100 mph

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Oct 10, 2007
Reaction score
South Africa
I'm riding to work yesterday, lane splitting on our N1 highway, 3 or 4 lanes between home and work. It's a gorgeous morning, sun nice and bright, air crisp and cool, and i'm just taking a leasurely ride to work.

The traffic is free flowing, and i'm running a bit faster than them, working my way between them. I look down at the dash, and everything is going great. 8000 ish RPM, temp 3 bars, tank full, speed 146kmh.

I've got a smaller back sprocket (2 teeth) so my speedo under reads. Add 10km/h and you're just around 160 ...km/h, which is 100 miles an hour. In traffic, lanesplitting, safely. I wasn't even running hard.

Who else this this damned lucky? :rockon:
Umm.....how can you do that safely? :) Seriously, I am not trying to preach, but try to be a bit more defensive on your city commute trips. Just my 2c
That is down right dangerous and breaks forum rules IMO.

Disallowed specific topics
We're all about freedom of speech, however there are some topics that don't belong here, such as:

Running from the cops.
Police bashing/slander.
Breaking the law.
No satanic threads/links etc.
Any form or racism PERIOD.

from a Moderator no less !
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Yeah, lane splitting at 160km/h is probably real good fun, and i bet there are a fair few of us on here, that has done similar, but would'nt admit to it on here, or talk about it on here, due to the fact, you could get nabbed by the boys in blue, and, yes, it is against forum rules... :spank:

It aint exactly "Safe Riding" in the eyes of most, but that's your choice...

Maybe you should of spoke in the third person...."I saw this bloke", or something similar!!!

I know it's frustrating when you wanna tell the World! ;)


Oh well, It's out there now!
That is down right dangerous and breaks forum rules IMO.

Disallowed specific topics
We're all about freedom of speech, however there are some topics that don't belong here, such as:

Running from the cops.
Police bashing/slander.
Breaking the law.
No satanic threads/links etc.
Any form or racism PERIOD.

from a Moderator no less !

Yeah like he said :thumbup:

yeah ok

Well, it's out there. I guess it is breaking a law, but so is lifting bum off the seat, something i do EVERY morning to stretch my legs, and jaying, which i do every morning to feel the bike out. Seriously, i break about 10 laws a day, before i get to work, and when i light that first smoke in my parking bay, i break another. Lane splitting is legal here so it's 1 law we don't break, even though some insurance companies disagree.

I have to point out: this is average. Just an average morning, no speeding or anything. And it's where most of the bikes i see travel at. It's different here, thats all.

WRT safety? I'm safer at 100mph on an open highway than 15mph when the traffic is stuck ... and i have both in the mornings. The guys who do go down on our highways, to and from work, when they go down, speed isn't the issue. They're probably at half the posted speed limit, which is still too fast for the conditions.

Didn't mean to offend anyone ... :rolleyes:

yeah ok

Well, it's out there. I guess it is breaking a law, but so is lifting bum off the seat, something i do EVERY morning to stretch my legs, and jaying, which i do every morning to feel the bike out. Seriously, i break about 10 laws a day, before i get to work, and when i light that first smoke in my parking bay, i break another. Lane splitting is legal here so it's 1 law we don't break, even though some insurance companies disagree.

I have to point out: this is average. Just an average morning, no speeding or anything. And it's where most of the bikes i see travel at. It's different here, thats all.

WRT safety? I'm safer at 100mph on an open highway than 15mph when the traffic is stuck ... and i have both in the mornings. The guys who do go down on our highways, to and from work, when they go down, speed isn't the issue. They're probably at half the posted speed limit, which is still too fast for the conditions.

Didn't mean to offend anyone ... :rolleyes:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psTUiQzNoxw]YouTube - Judas Priest - Breaking The Law[/ame]
You can ride anyway you want, your life, your bike.

But continually taking unneccessary risks, it's eventually going to catch up with you. I'ts just part of life. Think about the consequences, that's all I'm saying. But this is the type of riding that gives motorcyclist a negative image.

Stick around for a while, and you wouldn't be the first member we lose on this forum from a crash! Talking about RIP.
Well, I knew as soon as I read Abraxas's post that this was not going to get well received (and it got my eyebrows raised, too). But, I do have to agree with him that we (including probably 90%+ of forum posters) break laws and later post up about it (wheelies, top speed, lane splitting, shoulder riding.) Let's not get pretentious! It seems, doesn't it, that 95% of motorists break traffic laws regularly. Only time when everybody doesn't exceed the speed limit is when there's a unit around---and that's the only time.
Let's not get pretentious!

Well said.

The holier than thou comments in this thread are pretty nauseating. If you have NEVER broken the law or done something stupid, post away. Just cos you didn't write about it doesn't mean you didn't do it.

I know the N1, and lane splitting at 160km/h isn't really that much faster than the prevailing traffic. You guys don't know the speed limits here so how do you know it is illegal anyway?
I'm riding to work yesterday, lane splitting on our N1 highway, 3 or 4 lanes between home and work. It's a gorgeous morning, sun nice and bright, air crisp and cool, and i'm just taking a leasurely ride to work.

The traffic is free flowing, and i'm running a bit faster than them, working my way between them. I look down at the dash, and everything is going great. 8000 ish RPM, temp 3 bars, tank full, speed 146kmh.

I've got a smaller back sprocket (2 teeth) so my speedo under reads. Add 10km/h and you're just around 160 ...km/h, which is 100 miles an hour. In traffic, lanesplitting, safely. I wasn't even running hard.

Who else this this damned lucky? :rockon:

just for clarity: you were lane splitting @ 100mph OR were you lane splitting and afterwards doing 100 mph :confused:
Well said.

The holier than thou comments in this thread are pretty nauseating. If you have NEVER broken the law or done something stupid, post away. Just cos you didn't write about it doesn't mean you didn't do it.

I know the N1, and lane splitting at 160km/h isn't really that much faster than the prevailing traffic. You guys don't know the speed limits here so how do you know it is illegal anyway?

Yep, as an admin, i must admit i did find it hard to balance doing the right thing, and still maintain my own viewpoint on this!

Let's face it, a lot of us are not 'complete angels" on the road! But i bet most of us that do get a little naughty, generally pick what they feel is a "safeish" environment to "play" with our "toys", that beg to be "played" with!

Which was obviously Abraxas's position here...i dont think he thought he was doing much harm.

But then there are the more conservative among us, who take serious offence to the posting of such "shennanigans", and in fact, probably take serious offence to that type of riding behaviour...full stop!

It takes all types to make a great forum, and this certainly is a great forum....i actually think that those that responded acted out of what they felt was, or is "moral responsiblity", rather than trying to be "Holier than Thou"...

I thought Abraxas's response was pretty reasonable as well.

I dont reckon there is much more to see here....let's move on! :thumbup:
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