Anyone sharing my shame?

104 yesterday, 98 today, still riding and in full gear for my commute to work. y'all are wussies ... :Flip:

Seriously, motorcycling is supposed to be fun, so if it isn't because of extreme heat, cold, or rain, then go ahead and take the cage. This ain't some BS macho contest ...

It is well into the 90's here in MA this week. Peaked above 100 yesterday. Just can't bring myself to put a jacket on so I've been taking the air conditioned cage to work. :(

If we didn't ride in 35'C (95F) plus in the summer in Perth, we'd never ride!

Toughen up, Princess LOL

In summer, I wear my perforated leather jacket (Teknic Chicane) or my AGV mesh jacket, Alpinestars shorty gloves - octane, Draggin jeans, Berik GPX boots and full face helmet. It only gets hot when you sit at traffic lights, and that's not for long:D
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It's been between 101 and 104 the past three days and mid 80's at night here in PA. I road in it but the humidity has been low so it was uncomfortable but I wasn't miserable and drenched in sweat.
Ha I thought by the subject and first few words of your post, you were going to say you were riding without a jacket on because it was too hot :).

Yes you're soft! I've ridden in 45C (113F) all day (New Year's Day about 4 years ago)! When I stopped, I downed a 2 litre carton of juice (1/2 gallon). Hehe. Having said that, it was an organised trip. I certainly wouldn't have commuted in that heat :)

If we didn't ride in 35'C (95F) plus in the summer in Perth, we'd never ride!

Toughen up, Princess LOL

In summer, I wear my perforated leather jacket (Teknic Chicane) or my AGV mesh jacket, Alpinestars shorty gloves - octane, Draggin jeans, Berik GPX boots and full face helmet. It only gets hot when you sit at traffic lights, and that's not for long:D

Traffic light? What the hell is a traffic light? Is that an Aussie thing like Vegemite? lol
We're so damn far back in the woods they don't exist for us! I can ride out the door and put on a 100 miles and never see one. Just sayin'. That's a good thing.
Traffic light? What the hell is a traffic light? Is that an Aussie thing like Vegemite? lol

Hehe yes it's an Aussie thing. They're lights that turn on when there's traffic about just to let you know. There's also Speed Humps here as well, for when there's just no time for romance :)
The AC in my car doesn't work and I am too cheap to have it fixed :D But I ride only at night anyway (during the weekdays that is) so I've got nothing to brag about I guess :) I just came back from my usual ride around quabbin and I've gotta say that the temperature at night is PERFECT for riding (especially in the more elevated areas).
I am defiantly not an ATGATT type of person :spank:, so it is never too hot for a ride. My gear consist of jeans (gasp…regular of course, not those fancy $200 motorcycle ones), boots (again, regular everyday boots), and a full face helmet. When I pass people who are riding in all the gear, I always think to myself why not just drive a car.

You don't have to have all the gear but a jacket wouldn't hurt ya!!! Personally, I value my skin and life too much not to go ATGATT. Dress for the crash not for the ride
I am defiantly not an ATGATT type of person :spank:, so it is never too hot for a ride. My gear consist of jeans (gasp…regular of course, not those fancy $200 motorcycle ones), boots (again, regular everyday boots), and a full face helmet. When I pass people who are riding in all the gear, I always think to myself why not just drive a car.
Years ago, when my husband took his test, he was told a horror story of a guy not wearing a jacket etc.

It was at least 100'F day, fell off at low speed and knocked himself out. By the time someone stopped to help him, he had been unconscious for a few minutes. His skin stuck to the hot tarmac and you can imagine the rest.

I know the tarmac can melt. We've parked our bikes on a hot day, returned an hour later to find the stands sinking into the tarmac.

All The Gear All The Time

Like Chaskell said, dress for the crash, not the ride.

If we didn't ride in 35'C (95F) plus in the summer in Perth, we'd never ride!

Toughen up, Princess LOL

In summer, I wear my perforated leather jacket (Teknic Chicane) or my AGV mesh jacket, Alpinestars shorty gloves - octane, Draggin jeans, Berik GPX boots and full face helmet. It only gets hot when you sit at traffic lights, and that's not for long:D

Today I rode :) temps were down enough last night to get a good nights sleep so I wasn't nearly as hazy in the morning.

On the Princess side of things, I used to live in Florida. Moved there from MA when I was 24ish. When I first moved down, I would laugh at the people that would pull out the winter jackets when the temps hit 60*F (15*C). three years later, I I caught myself grabbing a jacket when the temps hit 60*F. Not a winter jacket but a jacket none the less. :) It is all what you are used to I guess. In a land were it is above 85*F most of the time, 60* feels damn chilly. Here we see @ 75*-80* most of the summer. 100*F was a killer.
100F is hot here or anywhere!!!!!! but some people get to tolerate different ranges of temperature once you have been exposed to them for many years

I do alternate between the car and the bike.
I do not have rain gear, so, the rain (or things I need to carry back and forth from work) mostly dictates if I take the bike or the car. I do not mind getting wet if I'm riding, but spending the whole day with wet clothes at work is not something I look for. Also, summer rain here is downpour and lots of Lightning.

I do have a mesh jacket which is the one I use all the time, when temperatures start dropping (around November!!!!!!) then I use the jacket's liner.

Of course, if I'm riding the bike during the day, I expect to get soaked in sweat !!!!! Either way, it will be a similar consequence to having a long parking lot walk
My current job finds me working outside anyway. So on a hot day it's just a matter of starting my sweat 30 minutes earlier. Nothing better at the end of the day than to strip to my undershirt, throw on the mesh jacket and let the air give me a good chill. :D

Unless I wake up late, I gear up and take the bike. We'll see how I do this winter :)
I know I'll probably get flamed and it's stupid, but I don't wear any gear during the day. I'm in Florida and the last time I wore full gear on a ride of decent length, I almost passed out due to heat exhaustion, even though I was trying to keep fluids in me.

I ride on roads I've been on for the past 15 years of my life and it takes me about 10 minutes to get to work. I know it's all the gear all the time and you should always suit up even if you're going literally down the road, but it's just so ****ty, plus I can't show up to work and be dripping with sweat everywhere.

If I'm riding further than that I will wear jacket/jeans/gloves and take the liner out, but as absolutely irresponsible and stupid as it is, it's just jeans/shoes/shirt/helmet to work. Sorry guys, hopefully I wont be posting here in a month saying I ripped my arm off and have only two toes left or something.
Damn what you girls need is 4 months of below zero winter, after that rain who cares, warm so what get mesh. cause it'll take 3-4 months to scratch that itch to ride after the ice leaves the roads;)