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  1. H

    How to drill out factory baffels

    I drilled mine last night, used a 12" 18MM masonary drill bit, that cost 40GBP (which is useless now), had to use ALOT of force to get it puncture through, but, hey, got there in the end, and I like what I hear. It's not a substitute for getting after-market exhausts, think of it as a 'fix'...
  2. H

    How to replace clutch cable

    I'd really recommend removing the airbox & battery, makes things so much easier, and overall I bet it's quicker, too.
  3. H

    Clutch cables

    Got the new cable fitted, and it fits perfectly. When we moved the thing on the clutch shaft coming from the engine case, it's caused the biting point of the clutch to be very far out, so it needs some adjustment, but it's about 3degrees C and very wet, so I think i'll leave that for another...
  4. H

    Clutch cables

    No, thats not really possible, as both ends are different, one end only fits the lever, the other end only fits onto the pivot, but it was a good idea, thanks! Maybe it's because I bought a pattern and they aren't as well made as genuine yamaha cables, therefor they cut it too long? (but then...
  5. H

    Clutch cables

    Is there any way I could have routed it wrong? From the clutch cover, behind the engine block, up and passed the airbox, following the frame to the headstock, through the cable hole in the frame, up into the speedo area, onto the lever. I could have sworn it said fz6 when I ordered it, and when...
  6. H

    Clutch cables

    Does anyone know if theres a difference between the fz6-n clutch cable and the fz6 faired clutch cable? My clutch cable broke a few weeks ago, and I replaced it, but it didn't specify whether it was for a fz6n or faired, and the new cable seems a few inches too long. I've had to extend the...
  7. H

    rpm for power wheelies

    with clutch ups i do what feels right. 2nd gear, 25mph, full throttle it for 2 seconds, snip clutch, and up it should come. Power wheelies: I wouldn't bother with a 600, it's possible, just too much work and imo more dangerous.
  8. H

    Gained more experience today, Almost died doing so

    Heh, I was in almost same position as you. Looked into my mirrors, looked ahead again, traffic had almost come to a complete stop, wallop, right into the arse of a red workmans van. I'd say the van was doing about 20mph, I was doing 70. Front locked up, which saved my arse. If it hadn't i'd of...
  9. H

    nice 2nd 3rd gear FZ6 wheelies

    Yes. I don't do power wheelies because they're just scary, simple. There's no way if it went wrong I'd be able to think quickly enough to recover, and doing those sort of speeds when the front lifts is just dangerous imo. Plus power wheelies look gay. If anyone fancies learning but wants...
  10. H

    nice 2nd 3rd gear FZ6 wheelies

    Getting the front to lift is easy on the FZ6, not sure about the faired though. Just practice, practice, practice. 25mph, second gear, start by snapping throttle to half way, then gradually add more accelerator if it's not coming up, with 1 finger dip the clutch then release. Start of by quickly...
  11. H

    My Top Speed

    140mph, on the private track everyone has access to.
  12. H

    Digital Fuel Gauge stuck in full position

    drain the tank and carbs and hope it hasn't done any damage. :confused:
  13. H

    Good on yer William

    Prince william is a power ranger, sweeeet. :rockon::thumbup:
  14. H

    33BHP restriction, FZ6

    Agreed, I find myself reminding myself of this all the time. When I'm riding I think "Well if I did this what's the worse that could happen.. I'm in control, nobody else, I know my limits..", then as soon as I'm off the bike it's "what if.. would I have been able to do that if this happened..."...
  15. H

    Do you put your foot on the floor to test grip levels?

    I do it on surfaces that i'm not sure about and that I will use again. Theres a roundabout near me that looks like it SHOULD be really slippy, but it isn't, it's actually surprisingly grippy, when I first went on it I tested it with the foot down method, after that I knew it was really grippy so...
  16. H

    Do you Lane Split

    All the time. As has been said before, it was a grey area in the UK until recently. At lights, in traffic, on the motorway when cars are moving less then 50mph.
  17. H

    Rider Height Vs. Bike Size For New Rider

    I'm 5'6 and it's fine. Can't flat foot, but not had any problems yet.
  18. H

    33BHP restriction, FZ6

    I said R1. :D but well done, you must be very sensible for your age. :thumbup:
  19. H

    33BHP restriction, FZ6

    :eek:.... We can't even drive at 16. Our 16 year old over here are only allowed on 50cc mopeds. :eek: Can you imagine a 16 year old on an r1? I'd give them 30 seconds before they're dead.
  20. H

    33BHP restriction, FZ6

    So how old can you be in the US and ride an unrestricted motorcycle?