skull-caps vs full face?


SuperFlanker Moderator
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Apr 19, 2008
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Surrey, UK
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speaks volumes doesnt it?

Then again all depends how you hit the ground! You can go down and not even hit your head...

Hey, I know that one and still wear my half shells. Then again, they aren't skull caps. Soldier, you do realize a skull cap is a novelty helmet or beanie right?
Fascinating. I'm assuming the differences between left and right, while moving just slightly up or down the helmet, is simply due to a small sample size.

My feelings about full-face helmets were drilled in during my first MSF classroom session. During the "introduction" portion, one guy had trouble speaking; his jaw was wired shut, having been broken a couple weeks earlier when he took his brand new HD around the block.
Hey, I know that one and still wear my half shells. Then again, they aren't skull caps. Soldier, you do realize a skull cap is a novelty helmet or beanie right?

ya, theyre pretty much useless those skull caps

this one makes the case for full-face helmets:

Safety-consciousness and general well-preparedness is part of what goes into our responses, of course... But I find -- don't you? -- that when I pass another biker who's wearing some joke of a helmet, my esteem for them diminishes instantly.

Yeah, you CAN go down without hitting your head, but you can't RELY on it.
Check out the Hurt report:
"The Hurt Report"
"... no anticipation of accident involvement." Yeah, Polyanna, we all wish the world worked that way.

Plus, the more bugs hit me, the gladder I am to have that face shield!
if ur thinking about bugs i wish there was a helmet that covered your neck as well.

wasps and bees into the neck at 110 kph = ouch