Am I crazy?


Mar 25, 2012
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St. Louis, MO
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So I've been riding pretty much non stop since I got my bike in April. I've probably been in my car only 10 times since then. After about a month or so of not being in my car, I needed it to run some errands and pick up big items. Driving my car just feels weird now. I literally feel like I'm driving a big slow dog cage, and I honestly feel like I'm more safe on the bike. So my girlfriend thinks I'm I'm so not looking forward to winter. I'm going to miss my bike when it's freezing out!
No, you're not crazy, same thing happened with me last year. I'd been without a bike for about 12 years before I got this one. When I bought it May of last year, you almost couldn't get me off of it. After getting used to riding again, the car feels bulky and inefficient, not to mention constraining (like a cage). I still love my car - the A/C is nice and being able to listen to music and not getting wet is also great, but the bike is my first choice for transportation if I'm by myself.
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I've seriously considered getting a dual sport or another set of wheels with offroad or winter tires for when things get a bit icy. Cars are so inefficient.
Same here, as long as its not raining when im ready to head to work I'm riding, even if I know it's supposed to rain later on in the day. As for the winter, get some heated gear, I still rode everyday during the winter. The coldest I remember was 12* on a streetfighter! But with the gerbings I never even got a chill until I unplugged. I'm sure your winters are worse then ours are down here around Atlanta but with the right gear I'm sure you'll be fine.
I ride my bike every day to and from work which turns out to around 70 miles of riding daily. I rarely drive the car anymore, but when I do, it sometimes does feel a little awkward and takes me a few to regain my bearings.

You are def not crazy..
biggest thing for me after being on the bike for a few days then jumping in the car, is going to pass someone then realizing "oh man, this is going to take a while".
Yeah you are not crazy. When I first got my car (right before winter in the snow belt) I thought she was zippy, and I drove it like an *******. I love my awd in the winter though. But after riding all summer, I drive the cage a lot nicer. Just not as fun. I don't even pass on the way to work anymore, it's way more dangerous, takes to long. Why can't everything with four cylinders be as fun as the bike? I need forced induction!
No not crazy. On the same boat with you. I've been commuting roughly 60 miles a day on the bike. Every time I get back in the car, it's like a vehicle I'm strangely familiar with. Commuting has actually become fun. I just recently made a few suttle changes(changed tires and changed windscreen from Puig to a smaller MRA) to the bike and what a difference. Cant wait for the next jump to suspension or exhaust.....:thumbup:
Nope, not crazy.

I had to drive one of these yesterday, and it felt hyooooge:

Yup your crazy.

I ride every day and driving the cage does feel weird. Have trouble slapping the door trying to wave to other bikes. It doesn't stop like the bike and I miss the ability to get out of tight spots with just a twist of the wrist. What is really a shock is to go from the bike to my wife's Smart car!!!
I wish I could ride in more to work than once a week, but it takes longer to put on my gear than driving in the ten minutes. The traffic is also a factor, on the way in about a near miss everyday in the cage people just drive like **** in the district (DC).
Sounds like an upcoming addiction. YOU MIGHT NEED COUNSELING! :eek:I recommend you contact Dr. Phil and get on his show. Maybe, he can figure it out. :Flash:

yOUR COMPLETLY out of controL MAN !! oh wait a minute say's here you like your bike better than your cage........................... well maybe you are not Crazy ..... maybe everyone without a Bike IS!!! ewww I just scared myself.... :BLAA: :rockon: :rockon:
Same here, as long as its not raining when im ready to head to work I'm riding, even if I know it's supposed to rain later on in the day. As for the winter, get some heated gear, I still rode everyday during the winter. The coldest I remember was 12* on a streetfighter! But with the gerbings I never even got a chill until I unplugged. I'm sure your winters are worse then ours are down here around Atlanta but with the right gear I'm sure you'll be fine.

After reading this ^, we might be related!

I think I'd even leave in the rain headed to work if I had an attached garage. I cant bring myself to; walk out, open the door, get on the FZ, back it out, get off, close the door, get back on, all in the rain. If I could get on the bike and ride out Indiana Jones style as the door closed behind me, I'd do it!

I have the FirstGear heated pants & jacket liner and gloves. Due to the high wattage they draw I unplug them about 3-5 miles before I get where I'm going. It gets cold real quick LOL!

Yeah, the car feels huge and under-powered after a few MC exclusive days.