This makes motorcycles seem as safe as lying down

Tried to watch a while back in High Def, took a few attempts, still can't get rid of that feeling in my stomach...:eek:

Now if that was in IMAX 3-D, No way in hell....
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This was posted few months ago.. crazy job for these guys, although i think I would totally do this for the right amount :D

theres another video in the related search where some russian kids are on top of half built skyscraper, walking on beams..thats slightly scarier to me

found it, here ya go

[ame=""]‪Crazy guy walks on the top of a very high carcass (MUST SEE!!!)‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
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That is f-ing crazy!
I had to take a tower climbing class for work but we only went up a 100 ft. That was freaky enough for me.
Here's another one that is really scary, to me at least, and this guy was 50+ when he did this--

[ame=]‪Fred Dibnah How to climb a chimney overhang at 50+‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
Tried to watch, started feeling motion sickness.. To much movement.

On the other hand, I have to say that's one Job I don't think I could do. I have a hard enough time when I get up to the top of a house to do stuff.