78 to 98Hps

as an new S2 owner in Europe i can definitely say that the differences though not dramatic between 78hp and 98hp, are not just the throttle limiter.

the S2 has different new tech brakes
the S2 has a new front fork
the S2 has a different seat
the S2 has the instrument panel from the FZ1 (analogue RPMs)
the S2 comes with a Black frame, the plain one only in silver
as an new S2 owner in Europe i can definitely say that the differences though not dramatic between 78hp and 98hp, are not just the throttle limiter.

the S2 has different new tech brakes
the S2 has a new front fork
the S2 has a different seat
the S2 has the instrument panel from the FZ1 (analogue RPMs)
the S2 comes with a Black frame, the plain one only in silver

Hi Aleziel!

That is true that there is more changes between the 78hp and the 98hp version. But when it comes to the engine and increasing the power of the 78hp to 98hp then as far as i have found out then it is only the throttle limiter that is the difference between them. So as i said before if you can live with having the old instrument panel and no ABS brakes and not having an black engine and just want the power of the S2 then i don´t see any reason why not to buy the cheaper 78hp version and do the simple modification to gain the extra powre :).

But i agree it gives a much nicer look with the black engine and the new instrument panel :). But for me i value more to save money and still get the same power :rockon:
Hello people, first time i post a message. Im trying to switch my Fz6 from 78HPs into 98. I heard its doable since the 78 version is a 98 version in heart. I tried the search function but it doesnt seem to bring any results whatsoever, any help is pretty much appreciated , thanx :)

Peace, Toympas
Hi Mate,

It has been successfully done by one of our members, Hedmisten. Who posted a great explanation. It was discussed in the last dyno thread where Jman felt that his bike was down on power.

[quote: KimL]That is true, it´s the same bike and it´s very easy to change the 78 hk version into the 98 hk version. I have the 78 hk version and have changed it into 98 hk, only took about a minute. The limiter is on the throttle as Toympas sad.

Hope i can explain this so you understand since my first language isn´t english, but i will give it a try.

If you look down onto the engine under the gastank on the left side and move the throttle back and forward you see a wheel that turns this wheel holds the throttle cabel. If you look at this wheel you will see two stops, one that will only make you turn the throttle about a quarter. If you look further back on this wheel you see another stop that will make you turn the throttle even more. This is the original stop that is used on the S2 version. If you just bend away the first stop you will be able to turn the throttle all the way and you will be able to use all the 98 hks of the enginge, it´s as easy as that. So if you don´t want ABS brakes on your bike and can live with having the old instumentation and not the new one from the FZ1 then there is no need to buy the S2 version of this bike since it´s so easy to change the 78 hk version.

We have a motorcycle magazine here in Sweden that also has looked into this bike in their last number and they verified that Yamaha has only made this modification to the bike to get it to 78 hk. This was the fastest and cheapest way for them to do it.

Hope everybody understand what i tried to explain .[/quote:KimL]

not bad for the persons second language..lol

good luck, please take some photos.

as an new S2 owner in Europe i can definitely say that the differences though not dramatic between 78hp and 98hp, are not just the throttle limiter.

the S2 has different new tech brakes
the S2 has a new front fork
the S2 has a different seat
the S2 has the instrument panel from the FZ1 (analogue RPMs)
the S2 comes with a Black frame, the plain one only in silver

This is on the 07+ right, I have an 05 silver frame, pretty sure it has 98 hp since I have been 152 mph on it. But you got me wondering...
My manual says FZ6-ST(C), title says, Model=FSZ/style=RS/body=FZ6STL
Here is a pic of my throttle cable, if this is the right place it looks like one tab only. I also have digital instruments, but again I think the 04,05,06 is different. Think I will run diag. when I get a chance.

Anybody know?

to have a COMPLETE switch to 98PS it is NOT ONLY the throttle limiter.

You have to attach a wire from ECU pin2 to GROUND to switch a 78PS-ECU in 98PS mode.

I only have the german manual here: Original Yamaha 78 to 98PS kit

If you have questions, just ask.

BR Robert
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This is fundamentally wrong Neil, 33hp does not equal 78ps, not by a long way.

Ps is the symbol for pferdestärke, which is German for horsepower.

1ps = 0.9863201hp.

33hp = 32.5ps.

I assume the reason for the power difference has nothing to do with the UK's restricted licence, I think your more cynical theory ("Is it just a ploy to ensure that people purchase the S2 model?") is probably closer to the mark. ;)
You are absolutely correct, no idea where I got that from????
I was confusing the UK restriction with the lower powered S1 model.
I agree with you, it is really a commercial ploy to increase S2 sales throughout europe.
Now we know that the FZ6 has been fazed out they [Yamaha] just wanted to shift more units. There have been a couple of members who have actually had the throttle cam at the lever changed to one that will not allow fully twist of the throttle grip. I wonder if this is the other mod to make the FZ6 33.3hp to meet UK license requirements?
A guide on how 33.3hp can be achieved http://www.fiinternational.com/FiResKitA42.pdf

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