2009 FZ6RC Dragons Tail Meet

Welp, The Bike Gods' gave me a nice little warning yesterday on my ride in the Asheville area. Fortunitly there was very minimal damage to the bike, fairing will need to replaced at some point due to a couple cracks. However, this will not need to be done too soon. I made it do the dirt, so no asphalt contact and I walked away with just my ego bruised...

Nice little warning before I spend a week doing what I love. It was well heeded, thats for sure. Can't wait to get up there and meet all you folks and do some good riding!


Need some more details man!!!
Might be kinda hard to explain on here, but I will make the best of it. The main thing was that the end result was my fault, but oh well.

Josh and I were out in BFE some where near Marion, NC. I decided to just start bouncing from road to road on the way home from riding around the Asheville area. So I really have no idea where I was when this happened or if I could get there again, lol.

Well the road was narrow and was bit beat up. The right side of my lane was busted up pretty good, mostly sunken due to the soft shoulder so I was riding on the left side of my lane. A hill face was to my left and the runoff/gaurdrails and such were on my right.

I was coming into a right hander that wasn't the tightest but the view was clear and I could see on coming traffic, this was the best part. Any who, I just about the apex or shortly after the road was littered with this sand/loose rock crap and keep in mind the road was narrow. Both lanes were covered and for some distance. I am not sure if they had some heavy rains recently or what, but we found the same material alot that day.

Fortunitly Josh and I were not setting a quick pase, due to the road conditions and all we were just out cruisin'. Well I saw the gravel at the last second, and the back end started to step out as I hit it. I gathered the back in back up and since I could see in front of me I got the bike straight up and went for the other lane. I was afraid to try leaning the bike in that mess to continue the corner. In getting the bike slowed down I was heading for the shoulder on the left side of the road or at least the edge of the road. Plan was to get the bike stopped and make sure Josh came through clean and then get back in my lane. Well in slowing down, watching my mirrors for Josh and just trying to stay on top of everything within the situation I lost track of how narrow the road was and how close I was to the shoulder.

The shoulder was short and a ditch followed leading into the a hill face. Well off I went to the shoulder and as soon as the front tire got to that ditch, heading for it at an angle, I lost the front end. The rain had the area slick and it happened quick. I was probably only going 5-10 mph when this happened but down I went. I never touched the asphalt! My foot was stuck under the bike for a min. I quickly got out from it and picked the bike up, fired it up and got out of the ditch.

Josh saw what happened and was able to avoid the situation but still ended up in the other lane as well. I eased the bike to the next wide spot. Put her up on the center stand and went over everything, picking the mud out as I went.

It was our luck that there wasn't any traffic and that I was able to make it to the shoulder before the bike went down and that I didn't loose it on the asphalt. Josh, seeing the whole thing was a bit shook up as well. So we sat there for about 20 mins just thanking the moon and stars that things worked out like they did and catching our breath.

Things could have been much worse, much much worse. I am extremely lucky and I learned a very good lesson from this which is to quit watching the mirrors in those situations and that I need to slow down as well. What if I was pushing the bike in a tighter corner with traffic and that same gravel/sand crap was in the corner. I just have to be more carefull.

$h*t happens... I learned.

Don't want to bring this thread down, just filling yall in. The bike will be fine to ride for a while. So the gap trip is still on and I can't wait to get up there.

Glad you are ok and the bike damage is only minor. Clearly you didn't realize you were going off the road but if you had do you think you could have stayed up right if you switched from front to rear brakes? I was just reading some 'tips' for riding the dragon and one was to be careful when pulling off the road into the loose stuff and not to be on the front brakes as your tire may wash out. All you guys have more experience than me so I try to learn from your mistakes.

ride safe
Not sure that the brakes had so much to do with it as the steep drop into the ditch. But I am sure the brake load on the front didn't help.

Live and learn. Off to go over the bike some more and get it ready for Sunday's ride.

Maps are starting to take shape.....

Also get rid of the Shinko tire dude. They are Cheng Shinn tires, and are basically cheap junk, in my very opinionated and jerk like opinion.

Welllll... Actually they are Yokohama's. Sorta. But not really.

It's kinda like Pete's Wicked Ale (formerly) of northern California. Pete's recipe, Pete's ingredients, brewed by Miller Brewing in Eden, NC.

Shinko's are made to their specifications by the Yokohama Tire company. To be honest they really aren't that bad. In fact, the 003 U-soft is the tire of choice of most of the participants of the AMA Drag Bike series. Mainly because they are soooo soft, hook soooo well and are soooo cheap. The 005 is better suited for the average rider in that it hooks fairly well, is decent in the rain and doesn't wear out as fast as the 003.

Are there better tires on the market? Steve and I think so ;) but that doesn't mean the Shinkio's are road kill either. Think of them as a budget tire that works well.

But I'll also agree with Steve when he says why drink Old Milwaukee when you can have a Michelob. :beer::iconbeer:

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Sometimes people sum things up themselves, in their very own words...

I lost track of how narrow the road was and how close I was to the shoulder...

...The end result was my fault.

Josh, seeing the whole thing was a bit shook up as well. So we sat there for about 20 mins just thanking the moon and stars that things worked out like they did and catching our breath...

...I am extremely lucky.

It was our luck that there wasn't any traffic and that I was able to make it to the shoulder before the bike went down and that I didn't loose it on the asphalt...

...I am extremely lucky.

What if I was pushing the bike in a tighter corner with traffic and that same gravel/sand crap was in the corner...

...Things could have been much worse, much much worse.

...I am extremely lucky.

His mother and I are extremely thankful that nothing else happened.

I learned a very good lesson from this...

...I need to slow down.

...I just have to be more careful.

Sounds good, like he means it, right?

But oh well...

...$h*t happens.

*sigh* Now I'm not so sure...

The end result was my fault.

Yes. It was. And you are extremely lucky.

Because I love him Bryan has never gotten on a motorcycle in front of me that I didn't tell him to be careful, hoping that if he ever...just once...listened to me, that would be the time. We take our lives in our hands every time we throw a leg over the saddle and as hard as we try, as focused as we might be, sometimes even that isn't enough. There's plenty of idiots out there who shouldn't be allowed outside with out supervision much less be allowed to operate a motor vehicle, not to mention things that are beyond our control even when we're on our game, so taking yourself out is just plain silly.

Please keep that in mind during this ride and every time you get on a bike.

Y'all be careful.

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Ok it's now a few day's away and I am getting the bike ready and my gear as well. The bike it at the dealer since last Monday with that (and i know i am going to say it wrong so laugh now) resonator charging thing and that will be done on Tuesday, along with the whole 12k mile service that covers all of the bells and whistles. They are putting synthetic oil, new plugs adjusting the throttle bodies ( i hope) and going to see what they have for a rear tyre. Now as far as gear i am waiting on my new helmet, gloves and I just got my new YAMAHA leathers and new boots. I also have my Camel back hydration back pack, tank bag, Knapp sack for clothes for that weekend. Can anyone think of anything else.
Welllll... Actually they are Yokohama's. Sorta. But not really.

It's kinda like Pete's Wicked Ale (formerly) of northern California. Pete's recipe, Pete's ingredients, brewed by Miller Brewing in Eden, NC.

Shinko's are made to their specifications by the Yokohama Tire company. To be honest they really aren't that bad. In fact, the 003 U-soft is the tire of choice of most of the participants of the AMA Drag Bike series. Mainly because they are soooo soft, hook soooo well and are soooo cheap. The 005 is better suited for the average rider in that it hooks fairly well, is decent in the rain and doesn't wear out as fast as the 003.

Are there better tires on the market? Steve and I think so ;) but that doesn't mean the Shinkio's are road kill either. Think of them as a budget tire that works well.

But I'll also agree with Steve when he says why drink Old Milwaukee when you can have a Michelob. :beer::iconbeer:


Didnt know that. My info was that they were Cheng Shin tires. They have that funny smell, like double coin, cheng shin, and what not to me. Sorta like cheap chinese rubber mallets. LOL
Didnt know that. My info was that they were Cheng Shin tires. They have that funny smell, like double coin, cheng shin, and what not to me. Sorta like cheap chinese rubber mallets. LOL

Maxxis Tires are a wholly owned subsidy of Cheng Shin and are produced in the very same plant(s). Yet Maxxis tires are actually considered to be great tires, especially in the off road world.

FWIW the days of Cheng Shin are very very limited in numbers. In fact by now they may already have finalized production. The company is still in business and will continue to produce Maxxis tires as well as a new line under the "CST" brand. The stigma surrounding Cheng Shin's name had gotten so bad they were forced to drop the name. The "CST" line is supposed to still be a value priced tire but have better quality and updated tread patterns from what I've been told.

Darryl Cannon (Killboy) just called me a few minutes ago. We talked back and forth for a bit about photo location.

Darryl suggested Friday evening at 6:00 on the Skyway. He mentioned the Jeffery's Hill Overlook. It is pretty high up just past the peak, with a nice overlook on the mountains. Darryl will be sending me an email with a google maps location of this overlook.

Oh and just to make sure we are all on our best behavior. Once Darryl is there, please do not take personal pictures of the group. IMO, it is rude to do this. Afterall this is what he does for a living. We can take pics before hand if we like, but while he is there. Please do not. Also, he asked in a previous email, that it would be greatly appreciated if one person does not make a purchase and then share with the others.

I will be sharing this link with Darryl as well so if he has any input on the event photo, he can.


Here is the link.


And for a more detailed map of the skyway....


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Darryl Cannon (Killboy) just called me a few minutes ago. We talked back and forth for a bit about photo location.

Darryl suggested Friday evening at 6:00 on the Skyway. He mentioned the Jeffery's Hill Overlook. It is pretty high up just past the peak, with a nice overlook on the mountains. Darryl will be sending me an email with a google maps location of this overlook.

Oh and just to make sure we are all on our best behavior. Once Darryl is there, please do not take personal pictures of the group. IMO, it is rude to do this. Afterall this is what he does for a living. We can take pics before hand if we like, but while he is there. Please do not. Also, he asked in a previous email, that it would be greatly appreciated if one person does not make a purchase and then share with the others.

I will be sharing this link with Darryl as well so if he has any input on the event photo, he can.


Here is the link.

Jeffery's Hell - Google Maps

And for a more detailed map of the skyway....



Thanks Bryan and I totally agree with both the points you made concerning taking the group photos and sharing them.

$200.00 sent to your paypal via my account. That money is to reserve a space for Josh Beasley and one of our friends Jon Mock. Both riders will be on GSXR 600s. Please let me know when payment is recieved.

Thank ya.

Bryan the picture location will make a nice evening ride back to the cabins. I'm going to try and make it up Thursday afternoon so I can take part in the Friday rides.

Thats kinda what Darryl and I were thinking. He figured that would be a close ride from the cabins if people were already in for the evening. That and the lighting should be nice for a good shot across the smokies.

Might have to see if we can get our lovely Admin to donate a Tshirt so that it can be put in the store on the ceiling or give to Darryl as a thank you.


$200.00 sent to your paypal via my account. That money is to reserve a space for Josh Beasley and one of our friends Jon Mock. Both riders will be on GSXR 600s. Please let me know when payment is recieved.

Thank ya.


Got it Brian
