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  1. PrivateCowBoy

    Some serious trust in tires...

    Every time i see this video pop up in a forum, it make my heart race and puts a huge smile on my face!
  2. PrivateCowBoy

    ***2011 Fz6 Forum T-Shirt Order Page***

    Shirts look great, thanks dude!!
  3. PrivateCowBoy

    PS3 online users - HACKER alert....

    The guy that sits next to me in the office just found two 99 cents charges on his credit card and then a whopping $3000 charge on it. Y'all look out.
  4. PrivateCowBoy

    Get ready for a May scavenger hunt

    I'm game for some scavenging... ;)
  5. PrivateCowBoy

    FZ6 Forum Shirts

    Looks good for final print ;)
  6. PrivateCowBoy

    FZ6 Forum Shirts

    Sign me up for two! I'll take a large black and a large blue please. PM me for payment detail please.
  7. PrivateCowBoy

    Check these guys out at the beach - FL

    Hey guys, I took the family to Santa Rosa Beach in FL this week for vacation and came across these guys coming back from the beach. It would be nice to only have two worries... biking and surfing.
  8. PrivateCowBoy

    Call your credit card company and put the transaction in dispute. I would advise against receiving payment back via any other means then how you paid. I seem to recall reading something about losing some claim rights in the dispute. I've had a few purchases go bad and the CC company has always...
  9. PrivateCowBoy

    POLL: Do you Cross the Double Yellow?

    When there are slow people in front of me ;)
  10. PrivateCowBoy

    iPad 2, anyone getting one?

    iPads are great! I typically don't buy 1st gen hardware on anything, but it has really, really been difficult holding out for an iPad 2. I'm counting down the days until March 2 with hope of Steve opening it up for orders the same day as the announcement.
  11. PrivateCowBoy

    Kansas passes Red Light Bill for Motorcycles

    It's legal in Tennessee, but it is automatically your fault if a wreck occurs from it. Be safe out there.
  12. PrivateCowBoy

    March Scavenger Hunt

    I'm game, lets go for 3! :thumbup:
  13. PrivateCowBoy

    We can rebuild her— we have the technology

    Looking sharp!! Thanks for the post and where did you find those oil cap and master cylinder covers? :Sport:
  14. PrivateCowBoy

    Mr. Police Officer

    are you saying they don't deserve it? :spank::spank: One of my groomsmen was a UC for 20 years and he even agrees with me :D
  15. PrivateCowBoy

    my little project

    A true diamond in the ruff. :cool: