Absolutely pi55 wet through


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Oct 24, 2007
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My commute takes me from Aldermaston to Winchester (in hampshire). It is absolutely gorgeous scenery and fantastic biking roads that normally takes my breathe away and leaves me with a big smile when I get to work.

But....on the way home tonight I hit a thunderstorm. Every hill had a line of wet gravel/mud a foot wide waiting to take me down, every corner had a crown of wet, shiny tamac waiting to slip me up. Evey car in the other direction went through a large puddle covering me in muddy water. My visor fogged and when I opened it a crack the inside of it and my glasses got soaked so I couldn't see. Some puddles were so deep I pulled my feet up out of the way to avoid a soaking. Today was the first day I didn't overtake anyone. I was slower than the cars. I was almost upright through most corners for fear of ending up on my arse.

But....when I got home I was grinning from ear to ear. Wow. That was total concentration and, in hindsight, total fun!:rockon::rockon::rockon:
Rain riding rocks!! Even a bad day on the bike is fun. STUPID FREAKING CAGERS!!!!
The rain doesn't bother me although I don't go riding in it just to be riding. Why? I hate the mess it makes and all the clean up that occurs because of it. I do love riding in the dirt while it rains, now that rocks. I especially like it when my daughter calls up and says those famous words, "MUD!!" We get out on the track and it is every rider for themselves.:thumbup:
Did you have a rain suit on?

If you didn`t just don`t complain about it. Bad preparation is nobodys fault but your own.

When you are riding don`t wait until the rain starts, suit up before it happens.

I always ride with a rainsuit in one of the boxes. That includes a set of neopryne gloves. Being dry with sodden leather gloves for hours on end is no fun, as I found out myself.

I also carry a swimsuit and towel in the boxes just in case the other extreme happens.

This time of year on the gulf coast of Texas riding in the rain is about the only time the temps are comfortable.

I got soaked the other day, nice but the bike is a mess.
But....when I got home I was grinning from ear to ear. Wow. That was total concentration and, in hindsight, total fun!:rockon::rockon::rockon:

Brings a smile to my face too. Heavy rainstorms are the norm here on summer afternoons. How often do you get rain like that?

Glad you made it home okay, and glad you had fun! :rockon:
Brings a smile to my face too. Heavy rainstorms are the norm here on summer afternoons. How often do you get rain like that?

Glad you made it home okay, and glad you had fun! :rockon:

Here in the UK we've had the wettest August on record, so far. So it's been raining a lot. I've just adjusted my enjoyment of riding so I appreciate smooth riding and trying to get half decent lean angles in the rain. I go twice as far on a tank of fuel too!!
Did you have a rain suit on?

If you didn`t just don`t complain about it. Bad preparation is nobodys fault but your own.


I dunno, that sounds more like joy than sorrow. :thumbup:

I love riding in the rain! Yeah, I have to go slower than usual, but it's well worth it.
The after effects of Fay gave me a real soaking yesterday, as Troubl says it is the norm here to get a good soaking in the late afternoon but yesterday was pretty wild.
My commute takes me from Aldermaston to Winchester (in hampshire). It is absolutely gorgeous scenery and fantastic biking roads that normally takes my breathe away and leaves me with a big smile when I get to work.

But....on the way home tonight I hit a thunderstorm. Every hill had a line of wet gravel/mud a foot wide waiting to take me down, every corner had a crown of wet, shiny tamac waiting to slip me up. Evey car in the other direction went through a large puddle covering me in muddy water. My visor fogged and when I opened it a crack the inside of it and my glasses got soaked so I couldn't see. Some puddles were so deep I pulled my feet up out of the way to avoid a soaking. Today was the first day I didn't overtake anyone. I was slower than the cars. I was almost upright through most corners for fear of ending up on my arse.

But....when I got home I was grinning from ear to ear. Wow. That was total concentration and, in hindsight, total fun!:rockon::rockon::rockon:
Hi Matt,

Is this a new job? One of the signatures on the forum sums up wet riding a treat.

"If you have not ridden in the rain you have not ridden".

Take it easy.

A mankini like Borat's perhaps ?

Pure Gold! LMAO....Just had a vision of some guy riding a bike in a Mankini, not pretty!

I have never had a problem with riding in the rain, but do not like getting wet, so i always suit up in the waterproofs if it even looks like precipitation is a remote chance.

At first it is scary, or if you have bad tires, or dont ride daily, but when you do it regularly, you can almost ride as hard in the rain as ther dry, still with a decent margin for safety.

Have ridden in the rain 18 days out of the last 26! Bit sick of cleaning my bike though!

yep we had a bit o rain... my pants where wet all day at work, but when I left they where dry, the rain had stopped and the sun was out :)

I have some textile pants with the liners out... it's almost that time of year when I put them back in.

Pure Gold! LMAO....Just had a vision of some guy riding a bike in a Mankini, not pretty!

I have never had a problem with riding in the rain, but do not like getting wet, so I always suit up in the waterproofs if it even looks like precipitation is a remote chance.

At first it is scary, or if you have bad tires, or dont ride daily, but when you do it regularly, you can almost ride as hard in the rain as ther dry, still with a decent margin for safety.

Have ridden in the rain 18 days out of the last 26! Bit sick of cleaning my bike though!


I have done a lot of miles in the rain (I live in rainy oregon) and this is my first rain season on the fz. I came from riding a gz250, which was way too forgiving. The fz demands attention in the rain!!
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