Accepting the fz6's look for what it is.

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No bombs or my bike is better than yours. My post was not meant to begin a flame war or be insensitive to owners hard mod work and interests, but to understand why some are compelled to "chop" the fz6 into a creation that looks like it was tinkered with too much on a boring saturday afternoon and the end result is now "x". There are some awesome looking modded fz6's out there. I'm not being a wiseguy. My orig post may not have come across as intended the first time, but read it as you may. Some of you understood what i'm getting at.
No bombs or my bike is better than yours. My post was not meant to begin a flame war or be insensitive to owners hard mod work and interests, but to understand why some are compelled to "chop" the fz6 into a creation that looks like it was tinkered with too much on a boring saturday afternoon and the end result is now "x". There are some awesome looking modded fz6's out there. I'm not being a wiseguy. My orig post may not have come across as intended the first time, but read it as you may. Some of you understood what i'm getting at.

I dont reckon anyone that i can think of on this site, has "chopped" their FZ6 into a weird creation, most are pretty "normal", with decent mods to improve looks, comfort, performance, or useability.

Maybe next time, you should choose your words a bit more the word..."Wannabe"...not the most endearing term....

No bombs or my bike is better than yours. My post was not meant to begin a flame war or be insensitive to owners hard mod work and interests, but to understand why some are compelled to "chop" the fz6 into a creation that looks like it was tinkered with too much on a boring saturday afternoon and the end result is now "x". There are some awesome looking modded fz6's out there. I'm not being a wiseguy. My orig post may not have come across as intended the first time, but read it as you may. Some of you understood what i'm getting at.

People like to modify their bikes for the same reason you like yours stock.
If you didn't mean to start a flame war or incite emotion you should have been a bit more tactful with your post, or just not posted. I've seen a few bikes that I think have been taken too far for me to be interested in buying, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate the workmanship and effort, or the spirit behind the persons work.
It would be an extremely boring world if we all wore the same thing, acted the same way, liked the same things etc.
People like to modify their bikes for the same reason you like yours stock.
If you didn't mean to start a flame war or incite emotion you should have been a bit more tactful with your post, or just not posted. I've seen a few bikes that I think have been taken too far for me to be interested in buying, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate the workmanship and effort, or the spirit behind the persons work.
It would be an extremely boring world if we all wore the same thing, acted the same way, liked the same things etc.

I like this response. Way less analytical :thumbup: and way more polite:hug:than previous ones to a fellow biker expressing his personal thoughts and views. that is the way it should be. THANK YOU.
No one has issues with people HAVING opinions. Its people who feel the need to belittle or dominate other people with them.
Go fly a kite with the OP who is obviously you just with a second account or a friend of yours.

No one cares if YOU were not offended its a big forum, other people were and fortunately the world just doesn't revolve around you. Maybe at least try and stand in someone elses shoes who may have been hurt by this post before jumping on your high horse and making a fool of yourself.
Its ironic you try and squash the opinions of people trying to stand up for a bit of freedom and acceptance while defending someone who does the exact opposite.

Oh and since you obviously don't own a bike, or have no understanding of what the brotherhood(/sisterhood - you get what I mean) of owning a motorcycle generally includes: many people spend years of their life turning their bike into exactly what they want, with time, money and blood. Generally its a bit of a tradition to be a bit understanding and supportive when people do this kind of stuff, because motorcycling is about that freedom. Just ask yourself how would you like if someone came up and insulted a family member to your face?

Heres a good way of describing you and the OP, have you seen Wild Hogs? If so this forum is the wild hogs and your the evil bikers who tried to kill them.

Oh and if you have a problem with my post: Stop being too sensitive. Its just an opinion, if you don't like it don't reply, read another thread. Why get so worked up, its just the internet.
wow. i think some people need to step back from the keyboard. it's a guy in indiana that you've never met before stating an opinion. his opinion. could he have worded it more "politely"? sure. could some have read it with a different tone? absolutely. voice inflection is 80% of communication. i've read the original post with different voice inflection and as a result have read 3 different posts.

so you don't like what he had to say. your feelings were hurt. i think we have two options.

let's all grab pitchforks, go to indiana on our modded bikes, hunt him down, make him bow at each of our bikes, kiss them saying how b-e-a-u-tiful they are, and get a notarized letter of apology to be posted here on the site. that should make it all better.

or, we could move on with our lives and let the guy have an opinion.

hmmmmm..... i'm leaning real heavy to option number one.
I like turtles...

wow. i think some people need to step back from the keyboard. it's a guy in indiana that you've never met before stating an opinion. his opinion. could he have worded it more "politely"? sure. could some have read it with a different tone? absolutely. voice inflection is 80% of communication. i've read the original post with different voice inflection and as a result have read 3 different posts.

so you don't like what he had to say. your feelings were hurt. i think we have two options.

let's all grab pitchforks, go to indiana on our modded bikes, hunt him down, make him bow at each of our bikes, kiss them saying how b-e-a-u-tiful they are, and get a notarized letter of apology to be posted here on the site. that should make it all better.

or, we could move on with our lives and let the guy have an opinion.

hmmmmm..... i'm leaning real heavy to option number one.

What he said :D

RIGHT! Time for a topic change. This thread has got stupidly personal now! :spank:

[ame=]YouTube - Traffic pole vs Truck[/ame]

^^ what he said. Let's drive a stake in the heart of this thread before we get to handbags at fifty paces...

Moderator, will you please close this thing?
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