A question for English Riders - irrelavant topic!!


Missing The Fiz-Sometimes
Jul 14, 2008
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Plymouth, MI
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Earlier, someone had posted about a race on the Isle of Man which led me (Google Earth Geek that I am) to zoom in on the island - besides, I always wanted to see where, "Happy Jack" lived. My interest then drifted to England and Scotland in general and I happened to go into street view to see what the border crossings between the two countries looked like.

The first road (a larger one) I viewed had the big blue, "Welcome to Scotland" sign and yet, no, "Welcome to England" sign going the other way (I panned up and down the road for at least half a mile in both directions - nothing). I moved East to the next road (a much smaller one) and noted a brown, "Scotland Border" sign (much the way we do it here in America where the states attempt to out-do themselves at the freeway crossings while the US and state routes simply have a, "______ state line" marker), again, nothing for England.

Interested, I think I checked every road that crosses the boarder [that I could find] and saw no, "welcome" signs.

Does England not post boarder signs? Is there bad blood? or did I really miss something?

I know that this is a dumb question, but I'm very curious.
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I'm Welsh. The Welsh, Scottish and Irish all hate the English (past actions of the English monarchy - we're loving the UK members on the forum though ;)) There is ALWAYS bad blood LOL

Like the Scottish, us Welsh are a friendly bunch. We welcome people to our country like this:
usually they have signs to warn you that you're entering wales or scotland

there's no signs on the way back because you never really left england, and it's all one big country :Flip: :D
Maybe us English don't welcome anyone because we have a hard enough time as it is trying to get them all to leave!!! Only joking (maybe not).
Jeez, we all love a funny pommie :eek:


We're all "friendly" rivals. Just like the Aussies and Kiwis, and the Canadians and the Americans.

usually they have signs to warn you that you're entering wales or scotland

there's no signs on the way back because you never really left england, and it's all one big country :Flip: :D
Hmmm, don't get me started on that one.........

We'll have independance, one day ;)

BTW, there are no English left in England - they're all in Perth LOL
I'm Welsh. Like the Scottish, us Welsh are a friendly bunch. We welcome people to our country like this:

I am Scottish, but lived in Wales (Pembroke in Dyfed) for 4 years. When I moved there I learned a little Welsh. The phrases I learned, in order, were

Good Morning
Good Afternoon
Good Evening
Arseholes to Englishmen !!

I now live in the US and in sporting events still support ABE (Anyone But England).

- Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Jeez, we all love a funny pommie :eek:


We're all "friendly" rivals. Just like the Aussies and Kiwis, and the Canadians and the Americans.


America and Canada aren't rivals...they are more like America's toupee J/K :D

My mom is Canadian and my dad is a Kiwi. Sheep and Toupee's lol
Boarder: someone who lives in a boarding house.
Border: boundary between states or countries.

I love a grammar Nazi. Things like that annoy me too. But I missed that one I think. I do try to hold back on a forum though, doesn't go down too well.
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Boarder: someone who lives in a boarding house.
Border: boundary between states or countries.

Good catch, you got me! I hate spelling errors as well. Unfortunately, spell check doesn't help when the error itself is a word!

I have corrected the mistake, many thanks!
I love a grammar Nazi. Things like that annoy me too. But I missed that one I think. I do try to hold back on a forum though, doesn't go down too well.

Apologies to the OP, depending on my mood I sometimes leave those alone, I have been banned from another forum I am on for less!

Being born in Scotland, my personal preference would be....

Welcome to Scotland... now F*&% off! :Flip: