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2005 Yamaha FZ6 TPS/ intake air system issue after valve clearance check


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May 8, 2018
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Hey people, helping a friend with his FZ6. Just finished a valve clearance check at 22k miles, during which we disconnected most of the wires (but did not remove) the tank, throttle bodies, and cooling system, although we did drain/refill the coolant.

The engine sounds fine now that it's back together, but has a bit of a bog/stumble right after twisting the throttle, but it overcomes this. It does have a constant check-engine light. I went into the diag mode and have found that the Throttle Position Sensor outputs 0 no matter what position the throttle is in. I also checked for voltage going to the sensor and found that the sensor is getting 5.5 volts dc when the key is on - shouldn't this be 12v?

Also, when you shut the bike off, it's supposed to output any error codes; we get 13 & 15, which correspond to:

13 Intake air pressure sensor (open or short circuit) (pipe system)
15 Throttle position sensor (open or short circuit) (stuck)

I dont know where to go from here to find the source of the issue. Im going to try finding ohms tests for the sensor itself, but it seems odd to me that the sensor is not getting full batt voltage.

Thoughts? Thankyou guys
Hey people, helping a friend with his FZ6. Just finished a valve clearance check at 22k miles, during which we disconnected most of the wires (but did not remove) the tank, throttle bodies, and cooling system, although we did drain/refill the coolant.

The engine sounds fine now that it's back together, but has a bit of a bog/stumble right after twisting the throttle, but it overcomes this. It does have a constant check-engine light. I went into the diag mode and have found that the Throttle Position Sensor outputs 0 no matter what position the throttle is in. I also checked for voltage going to the sensor and found that the sensor is getting 5.5 volts dc when the key is on - shouldn't this be 12v?

Also, when you shut the bike off, it's supposed to output any error codes; we get 13 & 15, which correspond to:

13 Intake air pressure sensor (open or short circuit) (pipe system)
15 Throttle position sensor (open or short circuit) (stuck)

I dont know where to go from here to find the source of the issue. Im going to try finding ohms tests for the sensor itself, but it seems odd to me that the sensor is not getting full batt voltage.

Thoughts? Thankyou guys

SOLVED: Not sure what was ajar really, but I jut disconnected and reconnected all of the electrical we interacted with, put it back together and now she's golden.