Attitude on Speeding Tickets


Mar 23, 2012
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Tucson, AZ
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Had an interesting experience this weekend...

Met up with a group of BMW riders (mostly on ADV bikes) at the start of one of my favorite local rides. They barely acknowledged my presence, and I assumed this was because I was on a Yamaha, but oh well. I set off ahead of them wanting to get some distance between us.

I rode my usual loop alone, and plenty fast for me, with no issue.

When I got home my phone was blowing up with messages from a touring group I tune into occasionally. Seems the BMW riders got pinched by a Federal Wildlife Ranger, who cut three tickets for $375 a pop. I guess he was radar equipped and shot the group at 70 in a 45. I know the stretch they were on, and 70mph was about my speed through there as well.

To make a long story short, my phone is still blazing two days later with posts about these guys and their tickets. They won't shut up about it. In fact, they are talking about fighting the charges. Due to the fact that the tickets are from a federal agency, they are talking about traveling to the nearest branch office to be present at a court date. For a $375 ticket! Um, your BMW branded gloves probably cost more than that.

I realize that these guys are retired. Based on their comments in the posts, it seems they are somewhat elitist as well. They mention "young crotch rocket riders doing 90 on [that] road." I'm sure they have nothing better to do than fight what they consider a gross injustice done to them. "I'd like to throw that officer over my knee and give him a spanking," it said.

My problem is this: is 70mph any different than 90 in a 45 when it comes to the law? Both are considered criminal speeding in AZ, not to mention in a federal wildlife refuge. And hey, we don't ride bikes 'cause they're slow. Everybody knows the deal... You don't get a pass because you're experienced. You don't get a pass because you're retired. This is the game. You got nicked. Pay the fine and get back on the bike and go for a ride.
Had an interesting experience this weekend...

Met up with a group of BMW riders (mostly on ADV bikes) at the start of one of my favorite local rides. They barely acknowledged my presence, and I assumed this was because I was on a Yamaha, but oh well. I set off ahead of them wanting to get some distance between us.

I rode my usual loop alone, and plenty fast for me, with no issue.

When I got home my phone was blowing up with messages from a touring group I tune into occasionally. Seems the BMW riders got pinched by a Federal Wildlife Ranger, who cut three tickets for $375 a pop. I guess he was radar equipped and shot the group at 70 in a 45. I know the stretch they were on, and 70mph was about my speed through there as well.

To make a long story short, my phone is still blazing two days later with posts about these guys and their tickets. They won't shut up about it. In fact, they are talking about fighting the charges. Due to the fact that the tickets are from a federal agency, they are talking about traveling to the nearest branch office to be present at a court date. For a $375 ticket! Um, your BMW branded gloves probably cost more than that.

I realize that these guys are retired. Based on their comments in the posts, it seems they are somewhat elitist as well. They mention "young crotch rocket riders doing 90 on [that] road." I'm sure they have nothing better to do than fight what they consider a gross injustice done to them. "I'd like to throw that officer over my knee and give him a spanking," it said.

My problem is this: is 70mph any different than 90 in a 45 when it comes to the law? Both are considered criminal speeding in AZ, not to mention in a federal wildlife refuge. And hey, we don't ride bikes 'cause they're slow. Everybody knows the deal... You don't get a pass because you're experienced. You don't get a pass because you're retired. This is the game. You got nicked. Pay the fine and get back on the bike and go for a ride.

I'd rather pay a ticket in a park/wildlife refuge than a city - that way you can consider it a donation to protect the beautiful places that I love to ride. Sure it sucks, but hey - that's the price you pay.

The main difference between the Bimmer guys and the young crotch rocket riders going 90 is that the bimmer guys stop.
The main difference between the Bimmer guys and the young crotch rocket riders going 90 is that the bimmer guys stop.

Ha! You mean before they hit something?

Agreed on paying the donation to wildlands/open spaces.

Just for clarification: I'm not Beamer-bashing here. I want one as much as the next guy. And I've met plenty of good folks on BMWs.
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When you get tagged by a federal cop, it's treated much different than a normal speeding ticket that is issued by your normal city, county or state LEO's. #1. You or they have found out that it's much more expensive!

Back in Vegas, a very popular area to ride was a state park called Red Rocks which was managed by the Fed's. The local riders always got tagged. Not sure if it shows up on your record or insurance, or you have to go to federal court to challenge it, I just know that it's more expensive. I can log onto the local forum and ask.
I know Red Rocks well. Site of many a climbing epic for me! Good stuff.

The posts I read (and am still reading) say that apart from being expensive, the feds have the option of reporting your ticket and subsequent ruling to your home state as well, which means the points are issued, and insurance goes up.
Been to Red Rock Park (not riding, in a cage), very, very nice. (see below pic's). I actually have a small red rock I brought back to Florida with me (my Dad lives in LV).

Re the ticket.

I retired from a local city police department (inner city) after 25+ years of service. I generally gave EVERYONE 15MPH over the limit (as that's what I tried to keep under). Back then the fines weren't nearly as high as they are now.

Before I retired, Florida was charging super high fee's for speeding. If wrote a ticket for speeding, I'd write under "violating a traffic control device"- speed limit sign.

It was about 1/3 the cost of the regular speeding ticket. The speeder got fined, wasn't an outrageous amount, cheaper for their insurance and I could sleep at night. A $300+ ticket for anyone is still a bunch of money..

My old cop cars: The blue and white I had for about 6 years, the black and white about two months before I retired.
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So these calls - Im reading between the lines here but they blame you as the fault of them speeding?
Yaa - aha....

Is this that whole lead bike broke the law so you ALL will be fined? I think that's crap cause it doesn't apply in cage. So 1 ford truck is speeding and 6 behind him get a ticket? That chaps my hide. I'd be po'd....
I'm wondering how much their attitude may have played a role in the type and number of tickets issued. :confused:

"Young crotch rocket riders doing 90 on [that] road" doesn't mean you can do 70 in a 45. I didn't know we can reset the posted speed limit based on the maximum speed other bikes travel sometimes. OMG can you imagine the chaos that would create? :rolleyes:
If they plan on fighting the ticket, they'd better have a reason or evidence for the ticket to be dismissed (e.g. radar was measuring a different vehicle). "Other people speed even more" is not an excuse that will go very far.
You guys over the pond have a very complicated system !!!

I got lost trying to understand the differences between your police forces

So these calls - Im reading between the lines here but they blame you as the fault of them speeding?

It is interesting that they saw me take off, obviously acted like a bunch of d-bags, and that I made it through without getting stopped only 10 minutes ahead of the pack. I'd call that instant karma! Didn't get the feeling they were blaming me for their tickets, but who knows? That would be a major lack of personal responsibility.

Come to think of it, they're already showing a bit of that.
Actually they stand a good chance of winning if the feds subscribed to the same rules as other cops. Each rider should claim they were merely riding along when they were passed by the group.
I used to ride the Sunday morning ride from Tam Junction up the coast(in my younger days) and the riders could and did use that defense. Guilt by association?
I will always fight a ticket no matter the situation.

If/when I get pulled over I will do nothing to make the event memorable. I will not argue or even ask why.

At the end of time possible to fight the ticket I will do so by Written Trial. I will not waste much time in that defense. I will just file not guilty and write a sentence or two.

If that fails then I am going to request for a trail de novo near the end of the requirement to do so.

By the time my case comes up it is going to be over 6 months form the time of the incident. Then I am going to hammer the officer on describing each and ever possible detail of the event and possible scenarios.

If the officer can actually recall an innocuous ticket he wrote 6 months ago among the hunderds/thousands of things of more importance he has done over that time that pretty impressive and he probable is underachieving for what he could be doing with his/her life.
Never been pulled over on the bike. I very rarely see Indiana cops handing out tickets to bikes. Actually, I've only ever seen 1 Harley getting a ticket and that was it. I've blasted by cops doing 20-30 in excess but they don't bother to chase me. Maybe it's the ACU pants. I don't think so but I don't know. I spent ALL summer riding 50 miles to work doing 25-45 over the posted 55mph speed limit and never once had a problem. I think that they make so much more money on the semi traffic around here that they rarely bother with passenger vehicle unless they are in a high-fine work zone.

Tickets do seem to be getting expensive though. Last one I got in the cage was $220 on a county road - 10 years ago.
I will always fight a ticket no matter the situation.

If/when I get pulled over I will do nothing to make the event memorable. I will not argue or even ask why.

At the end of time possible to fight the ticket I will do so by Written Trial. I will not waste much time in that defense. I will just file not guilty and write a sentence or two.

If that fails then I am going to request for a trail de novo near the end of the requirement to do so.

By the time my case comes up it is going to be over 6 months form the time of the incident. Then I am going to hammer the officer on describing each and ever possible detail of the event and possible scenarios.

If the officer can actually recall an innocuous ticket he wrote 6 months ago among the hunderds/thousands of things of more importance he has done over that time that pretty impressive and he probable is underachieving for what he could be doing with his/her life.

Exactly how my Lawyer friend told me about getting a ticket and how to fight it.
Was this the BMW Rim Rider group from Meetup?

If so, I've ridden with those guys before and they all go fast. Usually there are 2-3 radar detectors in the group, and usually one is in the lead. I always stayed to the middle of the pack because I wanted to be cloaked by the radar and most of the riders in that group are much better riders than I am. Only 1 time did that plan even come close to not working out, I was blasting a straight in the triple digits when I saw a LEO come crest the hill, I had just started letting off because I saw a brake light on the bike in front of me.

I can't really afford to get another ticket because with all my other tickets in the last few years I would be seriously high risk and my rates are already 4-5 times more than a lot of other riders on here.