Advice needed regarding dark shield for shoei helmet


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Apr 2, 2009
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Medellín, Colombia
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Hello Mates

Recently I have purchased two wonderful shoei x-eleven locatelli replica for me and my girl

check them out


I would like to get a dark shield for those sunny days, but I'm not sure about what to get: light smoke, dark smoke, mellow smoke, etc.

from what I see I notice the light smoke is too light and I'm afraid it won't properly block the sun, the dark smoke seems to be the best choice here, the mellow I think is the intermediate option.

my requirements are:
- properly block as much sun rays as possible
- being able to properly see when there is no sun at alll
- being able to properly see when is raining, the thing is that here in my country you don't know when is going to rain, sometimes we have the strongest sun possible and suddenly we get a downpour
- I know dark tinted shields are no recommended for night riding, but if sometime the night catchs me up I would like to see at least when there is traffic lights, road lights

I appreciate your help regading this topic

so any comment, advice, pictures, experiences will be welcome

Cheers from Colombia!
Nice looking helmets. I'm going to give you the answer you don't want to hear. You need 2 visors. I have a dark one that i use during the day and the clear one is used in rain and at night. Yes, it is a PITA to bring the other one with you when you know you are going to be riding in two or more different light conditions, but i have a trunk box i can throw it in.

If you don't have that room, i'd suggest:
a-wear/bring sunglasses. I used to do this, easy as taking them off and putting them in your jacked when they aren't being used.
b-look into getting the Pinlock setup. The tinted pieces are much smaller and can be easily put in a jacket pocket.
I do not like to use tinted visors..... for all the reasons you mention. Anything that makes it harder to see in less than ideal conditions is a risk I am not willing to run.

Either you need to be able to carry a clear visor for those times that conditions get too bad for the tinted visor, or use sunglasses underneath the clear visor.

I've personally found that glasses under the visor gives me more eye protection from dust and debris that gets thrown up by other traffic, and a pair of sunglasses will easily stow in a pocket of my jacket if I need to have more light quickly. I can remove the glasses from my face and store them while still in motion, or at a stop light..... something that is impossible with changing a visor.
Nice looking helmets. I'm going to give you the answer you don't want to hear. You need 2 visors. I have a dark one that i use during the day and the clear one is used in rain and at night. Yes, it is a PITA to bring the other one with you when you know you are going to be riding in two or more different light conditions, but i have a trunk box i can throw it in.

If you don't have that room, i'd suggest:
a-wear/bring sunglasses. I used to do this, easy as taking them off and putting them in your jacked when they aren't being used.
b-look into getting the Pinlock setup. The tinted pieces are much smaller and can be easily put in a jacket pocket.

Oh yeah!, You gave me the answer I already knew but didn't want to hear again :D

I'm liking the Pinlock setup a lot, less cargo, more money but more practical

Thanks dude
I wear a Shoei RF1000 and I have both a light smoke and dark smoke shield. I wear the light smoke 98% of the time and you can see fine in the dark with it. On very bright days it still lets too much light through though. The dark is not good at night obviously but works great on the bright days. I would never wear a clear shield again unless I want to end up with permanent eye damage from the sun.
Hello Mates

Recently I have purchased two wonderful shoei x-eleven locatelli replica for me and my girl

I would like to get a dark shield for those sunny days, but I'm not sure about what to get: light smoke, dark smoke, mellow smoke, etc.

from what I see I notice the light smoke is too light and I'm afraid it won't properly block the sun, the dark smoke seems to be the best choice here, the mellow I think is the intermediate option.

my requirements are:
- properly block as much sun rays as possible
- being able to properly see when there is no sun at alll
- being able to properly see when is raining, the thing is that here in my country you don't know when is going to rain, sometimes we have the strongest sun possible and suddenly we get a downpour
- I know dark tinted shields are no recommended for night riding, but if sometime the night catchs me up I would like to see at least when there is traffic lights, road lights

I appreciate your help regading this topic

so any comment, advice, pictures, experiences will be welcome

Cheers from Colombia!

I have a Shoei RF1000 and have all three tinted visors, but I do not use the clear visor which came with my helmet.

If you are looking for the visor that offers you the best protection from the UV rays, while keeping your face from getting scorched from the intensity of the sun, go with the tinted or dark smoke. The dark smoke is actually the darkest of the two.

Here in Vegas, where the temperture during the summer will often reach well over 110 degrees F, combined with our elevation, the sun actually scorches your face. Therefore a tinted visor is the best choice.

At night, I always carry clear safety glasses so I just put them on, rather than swapping out visors.

As others have mentioned, they prefer clear visors and use sunglasses underneath, but it will not offer much protection for your face.

Best way to compare is similiar to tinted windows for vehicles. Properly tinted windows can reduce the temperture inside your vehicle versus not having any tint at all. It's like saying don't get your windows tinted, it's easier just to wear sunglasses inside your car. It's not the same.

^^ Nice safety sticker! I didn't know they make those. :thumbup:

We give those away to our students taking the MSF rider course. But ours has a Nevada State Seal logo along with the text. But if anyone wishes to receive one, just send me a PM.
Dangerous to get caught in the dark with a tinted visor. If in doubt, use clear and take sunnies with you. Don't risk riding in the dark with a tinted visor - especially if you take your girlfriend on the back of the bike.

I have Shoei XR-1000 (RF-1000) and have both clear and dark tinted visor. Goes in the backpack if I'm out for a long ride.
Go the dark smoked. Can ride directly into the sunset and still see. After dark, it is very hard to see so carry some amber lensed glasses in your pockets...they are relatively cheap so you can slip them in all your bike gear. After dark if you got caught out, up comes the visor, on with the glasses. Also good with a clear visor when it rains. Visor fogs up and you can't see.....up with the visor most of the way and use the amber lenses. You can see white lines and manhole covers easier through amber and the lens keeps the rain drops off the glasses with your head tilted forward slightly.:rockon:

Also pays to get a bumbag with a visor pocket in it like the oxford ones.:thumbup:
Light tinted visors aren't worth the money imho.
If you are buying a screen for sunny day's go for a dark tinted visor.
Iridium (chrome) are just for the look and work just as wel as a dark tinted visors.

In the dark they both suck ... you can ride with them, but it's not as safe as a clear visor.

In the rain I have no real problems with the dark visor. There is still enough licht to see.
RF1000 user/wearer here and would suggest trying a set of these -

Fog City Speed Tint - Street Bike - Motorcycle Superstore

I have one applied to my clear visor and wear that all the time for my commute which is directly east to work and directly west home from work right when the sun is at its worst...a slight tilt of the head when the sun is almost/directly in my line of site and I'm able to see again. Added bonus is there's no need to swap visors.

Easy on; easy off. I switch to the dark smoke visor when I go on my weekend rides and know there is little chance of clouds or bad weather.
The only problem with suggesting carrying glasses is if you already wear glasses...i have both clear and fully black visor. They both are essential to carry.
The only problem with suggesting carrying glasses is if you already wear glasses...i have both clear and fully black visor. They both are essential to carry.

LOL...good point. I don't require glasses so wouldn't have thought of that.:thumbup:

Edit....You could try this...dunno if they are any good or not.....
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I was just reading the latest Rider magazine about a shield that the tint auto adjusts to the lighting. They make the shield for a number of helmets. I can't remember the company, but it was pricey.
Hello everybody

I've had completely forgotten this thread :spank::spank::spank:

from this you can deduce I haven't had the money to buy the spare visors :confused::confused:

but I will have the money soon so I could post my own review.

Thanks for all your replies.