Never Fun Getting Pulled Over


Junior Member
Oct 3, 2011
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New York
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So I got pulled over this morning on my way into work. This is the conversation that followed between myself and the officer:

cop: "I followed you for the last mile, and I cant even tell you how many times you changed lanes...not once using a signal"
me: "sorry officer"
cop: "lemme see your license and registration"
(I hand him my credentials, along with my buddys PBA card)
cop: "who gave you this get out of jail free card?"
me: "my best friend"
cop: "where does he work?"
me: "Jackson Heights"
cop: "show me that your signals work"
(I show him they both work)
cop: "any reason why you don't use them??"
me: "I don't know sir"
cop: "don't let me catch you again"

He then peeled out and sped off, a clear sign that he was annoyed. Needless to say, glad I didnt get a ticket and I definitely owe my buddy a few beers!
So I got pulled over this morning on my way into work. This is the conversation that followed between myself and the officer:

cop: "I followed you for the last mile, and I cant even tell you how many times you changed lanes...not once using a signal"
me: "sorry officer"
cop: "lemme see your license and registration"
(I hand him my credentials, along with my buddys PBA card)
cop: "who gave you this get out of jail free card?"
me: "my best friend"
cop: "where does he work?"
me: "Jackson Heights"
cop: "show me that your signals work"
(I show him they both work)
cop: "any reason why you don't use them??"
me: "I don't know sir"
cop: "don't let me catch you again"

He then peeled out and sped off, a clear sign that he was annoyed. Needless to say, glad I didnt get a ticket and I definitely owe my buddy a few beers!
Whats a PBA?
You jammy b'stard.

PBA stands for Police Benevolent Association, and a PBA card is basically a means to show that you are good friends or family of an officer. The officer gets a bunch of them every year, and then hands them out to close friends and family and signs the back to make it official.

Not sure about other areas, but if you get pulled over in the NY metro area and have an NYPD PBA card, many times you will get off scott free.
Must be nice. I would have gotten a ticket for sure. I got pulled over in my Truck doing 80 in a 65 and tried talking the cop out of a ticket. I haven't had one in 20 years or more. He then pointed to my radar detector and said you were planning on speeding were you not. Not much I could say. He gave me the ticket. :(
That seems almost corruption on a middle eastern level to me mate.
I bet good manners and buckets of respect would have the same result?
Not dissing you, I would use it but it is a bit Sus.

Good manners dont get you very me. I use good manners AND the PBA card and many times get lucky.

I agree, it is not exactly fair, but all I can say is that it pays to know a few cops..
you boys gotta get the gold PBA card from a family member. Its metal and has your name on it and says "Property of 'your name' " So that they cannot take it. My uncle told me that if they take it and dont give it back, get the badge number because its considered theft lol. saved my a$$ soooooo many times.
I love bowling, but yea, not the same PBA.

Two years ago I joined a local bowling league with 3 other friends, having never bowled more than a handful of times my entire life. Ended the season with a 168 avg and my team won!!

Needless to say the league used handicap scores...
Why tell everyone and make it look like the police are one sided or suspect. The card is really a courtesy card. It's not a get out of jail card but the more people talk about it and publicize it the less value it has because LEO's will tend to be less courteous when they know it gets publicized.

Also. Why not use your directionals? :confused:
Point taken. Didnt intend for this thread to go into the nuances of what a PBA card is. Kinda thought it was common knowledge.

When I am cruising at highway speed, usually 80-85mph, at 6am and there are few cars on the road, I personally dont see a need to remove my thumb from its current position to hit the directional. Rather keep it where it is and focus on making the move instead.

That being said, I may now try to be more cognizant of it going forward to avoid any additional police attention :p
i was taught to always indicate if there's anybody around who can benefit from it.

if anything it's good practice, and requires minimal effort
i was taught to always indicate if there's anybody around who can benefit from it.

if anything it's good practice, and requires minimal effort

Not to mention, if it's habit, then you aren't likely to get pulled over for not doing it.
I was also taught to make all turns in an automobile with both hands on the wheel...

Yea, I know its supposed to be used on all lane changes, and I should do it, but most of the time I just dont. I may try to start making it a habit though..we will see
I was also taught to make all turns in an automobile with both hands on the wheel...

Yea, I know its supposed to be used on all lane changes, and I should do it, but most of the time I just dont. I may try to start making it a habit though..we will see

If you do start, you'll be the first New Yorker to use signals!! :))

One of MSF fundamentals: let others know of your intentions.

Awesome that you didn't get a ticket though :thumbup:
If you do start, you'll be the first New Yorker to use signals!! :))

One of MSF fundamentals: let others know of your intentions.

Awesome that you didn't get a ticket though :thumbup:

Haha! Cute. Yea man, I am thrilled I didnt get a ticket this morning. Would have been an unpleasant way to start my day.
Apparently here in Canada, if you're wearing scrubs, the police will look the other way, and officers get priority treatment in the ER.

I don't think it's just in "corrupt" countries. It's everywhere. Who you know matters.