Another new guy


Junior Member
May 20, 2009
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No. Colorado
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Hey there - just picked up an 07 FZ6 last night. New to motorcycling and loving it so far. This place seems like a wealth of knowledge so I'm sure you'll be reading a ton of questions out of me. Thanks for having me.
Welcome aboard and good luck with the new bike. As a new rider, enjoy, but take it easy, ride at your own pace, don't let your friends get you in over your head. Anything you could need to know will be answered here:thumbup:
Thanks for the welcomes, guys. The more I looked, the more I had to get the red. But it's not unbelievably fast with me on it. At least not yet.
:welcome: I've had a 2006 FZ6 for about a year now, and ironically I just picked up a 2007 FZ6 last night too. Great choice on the bike!

Make sure to use the "search" function at the top, most topics you'll run into have probably been discussed already. And yes, as you said, this place is a wealth of knowledge.

Everyone here is very helpful and friendly... as long as you don't ask what oil to use or anything like that lol j/k, it's been discussed like 100 times. :D

Some Words of Wisdom

Take the MSF course
Read and learn (this site has OUTSTANDING INFO)
Get advice from experienced riders
Practice, practice, practice
Ride like no one else is looking out for you, cause there're not.
Beware of being over confident after a few hundred or thousand miles.
Slow is smooth and soon smooth will become fast
You never stop learning
Safety is paramount
See and Be Seen

Thanks again for the welcomes, everybody. I did take the MSF course here about a month ago and have been shopping since then. Now shopping for insurance and getting ready to jump into undoing the previous owner's fender elimination kit. It looks good, don't get me wrong. I'd just feel a bit more comfortable having the big stock turn signals. These little LEDs seem useless. Any advice/tips on this project would be welcomed!
See ya!:rockon:
First welcome aboard :welcome:

I don't know if the FE on your bike will permit this but my FE was made to use the OEM signals. I like that visibility but I like not having that giagundus mud flap that came from the factory even more :D
Hey, if you are looking to undo the kit, I have my stock fender laying around if you want it. I think one of the signals might be busted (at the base, not good) but pay shipping and it's yours.