Do you open carry?


Redneck MacGyver
Jun 12, 2011
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So after many years of gun ownership, I think I'm finally going to get my permit, which here in Georgia is not a ccw it's called a Georgia weapon license. I've always liked the idea of open carry, but disliked the problems and concerns it can and does cause. I recently purchased another pistol which I had another thread going about. It's a cz 75 sp-01 full size combat pistol and I absolutely love that gun, but because of its size open carry would be my best option if I wanted that gun to be my carry gun. I plan on buying something lighter and more compact for cc, but I still would love to carry my cz everyday just because I know how reliable and accurate the weapon is. So I'm not looking for people to tell me to get a smaller lighter pistol or opinions about what gun is best for ccw, I want some opinions from people who do open carry, which I know can be a touchy subject that has just as many cons as it does have pros. So are there any members here who open carry?
well, theres a gun rack in my truck with a .308
thats as open carry as I got, apparently if your under 21 you cant even own a handgun???lame but whateves.
The only time I open carry is when I'm working... I'm a Deputy Sheriff.

The rest of the time, I do not open carry. I don't see any reason to advertise to the world that I'm carrying a firearm. I understand why open carry laws exist... I just choose to carry concealed when off duty.

For the folks who do open carry, they need to be very certain of their state/ local laws. If open carrying without a CC permit, they will be in violation once they get into a vehicle. Even if the pistol is still visible, it's considered concealed if the person is inside a vehicle.
Georgia just changed their laws concerning weapons in the car, now you can put it anywhere you want or even have it concealed on you with out a permit, but Georgia is one of the few states that you have to have a permit to open carry, unless your in a car, on a motorcycle or active military
Michigan has open carry and ccw. The previously mentioned issue with open carry in a car is one we face. As far as concealed carry without the loss of accuracy, my father in-law has a ruger sr9c which is surprisingly accurate for such a compact firearm. I personally have a Glock 19 gen 4. It is extremely reliable and impressively accurate for its size. currently I have my beretta 92/ M9 and a M4 carbine that I carry every day from uncle sam. If you have any questions about the firearms I mentioned just PM me.
Or you could be a 6'3" 290lb guy and have no problem concealing a full size .45 with a 5" bbl. ;) Accuracy is spot on and 14 rounds should be enough to solve most problems. I do exercise, so it isn't all fat, so cut me some slack on the fluffy guy knocks. :)
The only time I open carry is when I'm working... I'm a Deputy Sheriff.

The rest of the time, I do not open carry. I don't see any reason to advertise to the world that I'm carrying a firearm. I understand why open carry laws exist... I just choose to carry concealed when off duty.

For the folks who do open carry, they need to be very certain of their state/ local laws. If open carrying without a CC permit, they will be in violation once they get into a vehicle. Even if the pistol is still visible, it's considered concealed if the person is inside a vehicle.

That is an excellent poignant answer. Well said.
Nope. Well, I guess I do while doing some of the approved activities in which you can in FL. Hunting for instance. Camping kind of depends on where it is and how crowded it is. I do in the house a lot too, but that's usually because I tuck my shirt under my gun to be more comfortable. Open carry when not in an official position just seems kind of boorish to me, you know? Kind of in the same league as swearing loudly in polite company, or walking around holding your junk.

Of course, you could wear an OWB holster and wear a button up shirt on top and just not care if you print. I do when it's cold enough for a jacket. Kind of like some of the guys here.

And my XD40 3" will shoot 1" groups at 25yds all day long assuming I do my part.
^^thats the #1 reason IMO not to open carry, the thoughts and reactions of others, but on the other hand I kind of think of open carry the same way that locks only keep honest people honest, in other words if someone is open carrying at a certain location and someone notices it who previously had intentions of I'll will, it might just deture them... Or make you his first target...

In light of some recent events that have all happened within the last 12months, my truck getting broken into in my driveway while I was 15ft away in the laundry room, the gas station I stop at every morning getting robbed right about the time I normally stop in, luckily I went to work early that day, and a few other unsettling things that have happened, I kind of am leaning towards open carry just for that slight chance of it possible preventing something else from happening like that, at least while I'm around, and believe me I know that's a long shot
My 2 cents. First, fully agree with the post by Champion221elite. Be sure you comply with all the laws. Second, if you are going to carry it, open or concealed, train with it!!!! Don't target practice to get small groups. Train as you would fight which will be with your heart pounding in your throat and all fine motor skills out the window. Train, train, train, then train some more. When and if you are faced with a truly life threatening situation, you WILL fall back to the way you trained.
I typically don't, I don't care to announce that I'm carrying a gun to the world. I live in NC and open carry is legal so long as you are of age but I went through the ordeal of getting my concealed license. In a room of bad guys, if you're the one with a gun on your hip guess who they're gonna shoot first? I guess I'd rather keep the element of surprise.
My 2 cents. First, fully agree with the post by Champion221elite. Be sure you comply with all the laws. Second, if you are going to carry it, open or concealed, train with it!!!! Don't target practice to get small groups. Train as you would fight which will be with your heart pounding in your throat and all fine motor skills out the window. Train, train, train, then train some more. When and if you are faced with a truly life threatening situation, you WILL fall back to the way you trained.

Since I've got the gun I've already put more then 2000rds through it lol the 1st 1000 was just at a local range target shooting but lately I've been going out to my moms house, she has a little bit of land and a perfect place to shoot down in a little valley. That's where I've been practicing things they won't let you do at the range, like double tap, drawing from a holster, quick reloads and all kinds of other fun and useful stuff.
So far it seems the general idea is that no one here likes the idea of open carry, which is completely understandable. So my next question is if you saw me (young white male) carrying openly, in a "Leo" style holster but with no viewable badge standing in line at the gas station or walking into a grocery store what would run through yalls minds?
So far it seems the general idea is that no one here likes the idea of open carry, which is completely understandable. So my next question is if you saw me (young white male) carrying openly, in a "Leo" style holster but with no viewable badge standing in line at the gas station or walking into a grocery store what would run through yalls minds?
I sure hope he does'nt shoot anyone and I hope no one shoots him..... thats what has been going through my mind since I read the title of this thread....... :rockon: :thumbup:
So far it seems the general idea is that no one here likes the idea of open carry, which is completely understandable. So my next question is if you saw me (young white male) carrying openly, in a "Leo" style holster but with no viewable badge standing in line at the gas station or walking into a grocery store what would run through yalls minds?

I'd probably strike up a conversation because it's rare to see someone carrying a CZ.

CC only in Texas though. I carry a G26 or a 1911 whenever I'm in a place that is legal to do so in.
So far it seems the general idea is that no one here likes the idea of open carry, which is completely understandable. So my next question is if you saw me (young white male) carrying openly, in a "Leo" style holster but with no viewable badge standing in line at the gas station or walking into a grocery store what would run through yalls minds?

As I'm comfortable with guns, I'd probably just wonder why. Why make yourself a target of discrimination, hate, and possibly violence? :don'tknow: Mostly I just see this:


Not that this isn't dangerously close to my own family... We do have a NRA sticker on the front door. Kinda makes the same point.

That, and lose the hair, add a can of beer, and it's a picture of my uncle when he was younger... Miss that dude. :(
Are you kidding? I live in the Republic of California, the only one's allowed to open carry here are the drug dealers and gang bangers. :Flip:
As someone not living in the states this topic is gob smacking. We here can not even have a pistol unless you belong to a pistol club and partisapate in regular competitions with each pistol. To think that so many people i meet each time ive been to the states might have been carrying to me is scarey. Dont get me wrong i love fire arms i realy enjoy fireing guns i miss my ruger semi auto 22 rifle, but even had to loose that because we cant have semi auto's anymore.
As I'm comfortable with guns, I'd probably just wonder why. Why make yourself a target of discrimination, hate, and possibly violence? :don'tknow: Mostly I just see this:


Not that this isn't dangerously close to my own family... We do have a NRA sticker on the front door. Kinda makes the same point.

That, and lose the hair, add a can of beer, and it's a picture of my uncle when he was younger... Miss that dude. :(

Well I do live in Georgia and that is kind of the mentality of everyone who lives here lol, until you get to the more populated areas like around where I live. Georgia is a very gun friendly state, even if you have the money to shell out for a class 3 license, and want to carry a full auto. I've actually began to see a lot more people open carry over the past few years as own gun laws have become more lenient with help from support groups such as heck you can even walk into heartsfield Atlanta airport with your gun on your hip thanks to them, now you can't take it through security But you can have it in the airport which after 9/11 I think is a bit crazy, but that is a good example of how laid back Georgia is on gun control. If I lived anywhere else I don't believe I would even think twice about open carry, but I'm still not sure. Once I get my permit, which in Georgia you have to have the same permit to cc or oc, i think I might wear it out when I have to go somewhere just to see how the people react around me, if I feel uneasy about it I will be finding a way to cc. But y'all keep in mind I do live in Georgia and most people here feel completely different about guns then places outside of the "south" after all how many places can you still walk into the airport with a gun on your hip?