Proper Ride Preparation


Junior Member
Jul 19, 2010
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St. Paul, MN
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The heatwave finally breaks on Saturday and with the completion of morning chores I decide to take a nice long ride. Both myself and my bike having seen little in the way of quality time outdoors the previous several days so I gear up, gas up and hit the road.

I rode somewhere in the neighborhood of 160 miles or so for the afternoon. Along the way the roads were busy with an abundance of riders out enjoying the day, a vast majority of them are without helmets or much of any protective gear save stylish eye wear and chains that secured their wallets.

As I was riding through a small riverside town I see some couples stopped at a gas station getting ready to resume their rides. I take particular notice of one woman... I will make the sexist assumption that she was a passenger on one of the bikes. She's an attractive brunette dressed in jeans and a black spaghetti strap top with footwear only slightly more sturdy. And as I pass, I notice that she's diligently applying what I guess to be sunscreen to her arms, shoulders and other exposed areas. When I saw this my Irony Meter(tm) went off.

"You're worried about getting too much sun but you have no worries about the exfoliating power of pavement?"

"What SPF level would you need to use to protect your skin from embedded gravel?"

"Warning: Prolonged exposure to asphalt can cause premature aging"

"Your skin can peel from too much sun. Doctors call them grafts."

I can't help but want to tell these guys... "If you care about her, protect her." I just don't get it.
+1 for Brittney - her site is Rock The Gear Please check it out!

I've been riding for many years and I still don't understand it either. I have some very educated friends who will not wear a helmet, but still worry about the dangers of motorcycling. They typically choose to spend their $$ on loud pipes instead. I think its a gene :D