American Chopper Series - OCC


Junior Member
Apr 19, 2008
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London, UK [Berks]
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I used to enjoy watching the first few series of American Chopper when OCC were still in their small workshop - albeit way too commercial now, and in their last series...

I would find small tips on 'how-to' do stuff whilst watching OCC fabricate custom bikes, which kinda helped my understanding on bikes [slightly :rolleyes:]. I find watching others do something, then reading about it afterwards an easier approach :ban:

Did anyone else watch AC - I may be on my own on this one, when it comes to American


i very much liked it. it helped start me on the road to understanding some things about bikes. and it helped pave the way for my wife to understand that i did like motorcycles and prep her for me to start riding. i also really liked to see what they would come up with and some of the skills many of those guys have/had.
Jesse James had a similar show about him building choppers, and he had some really good clips in it of him doing custom work. I don't know the name of the show.

I've watched a few of the OCC shows and I like them. I haven't seen anything on AC.

I also agree with Jesse's way of thinking when it comes to a chopper, if it doesn't make it go fast or stop it's not needed.
Yay - i was not on my own after all :)

Sorry Wh0M3 I abbreviated American Chopper to AC, sorry for the confusion...:spank:

OCC did make some nice bikes IMO... although there were other shops doing similar work, but just not on telly.

One of OCC's choppers i liked was The McCuff Bike...

and another - OCC's Intel bike...

OCC's Fire bike, in memory of 9/11's firefighters was a nice machine too...

I did like Vinnie at OCC, that man had some raw talent yo...

Sweeeet - I feel better now that there were some watchers from here.
I reckon i have seen just about every episode, and i dont even like choppers!

Some of their idea's re bikes are at direct odd's with my thinking, but then Choppers are built to different rules i suppose...

Bit sad to see the show go the way it has recently, with the whole family in chaos, and the business not really going so well, due to the GFC...

OCC expanded at exactly the wrong time in terms of the economy...

Plus the show was never the same, once they were more interested in money, rather than the personalities, hence Vinnie leaving, Mikey going A wall, Junior turning into a total prat, and Senior losing his way, concentrating on the almighty dollar...

sorta glad the show is ending now...
Yup - ya summed it right up to a tee wolfman... Guess that's prolly why the Discovery Channel is not filming anymore series.

American Chopper used to be really good [T.L.C. days..?]...
