Recent content by MotoMom

  1. MotoMom

    Where do you get your bike serviced?

    Hi there ! I just went this week to Alex Berthiaume for my first service. I do recommend the place (so far !). Everything went as scheduled. And it's located not too far from a subway station, so you can leave your bike, go to work, and pick it up at the end of the day. BUT, I would...
  2. MotoMom

    Looking to move to Australia

    OK, we'll definitely have to organise a ride this summer for FZ6 owners in Montreal before you leave :D. Congratulations on your decision (have you made a final decision yet ?). I strongly believe that seeing other places, living in other provinces/countries, is the best education someone can...
  3. MotoMom

    Made the top ten baby :D

    Congratulations (or, as some of us like to say, Felicitations !) ! Your bike looks awesome.
  4. MotoMom

    When are you no longer a "noob"?

    Thanks for this article. I think overconfidence is a main factor. But I'll add two things: I don't drive after I had a drink, even if it's just ONE beer. And, if I'm too tired physically, I have a nap before I go for a ride. Two years ago, my father died while riding his motorcycle. The...
  5. MotoMom

    Went for a trip along the French coast (pics inside)

    Great pictures ! Thanks for posting them. Riding a motorcycle on those French roads must be great.
  6. MotoMom

    First thread from Qc

    Hello everyone, Here's a book recommendation for those who want to try a new path on your next ride: TITLE: Le Québec à moto EDITOR: Ulysse (guides voyage) No specific author (although in the fine print, it gives the name of two women ;) :cheer: ) Hey Schumy, where are you ...
  7. MotoMom

    New bike!!! Another '08 Yamaha in the stable!

    Congrats to your wife on the new bike. It looks awesome. And yes, there are some of us :cheer: that are cool :rockon: :D and do other stuff than shopping... ! (although, I'll hire someone to do the gardening anytime !)
  8. MotoMom

    Saturday ride for Montreal members ?

    NO NO NO !!! You have this all wrong... The '08 dark blue is the fastest. And it looks a lot better. Yes, I live on the South shore. I work (very) early mornings this coming week. So a ride in the afternoon is a possibility on Monday, Tuesday... Thursday... What about you ? Ok, no...
  9. MotoMom

    How to trip a damn traffic light??????????

    :rof::rof::rof::rof::rof: :surrender: This is just too funny... I can't stop laughing !!!:D:D:D Motomom
  10. MotoMom

    Saturday ride for Montreal members ?

    Hi ! Anyone in the Montreal area interested in going for a ride tomorrow morning (Saturday, June 14th) ? I suggest going to the Eastern Township (just because I don't know where else to go and because we only have a few hours before the next big storm !!! :D). But any other suggestions are...
  11. MotoMom

    Am I going to die?

    Well, better lay it down at low speed than on the highway at high speed... Welcome aboard, and congrats on your purchase ! Enjoy and be safe !
  12. MotoMom

    08 fz6 as second bike

    Yes, tough crowd... still... thanks for the translation !!! :rolleyes:
  13. MotoMom

    First thread from Qc

    Hi Gigot 2000, I do like your sense of humour :thumbup: Yeah, he was pretty bad :D I've seen a few pictures on this web site that remind me that yes, boys will be boys !!! But usually, you guys are just nice and don't need to include your 'manhood' (;)) in discussions about bikes. Which I...
  14. MotoMom

    First thread from Qc

    Thanks for the info. Got my plates at Place Longueuil. Line-up wasn't too long. Although the guy in front of me started asking me all sorts of questions and wanted to sell me, from the trunk of his car in the parking lot, an automatic lubrifying (is this a word ?!) system for my chain. It was...
  15. MotoMom

    First thread from Qc

    Hi ! No, no "moding" soon... I like my new FZ6 just as it is ! About Alex Berthiaume: I haven't gone for the 1000 kms service/check yet, so I don't know if they'll live up to be as good as their reputation. I'll post a message here once I know... ;) I'm really looking forward to going to...