1125r Photos!

Man! Thats just wrong...:spank:

Well I'm sure if you didn't, some other a$$crack Harley Rider did at sometime! (Not being too stereotypical.)

But back to the point, very cool Hellgate, I'm happy you got your Buell. Just curious if you bought it in central florida or elsewhere? David is da man for checking it out for you even if he may have made Harley sounds on your seat!:rolleyes:
That's where the radiators are. I don't think you could remove them.

Oh I agree, the pods can't come off. Well they can but the bike would run hotter. They don't look as bad in person. The lens of the camera tends to distort the size.


Okay I'm sounding like a spoiled kid here...:Flash:
Well I'm sure if you didn't, some other a$$crack Harley Rider did at sometime! (Not being too stereotypical.)

But back to the point, very cool Hellgate, I'm happy you got your Buell. Just curious if you bought it in central florida or elsewhere? David is da man for checking it out for you even if he may have made Harley sounds on your seat!:rolleyes:

I bought it from Ocala HD, very nice and very professional. The transaction was smooth as silk.

It was cheaper to have it shipped than buy one here in TX. Just have to wait. :banghead:

I know, I know...I'm very vocal about the HD culture and that will not change however I've always been intrigued by Buell. I like the true independent nature of the company and the out of the box thinking. I will admit some of the out of the box was necessitated by the HD lump of a power plant to get the CG low enough to have a sporty bike. Much of those ideas really aren't needed with the new motor. But it is very unique and that is something I've always enjoyed regardless of what it is in my life, an underdog if you will.

As the song goes, "I'm out of step, I'm out of step, I'm out of step with the world." - Minor Threat
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Congrats on the new bike! :thumbup: Just like others said - can't wait to read your posts and see your mods!
hehe, I bet ya got "goose-bumps".
You know, if you were here, then Wednesday at noon is only 27 hours away :Flip: :rof:

Can't wait to see the pics... And the huge smile on your face ;) (make sure you get a photo of that too.. OK)

Because you are the only one who knows....(well there is a few others) can you sit on a FZ6 and make Buell noises? :D

It will at least help pass the time!
Because you are the only one who knows....(well there is a few others) can you sit on a FZ6 and make Buell noises? :D

It will at least help pass the time!

Hummm...good point, vroooom, vroooommmm, vvaaahhhrrooooommmmm! Putt, putt, putt, putt....
I've been checking this thread since 10 in anticipation of some photos of the new bike. Can't wait to see it!
Oh you guys aren't going to believe this one. I got a call this morning from the shipping company at 0800. I'm thinking woo hoo they are arriving early. WRONG!!!! So wrong. The delivery truck blew a turbo charger in San Antonio and it will take ALL day today to make the repair. UUUGGHHHH!!!! So tomorrow is now the delivery day. I could just scream.
Oh you guys aren't going to believe this one. I got a call this morning from the shipping company at 0800. I'm thinking woo hoo they are arriving early. WRONG!!!! So wrong. The delivery truck blew a turbo charger in San Antonio and it will take ALL day today to make the repair. UUUGGHHHH!!!! So tomorrow is now the delivery day. I could just scream.

Aw, man! That truly stinks! It's almost like being a kid, waking up on Christmas morning, only to find out that Santa didn't leave any presents because one of his reindeer got shot by a hunter. I hope it get in early tomorrow. Got my fingers crossed for you.