Do you have a Gremlin Bell?

Gremlin Bell? You have one on your bike?

  • No, not yet.

    Votes: 23 19.7%
  • Yes, I have one on my bike

    Votes: 27 23.1%
  • Yes, but I still crashed

    Votes: 4 3.4%
  • Never will, I don't believe this nonsense!

    Votes: 63 53.8%

  • Total voters
Well, to each his/her own...If some one wants to send me one I'll be sure to re-gift it asap....I'm with SeekGod on this one.
(The way I ride I already have waaaaay too many things to worry about! : )
If I were going to install anything on my bike it would be deer whistles.
A deer almost took me off the top of my Fazer one night a few months back. (It flew right in front if my face at head-level) Santa is one lucky fat guy!
Yes, to keep those evil spirits from attacking you while you are on your motorcycle. If you're not familiar with them, click on the link below.

Gremlin Bells - Home

I've had mine for three years, so far it's working.


Nope, don't have one but I don't ever plan on having a Harley either. BTW Kenny, when did you get your bell? There's no connection with your bike breaking down alot recently and the addition of a bell is there? :ban:
I have one that I got for getting a perfect score on the written test when I took the MSF class. It's around someplace... should I hang it on the bike?
I was given one for getting 100% in my MSF classroom test. I figure it can't hurt so it is hanging from my center stand.
No Bell, had never heard of them till I saw this thread... I do have a Saint Christopher coin/medallion type thing tho... mum gave it to me and it's lived in my wallet ever since. I don't personally believe in it but if it makes my mum more comfortable with my riding, then it's fine by me. :thumbup:
Yes i have one. They DAY my parents bought me one. (didnt put it on at the time) On my way back home that day i layed my bike down in a corner doing 40. :/ lol. What are the odds of that one? :confused:
It's just superstition mumbo-jumbo, gremlins and saints. I aced the riding portion, got an MSF card for it and that's all that mattered.
For me its been real simple - When your numbers up, you check out. Mine hasn't come up yet despite some events that could have turned out differently. I will say that bikes have never crossed the line towards the toe tag area. . .
I do have one and it was given to me by a friend, we were both on the same ship a few years ago. So after being on boats and working in the marine enviroment, yeah, I'm a little superstitious.
I have never had one and no one has given me one. Now, if someone gave me one then I would use it.

I am much more inclined to put my faith in God watching over me.
I have never had one and no one has given me one. Now, if someone gave me one then I would use it.

I am much more inclined to put my faith in God watching over me.

I had to hint around to get one, the bell that is.

My mom years ago gave me a chrome "flying angle" with my first name on, leather with velcro attachment. That hasn't made it to the FZ yet as the leather strap is pretty short... It was on my old KLR with 28,000+ miles un scathed...
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