Airsoft Addicition


Flaming Hot Doughnut
Elite Member
Mar 27, 2011
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Maynardville, TN
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As if I didn't already have enough addictions/hobbies, I just discovered the fun of Airsoft Guns. Picked up a cheap $15 pistol from Walmart last night after looking at Airsoft and Paintball guns for a few days. This thing is a blast! So nice being able to shoot it in my yard, instead of having to find a nice empty place to shoot it like my rifle I have. Now I am looking at the sniper rifle airsoft guns lol.

Let my wife shoot me with this gun last night too. She took 3 shots. first wizzed past my ear, and made me realize this might not be such a good idea with her. The second she shot me in the pants leg while I was setting up a practice target. Didn't really feel it, so decided to give her another chance to shoot me, with my back turned. Caught me in the shoulder this time. Feels about like a bee sting lol. Much fun with these things will be had in my future :D.
They are a lot of fun and I have a selection of gas powered and single shot bolt action guns.

If your girlfriend went from shooting one right past your ear to the next shot hitting your leg, then I would agree, probably better to not let her use you as a target going forward :D
Yea come to find out she shoots well. The first shot was aimed at my head, 2nd was aimed at my leg, and the third was at my back, so not too far off! After about 30 or so feet its not as accurate. Creeps to the left or right at that distance by 6-12 inches. Sometimes shoots dead on though at that range!
Do you think becase zombie flesh is so soft that an air soft pellet could go through the brain and take them down?? Would be much quieter then a bullet and easier to carry a lot of them.
We have about 2 acres that's wooded - perfect for airsoft. I bought 4 fully automatic air soft guns at Academy Sporting Goods for about $18 each (Academy - Crosman Dual-Power Mini Airsoft Rifle) They are great for kids because they only have a 175 ft/sec velocity, so it doesn't hurt too bad (like a bee sting through a tee shirt). There are a couple kids down the street that play with us as well. We also have rules (as you must with kids) - at least a car length away from each other, MUST always wear face mask (with ear and chin protection (this in importaint - I've been hit in the lip at least twice - that hurts)), can't shoot anyone with their gun in the air, ect.

Have fun man, but be safe!!
Do you think becase zombie flesh is so soft that an air soft pellet could go through the brain and take them down?? Would be much quieter then a bullet and easier to carry a lot of them.

regular guns are fine, you need to custom load sub-sonic ammunition tho

le difference:
[ame=]POF SUPERSONIC VS SUBSONIC 308.mpg - YouTube[/ame]