Am i alone on this?

Do you like Streched bikes?

  • Yes i love them to death

    Votes: 3 2.4%
  • No i think they are stupid

    Votes: 123 97.6%

  • Total voters
I like all types of different things whether they be dumb or not I don't spend my money on it if we all drove the same car I'd die, the freedom to do all that dumb stuffs make you like your stuff so much.

But it has to be done right if i see home fab and look at a weld that's surface only with it grinned smooth to look good I kind of scratch my head and wonder what else did this guy touch. Should I tell him? But diversity is what gives you all the things you love.
I like all types of different things whether they be dumb or not I don't spend my money on it if we all drove the same car I'd die, the freedom to do all that dumb stuffs make you like your stuff so much.

But it has to be done right if i see home fab and look at a weld that's surface only with it grinned smooth to look good I kind of scratch my head and wonder what else did this guy touch. Should I tell him? But diversity is what gives you all the things you love.

This is Truth
Definitely a lot of prejudices in the motorcycling world. Not much different from anything else in life. Everyone thinks they are better than everyone else.
Extended swingarm bikes are usually ridden by squids in shorts, tank tops and maybe a helmet. Not all, most. Yes, I'm better than a squid. And more smarter.
Should only be used by a serious dragster. Cool story bro, now do a circle in a parking lot.

Blah blah blah. Extended swingarms a worthless on the street. Blah blah blah il die alone with no friends. And I highly doubt most people riding around town on a stretched gsxr 600 has 2 bikes because if they knew any better they wouldn't ride an inconvenance down the road. Tie a garbage can or a dog house (with dog) down the street and I would imagine that is how the ride is like..

If I see stretched or extended. Il pass.. No more fun.
Caveat time - If 1/4 mile is your thing and ya wanna drive it around town . .. :rockon: I can respect "run what ya brung for realsies" open night at the local strip type guys. I have a 1/8th mile strip less than 16 miles from me as the crow flies (from front door to Christmas lights). I'd like to pretend that most of the guys I see on the interstate riding stretched and slammed GSXNinjacanes are really just streeting their drag toys. That'd be cool. I can't even condemn them for running 95 in a 70 when the traffic is sparse, by contrast to the recent sighting of repainted garbage-rockets I saw popping wheelies and passing between cars (which were side by side) in heavy (rush hour) traffic, slowing down "rolling block" fashion the cars they'd just buzzed and then wagging their tails as they all but stoppied on the bumpers of the next nearest traffic. For the most part, the stretched folks seem content to either pose along or keep it on a strip. I haven't seen nearly as much squid-ish-ness from them as I have the generic local squid. So. . .. not defending their style sense in any way, the stretchy folk seem pretty harmless albeit ugly. More typical squid is what gets our local PD's looking to score more bike tickets :(
Am i alone on this? I hate the look of streched bikes. I dont know what it is i just think they look stupid, unless it is some sort of drag bike.

I get it. People like to customize their stuff. Putting a chopper front on a Ducati would never work. So they stretch the back end out a bit. I've seen bikes done 'well' and as works of sculpture, they look ok. But I tend to hate the damn things. I want a bike that is ride-able. I can't stand the bikes with 18" wide rear wheels either, I can't see how you could ever get one to track properly through a corner at speed.