
  1. FinalImpact

    How to nearly plummet to your death | Dirt bike into the drink from the Rocks

    Crazy.... skip to 5:00 if you must.... Complements of @<a href="" target="_blank">mxgolf</a>
  2. tejkowskit

    Overcam engine at 14k rpm

    Came across this video today. It's pretty cool! Crazy to actually see how fast our bikes are moving inside! Edit: overHEAD cam at 14k rpm
  3. P

    Ninja H2R vs MP4-12C, Veyron, & GT-R

    I won't spoil the surprise by posting the results. The Ninja is crazy fast. YouTube
  4. DWisen

    Serious Q about the family jewels.

    How do you guys out there deal with sitting on your manhood? I find myself CONSTANTLY sitting on my bits while riding and it is not that simple to correct. I've tried the stand n jiggle and all sorts of crazy things and I always wind up squishing my giblets. So how do you deal with it and or...
  5. FinalImpact

    Drifting - Street Bike vs Car Video - Amazing!

    YouTube - Motorcycle vs. Car Drift Battle Hint - first attempt at utube imbed. . . . x- fingers
  6. Avalon786

    Crazy pic

    Was pretty amazed with this pic, i cant imagine how i'd feel if that happened to me :scared: