alarm for bike

Exactly... There are only so [strike]many[/strike] few places to hide something on a bike.
I discovered it myself when working on the bike.

P.S. So much for that futile HTML attempt. BBcode does not have a strikethrough feature?
I installed the excellent Talon T-3300ip alarm system on my 06 FZ6. It has both an immobilizer and a proximity sensor. It is supplied with a neat little remote, that has a "stealth" arming feature that allows me to arm and disarm the system silently. I installed the little LED "armed" flashing light on the left inner fairing, just under the mirror where it's plainly visible. To paraphrase the line from Dr. Strangelove..."What's the point of a deterrent if nobody knows about it?". The proximity sensor is a really neat feature. If I've got nothing better to do, I try to "sneak up" on my bike without making it chirp. Yeah...I do need to get out more. :D
Being a "belt and suspenders" type, I also install a disk lock if I know my bike's going to be completely out of my sight for an extended period when on the road with it.
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look at Solo Moto Parts I bought a scorpio alarm with the perimeter sensor and wiring harness. The directions were a little hard to understand cause they were so vague, but once I found the harness located on the left rear of t he bike it only took me minutes to install and configure.
The instructions that came with my Talon were extensive, but amazingly cryptic. They skipped over the simple stuff and spent page after page describing stuff that I couldn't have cared less about.
What I did was to take everything out of the box (how they got all that into that small box is beyond me), lay it out and assemble the entire kit on the floor next to the bike. It gave me a good idea as to the best placement for all the components in the kit so that the harness would reach and install into each component.
It's amazing what you can cram into an FZ6's tiny underseat compartment and still get the tool kit in there.