HELP - Dented wheel..


Junior Member
May 9, 2011
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Capital Region NY
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Hey everyone,

Hit a pot hole on my way to work today and ended up denting my rear wheel. Luckily I was close enough to home that I could get back despite the tire not being able to hold air.

Need some help - recommendations as to how to proceed? Not sure if shops "fix" dented wheels as I assume once compromised, not a good idea to continue using? I could be completely wrong tho - this is new to me... If not, anyone know somebody parting out a bike looking to get rid of a rear wheel? 2007 (S2) not sure if it matters..

Thanks for any help/advice.

Any pics? Usually depends on the extent of the dent, if its minor you may be able to bend it back, but if its pretty bad a new rim is your best bet
Personally MY LIFE is very important to me and I'd replace it. Seeing others that have bent and split and/or blown out, it seems risky and I'd guess one will turn up soon. IIRC the front is the same as R6. Perhaps the back is too?
I would hate to a see a latent stress fracture from metal fatigue even after a repair.

Keep us posted. Glad you're OK!
There are shops that should be able to bend it back (depending on extent of damage). I've had a wheel straightened on my race bike with no issues in the past 5 years.

The cheapest I've heard about is Will's Rim Repair. He's in South Carolina. charges $90/wheel and finishes the repaired area. You won't know where the repair was. You should be able to ship the wheel for less than $40.

You may be able to find something closer to you or you may be able to find a used wheel but if you're in a rush, I wouldn't hesitate to ship a wheel to Will. Good luck
Thanks everyone for the advice so far. I can post some pictures tonight/tomorrow when I can take them after work today. I didn't get a chance to look at how bad it was as I was in a rush to get to work - it didn't seem "horrible" but enough that it wouldn't hold air...

I plan to call a few of the shops around here and see what they say/recommend.
This is just me thinking, but if it's dented enough to where the tire won't hold air, it would take a lot to get the rim back to it's original form so the tire seals perfectly again. I would be looking for a new rim. BUT, pics will help see how bad it is. Was air leaking out fast or slow?

My $.02
The same thing happened to me with my car. I know that's different, but I was able to find a tire place that also fixes big rigs who straightened it out, and it's been OK in the years since.
Check to see what uses the same rear wheel as the FZ6, but a 30 second search on eBay showed a bunch of used FZ6 rear wheels for around $150.
Personally MY LIFE is very important to me and I'd replace it. Seeing others that have bent and split and/or blown out, it seems risky and I'd guess one will turn up soon. IIRC the front is the same as R6. Perhaps the back is too?
I would hate to a see a latent stress fracture from metal fatigue even after a repair.

Keep us posted. Glad you're OK!

should be. that's the route i'd try to go personally. The wheels are cast aluminum, and if i remember right once a cast metal is bent your kinda screwed. dont quote me on this, its really one for Chevy_Fazer, he's the metallurgist.
just get a new wheel.....
personally with how fast I occasionally get to ride (well into the triple digits and into the real meat of the powerband in 6th) I wouldnt even think of trying to fix it....just get a whole new wheel and tire....have it properly mounted and balanced and continue riding.
Could take this opportunity to be the first to make a dual sport fizzer, complete with spoked wheels, knobbys and a skid plate... Just saying ;)
Thanks for all the advice. I think I'm leaning towards the directions of spending the little extra money and replace the wheel as opposed to trying to fix it. Wouldn't like something to happen doing 70 around a turn...

But for your viewing pleasure, here are a couple pictures I snapped.
View attachment 47897
View attachment 47898

PS a friend had the amazing idea of taking the old wheel and turning it into an FZ6 wheel end table. Will be sure to post pictures if I take on that project - plan on going all out and inserting lights if possible.
I had a wheel repaired recently. The guy has spent 30 years repairing motorcycles and their parts. He did warn of course it is not like new but that it should be fine.

If you have the $600 or so bucks for a new one, go for it. New parts are always better than used and/or damaged
Alright the wheel is in. Need some more help - not sure how I'm going to get the bike to the shop. Is it ok to take off the dented rim and bring that and have them replace it in the shop, then put it back on the bike myself? Or is there some alignment/adjustment that needs to be done while on the bike? Thanks.