I think this guy is late for work

That guy really needs to play the lottery! Incredible amount of luck right there.
I have to admit the video angle from swingarm shooting forward + wheelie looks really cool.
Holy crap he had that thing going 186mph at one point!! If he keeps that up he'll find himself on the wrong end of a Goodyear!
That guy really needs to play the lottery! Incredible amount of luck right there.
I have to admit the video angle from swingarm shooting forward + wheelie looks really cool.

+1 that was swEEEEEEEEEEEEt

you can't stop a GSXR from being a squid
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Another prime example of why I pay too much for insurance :spank: I just hope when he goes down he goes down on his own and he suffers for a long long time....
He's got balls and he's using them the wrong way. Of course I do not aprove of his driving but was interesting to watch for sure.
Did you guys see the cop at 2:39 or so? I am thinking cops on the ground are a non-issue at that speed anyway. He was probably out of sight before the cop even realized what just happened!
That guy really needs to play the lottery! Incredible amount of luck right there.
I have to admit the video angle from swingarm shooting forward + wheelie looks really cool.

+1 that was swEEEEEEEEEEEEt

you can't stop a GSXR from being a squid

Couldn't agree more with both of you. Totally squidly behavior, but VERY entertaining.

Another prime example of why I pay too much for insurance :spank: I just hope when he goes down he goes down on his own and he suffers for a long long time....

This wasn't in the states bro. Your insurance has nothing to do with him. Blame the squid in shorts and sandals next to you at the next stop light.
I couldn't watch the whole video as the pain from my cramping sphincter had my eyes tearing up too much to see. I believe the spasms may last a week.

Saw something like this on my way through Chicago on I94 north of the city, almost to Wisconsin last month. I was in my F150 four door in minimal traffic (for Chicago) doing 80mph when I noticed two bikes coming quickly way behind me. I was in left lane and moved immediately to the next inside lane. A second after I did one bike blew by on my left and the other on my right. They had to be going at least 140mph and weaving in and out of traffic. I fully expected to come up on a wreck.

Truly these a-holes give motorcyclists a bad image. I like going fast and leaning over, but it's not for the road. Do track days and get properly scared in a safer environment.
well watching those vids cured any need I might have for running at those speeds....ever.

Many years ago when I was first driving I was out with my folks on board and Mum in the back seat asked if the speedo was broken coz she couldnt see the needle ( it was wound off the clock).
I had built up the speed gradually and while I knew I was going fast, it wasnt til I realised how fast that really I scared myself.:eek:

Now that I am older,(wiser is debatable) but certainly with way more experience of asphalt and how hard it is, from coming off treadlies, I'll do as much as I can to not go there again.
That was crazy:spank:( but I did watch it about 3 times)
It's the American ghostrider .Yes it is impressive, but it is idiotic riding.A bike of that mass with that velocity has a serious amount potential energy. I could easily envisage seeing a cager reacting badly at a bike coming up behind them at that speed. If the bike is clipped it could easily be catapulted over the central reservation into oncoming traffic.

By posting this video on the internet,Kids of much less skill could try and copy his riding and the outcome will be inevitable.