Alternative way to move FZ6


Junior Member
Mar 9, 2008
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Oakville, ON, Canada
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Hi everybody,

Maybe you remember, maybe not but last year in Fall I described moving a FZ6 to Sarasota, Florida. Now it came up time to bring baby back to Toronto. Snow is gone and riding season is (almost) every day.

Since I don't have trailer or pickup Honda Odyssey serves as transportation vehicle for 2400 km (1500 miles) trip. I got myself foldable ramp in Home Depot and to roll FZ6 into the van I have to do following:

1. Remove fairing (2 bolts in the middle, 2 allen key screws on the LH/RH lower sides)
2. Unplug 2 connectors on the left side of fairing. For one you have to push the release notch, for other one pull it
3. Release two bolts holding handle bars and swing them lower to prevent brake fluid reservoir to hit the roof while pushing it inside
4. Don't forget to tie down ramp so it doesn't slip backwards
5. Push the bike in. I am very proud of this phase, did it all by myself by running the bike up the ramp (walking) otherwise I wouldn't have enough power or weight to push it over the edge
6. I used 6 nylon straps to strap the bike to seats anchors on the floor.

That's it! After "only" 23 hours of relentless driving here we are in front of the house in Toronto.
Take a look at the pictures. From distance and load of crap that I had to fit into the van FZ6 is barely visible inside. Still everything fit, even 2 middle seats I had to remove (rear seat bench sinks into the floor).

In October when weather in Canada turns to crapola I'll do the same thing again and move it to FL. Motorcycle riding season is every day there! Lucky them.

P.S. Sorry that pictures are not in the text. i still don't know how to do it.
As I discovered this week, removing and refitting the fairing is a ten minute job so it's not a major pain if you have to do that. looks like a tight fit though!
What you need to do now is get a sunroof in your wagon, and link up all the controls from the bike to the car, so you can ride the 'Bikar' with your head out the sunroof.
It would be a very small investment for one of those small trailers to haul it with. Looks like one would save you a ton of hassle.

He'd have to get a hitch on the van as well. Would cost more, but save hastle. Granted, it's a lot nicer traveling without a trailer.
OP, why do you move back and forth like that?

Simple reason, not easy solution. We live in Toronto and also have townhouse condo in Sarasota, FL. So when weather goes bad here it is like that for 6 months at least bike goes to Florida.
Then in May we move it back to Toronto. During winter months we go to FL every 2 months or less and enjoy rides there.
I know about trailers. I was also thinking about renting U-HAUL full size van but it would cost about 1600 bucks, crazy ha?!

Something else in regards to the trailers. You would not believe how many cars with trailers I see during that 1500 miles drive. They are stopped on the shoulder with flat tire or tire gone completely or you see just a trailer on the piece of wood or rock on one side, wheel gone for repairs.

Why is that I don't get it. Even bigger trailers with 2 axels (4 wheels) have blown tires. It must be that they put **** tires on the trailers. There can't be other explanation. Maybe they badly overload them, but it doesn't look like that. Also, small lighter ones tend to bounce on the road a lot.

My FZ6 got king's treatment riding in the Odyssey. It takes literally 10 minutes to prep it for trip. 2 minutes to push it up and 10 minutes to strap it down.

Before I shared this bike with my son but he purchased GSXR750 and is all happy proud owner of his new wheels.
Most people don't realize a trailer really needs new tires every 4-5 years.
I pull a 30' camper all over the country and have yet to have problems. 4 new tires every 5 years is a small price to pay to avoid problems in my opinion.
At my work they would call this a shining example of "creativity before capital".

Nicely done, I would personally choose your way over a trailer any day. I've towed trailers for thousands of miles and been pretty fortunate to have only had a couple of tire incidents. Funny thing is, when your not having a problem, you are worrying about having one. I'd bet you had no worries with your FZ tucked safely in the mini van :Flash:
Here in San diego they steal vans and then pack one or two stolden sport bikes in the back. They stash the vans and bikes in parking lots at apartment complexes and then take them into Mexico when the gittin is good. They used the place I lived in for awhile. The cops came twice and hauled them away. I was in my garage both times they showed up and the vans were only a few spaces away from my townhouse. They talked to me both times. I'm sure I'm on the short list.
Good idea though. Everyone is consolidating these days and why pay three drivers when you only need one.
At my work they would call this a shining example of "creativity before capital".

Nicely done, I would personally choose your way over a trailer any day. I've towed trailers for thousands of miles and been pretty fortunate to have only had a couple of tire incidents. Funny thing is, when your not having a problem, you are worrying about having one. I'd bet you had no worries with your FZ tucked safely in the mini van :Flash:

You got that right!
Going back to trailers, they must put cheapest crap tires they can find anywhere neglecting idea that trailer will carry weight at highway speeds for years to come.
Funny part is that day before trip van went for regular service and while rotating the tires they found 2 nails in one I was unaware of. While driving to FL I felt slight vibration above 60 mph speeds. Next day I went to tire place to balance tires. They did it and found screw in one! Mind you this is after 1500 miles trip and I didn't feel anything. No air lost, but those tires are Michelin MHX originally fitted to van when new.
Next time just buy me a one way plane ticket from canada back to sarasota and I will ride the bike up for ya! :D

Where is your town house