Any Tips For Winter Storage?

Thanks for mouse tips! We didn't ride the scoot very much this year and as I was winterizing it this weekend, I found a couple of peanuts stashed here and there. Didn't find any nests, but I'll be sure to buy some mouse poison and place it by the scoot and FZ6.

btw, I use stabilizer as well, battery tender (in the bike, put the charging cables on the battery), wash and wax and cover her up until next spring. :(

i hate winter!
If you store it where mice are a problem a few traps around the bike or some mouse poison is a good idea so you won't find a mouse nest in your air box :eek:

Be sure to use a fuel stabilizer in a FULL tank of gas that's for an ethonal blend if that's what they sell in your area.

+ 1 on stabil, run it long enough to make it into the injectors!
+ 1 on mice traps; Laundry sheets shoved into the intimate places can't hurt either. Like into the air box inlet. Also a couple bags of dehumidifiers under the covers is not a bad idea if temp and humidity swing often.

Fresh oil is a must as combustion acids are present in oil and can etch bearing surfaces and actually corrode iron surfaces. I've seen it eat the oil sump out of engines stored for years, took the oil pump screen right out. If your engine is tired, runs RICH, and the OCI is due, do it!

Clean the bugs off the fork stanchion tubes and lightly apply a thin wipe of 30wt oil. Acids in bugs can etch the tubes and later tear up the oil seals.

Me, I pulled the battery and sat it inside last year. Voltage in Nov was 12.99V, voltage when installed in Feb 2012 was 12.91V. No tender, no charging and it fired right up.

Don't forget to clean and treat your leathers! Don't want mildew taking over if your last ride was a wet one!
+ 1 on stabil, run it long enough to make it into the injectors!
+ 1 on mice traps; Laundry sheets shoved into the intimate places can't hurt either. Like into the air box inlet. Also a couple bags of dehumidifiers under the covers is not a bad idea if temp and humidity swing often.

Fresh oil is a must as combustion acids are present in oil and can etch bearing surfaces and actually corrode iron surfaces. I've seen it eat the oil sump out of engines stored for years, took the oil pump screen right out. If your engine is tired, runs RICH, and the OCI is due, do it!

Clean the bugs off the fork stanchion tubes and lightly apply a thin wipe of 30wt oil. Acids in bugs can etch the tubes and later tear up the oil seals.

Me, I pulled the battery and sat it inside last year. Voltage in Nov was 12.99V, voltage when installed in Feb 2012 was 12.91V. No tender, no charging and it fired right up.

Don't forget to clean and treat your leathers! Don't want mildew taking over if your last ride was a wet one!

Great advice i might go out and get some petrol now!
Keeping it short and sweet, you guys/girls got any tips for winter storage? i havent got a battery charger yet so i couldnt keep it on a drip charge

when it's bearable out. start it up and go for a quick ride. a running bike is a happy bike.

anf the stabilizer, battery tender, definitely WAX HER (after wash of course), and keep her covered.