A Corbin Seat Assessment

NorCal FZ6

Just some dude
Mar 7, 2012
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Hey, hows it going?

Well I went to the Corbin Factory yesterday. My main purpose to get a new seat because the stock seat was so uncomfortable. Clearly going to the plant would give me the opportunity to get a tailored seat. So I went to pick up a seat. Here's a little review and something I can throw in the middle.

Well I left early yesterday morning for the Corbin factory in Hollister, Ca. I had a 100 mile trip. So I set out early. I had to be there in the morning between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.. This was by far the longest trip I have done so far on the bike. I roughly drove about 320 miles all together. I took the long scenic way home. The first 100 miles on the stock seat reminded me exactly why I bought a new seat. My rear was killing me when I arrived.

They gave me a tour of the plant. The customer service was excellent. The facility was a sizable operation. I believe they claimed it was an 80,000 sq ft. facility.

Sizing up the seat.

It was a fairly basic process there was no big science. The seat pan is a standard size that is made of fiberglass. Its all in the foam with this brand. As far as tailoring the seat. Basically, we started with the contouring of the foam. We did this by me getting on and off the bike and test driving the bike. The place is in the middle of farm country/tree orchards. So there is plenty of open road everywhere. I had them lower the seat as far as they could, without compromising saddle comfort. They lowered the seat by simply sanding it down with a small orbital sander.


So far the seat is very comfortable. As I said prior in another post. It is better
to sit in and against a seat. Than on the seat and the gas tank. This seat really holds you in. I will still need more time to getting use to the seat. Where as the manufacturer has informed me it will take about a 1000 miles for the seat foam to mold to your average body posture. -Does it feel better? Yes absolutely. Although, my rear is probably bruised for driving the first 100 miles on the stock seat.

To sum it up for the FZ6 family. I would say get a new seat. For those of you who have a stock seat, you don't know what your missing. The new seat makes the bike. In light of Corbin. So far it is great seat. I would say the Corbin is geared more toward the tourer or cruiser motorcyclist. If your looking to get a new seat for more of a super sport/racing aspect. Dont look here. These seats are heavy. I am sure there must be lighter out there. These seats are 9 lbs.-10 lbs. All in all I am happy with seat so far and I didn't really plan on going to Sears Point/Infineon or Laguna Seca anytime in the near future. Here is some pics of the bike and facility. Enjoy!

Yours truly,

NorCal FZ6
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How I could I forget pics of the bike?!?! Hey guys and gals. This isnt a Corbin plug or advertisement. Its just an observation to shed some light on a vendor by a customer. Forgive the picture clarity. I had to use my ipad. I lost the battery charger to my camera.
Thanks, NorCal!
Huh, I used to go TDY to Hollister every couple of months (explosives manufacturer McCormick-Selph, now known as Pacific Scientific) and never realized Corbins were made there, would've been cool to visit the factory and try out a couple seats (I bought a used "Tall" Corbin seat, but it was slick and sloped down/forward too much, every bump in the road made me slide forward, and it weren't too comfortable :eek: ).
Glad to see that they've updated their design. The original one kinda sucked.
Glad to see that they've updated their design. The original one kinda sucked.

I picked the pattern. When you walk in you get to choose any type of skin you want. That's based on roughly 30 to 40 swatches, piping no piping, a multi-patterned of seat, what color badging, and what color stitching. I tried to go with the most preferable pattern and thickest material. I am not a seat expert by any means. Just went with it.
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I picked the pattern. When you walk in you get to choose any type of skin you want. That's based on roughly 50 to 60 swatches, piping no piping, a mixture of patterns, and what color badging. I tried to go with the most preferable pattern and thickest material. I am not a seat expert by any means. Just went with it.

Your seat is beautiful it looks so much better then the seat they have on the FZ6 on their site.

I want so bad to be able to do what you did, ride to the factory and design my own seat but I'm on the east coast. (2500 miles just google mapped it :sinister:)

I put over 50K miles on a corbin saddle on my hayabusa before I sold the bike, they are worth every penny.

I will be doing a cross country ride next year but I can't wait that long to get a corbin saddle for my 09 FZ6 so I'll most likely use your design as template if you don't mind ;)
Your seat is beautiful it looks so much better then the seat they have on the FZ6 on their site.

I want so bad to be able to do what you did, ride to the factory and design my own seat but I'm on the east coast. (2500 miles just google mapped it :sinister:)

I put over 50K miles on a corbin saddle on my hayabusa before I sold the bike, they are worth every penny.

I will be doing a cross country ride next year but I can't wait that long to get a corbin saddle for my 09 FZ6 so I'll most likely use your design as template if you don't mind ;)

The site really doesn't do the factory justice. Basically, any pattern you see on that site they can do. The seemstresses are right there at the sanding booths/20 yards away in the open. You really get the full treatment. I just searched for some examples or ideas of patterns for FZ6 Corbin seat pics prior to arriving. Then I had them do some stitching to the seat. I really didnt want to get too extravagant being a Sport/Tourer. Some of the Cruiser seats were just amazing.
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Thanks, NorCal!
Huh, I used to go TDY to Hollister every couple of months (explosives manufacturer McCormick-Selph, now known as Pacific Scientific) and never realized Corbins were made there, would've been cool to visit the factory and try out a couple seats (I bought a used "Tall" Corbin seat, but it was slick and sloped down/forward too much, every bump in the road made me slide forward, and it weren't too comfortable :eek: ).

The seat foam was slightly fitted lower than the nose. Specifically because of the poor characteristics of the stock seat.
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The seat really doesn't do the factory justice. Basically, any pattern you see on that site they can do. The seemstresses are right there at the sanding booths/20 yards away in the open. You really get the full treatment. I just searched for some examples or ideas of patterns for FZ6 Corbin seat pics prior to arriving. Then I had them do some stitching to the seat. I really didnt want to get too extravagant being a Sport/Tourer. Some of the Cruiser seats were just amazing.

More pics. I figure the more info the better. At least from a consumers aspect.
When I ordered my Corbin I told them that I had a tendency to slide into the tank. So they shaped the seat so it was a little higher in the front. I now have over 8000 miles on it and still loving it.
Pretty cool stuff.

I actually like the stock seat. I ordered an Air Hawk cushion for my Canada trip though. I think it will work good for me. I'm tall and it would be nice to have a little extra height on the seat to relieve the stress on my knees.

I would like to try out a Corbin, I bet that it would be more comfortable.