Anybody else on the forum taking Grad classes?

I'm not but my wife is. And.... I'm pi$$ed about it too! In order to advance herself at work, she is "required to have a Masters in Accounting... yet, her boss and her bosses boss don't have theirs! She has a Bachelors in Accounting as well as her MBA, and an Associates in Psychology, so three fricken' degrees and more qualifications than the two knuckle heads above her and SHE has to go back and get ANOTHER Masters? Granted, they are paying for the courses, but not the books. She's doing it all online and will have it done in 17 months! She's got a 3.93 GPA thus far...

Me? I never attended college. They didn't teach computers when I started teaching myself and what they were teaching was punch cards! I stayed ahead of the colleges and learned all current technology on my own. It's worked... I make more than my wife and her degrees but I HOPE she moves up faster now and makes more than me sooner than later. I want to retire early and RIDE all day!
second year master's in landscape architecture at Clemson university here... and yes i spend way to much time on this forum... mostly during studio hours... :thumbup:
keep up the good work...My mother died from breast cancer...

O my, I'm very sorry to hear that Jadon. Its much too common these days, my own mother had it and the majority of people I work with have mothers affected by it.

Reading through this thread, I really would give up everything in an instant if I was given the opportunity to do Medicine. That is my one true love.
Well I'm a second year doctorate student doing breast cancer research! :) That is as much of a nerd as I can be!! :)

That's good to hear. My wife is a Radiation Therapist.........dealing with cancer is not easy to do.

Finished my BSc (hons) in critical care January 2008. I got my certificate this week.
I did this whilst working full time, I am not complaining though as my employer paid all of the costs including books. In addition they also gave me paid study leave.

I am debating the idea of doing a masters in education?

Good luck to all of you who have started and who are nearly there.
