Idiots on the road!

Nobody is trying to say the guy in the truck was justified...

In my opinion, what some of us are trying to say is this. We can't control how hot-headed, irrational, and malicious some people can and will be on the road. What we CAN control is whether or not we increase the chances of getting such a reaction via speeding with loud pipes through somebody's quiet country roads, crossing double yellows at high speeds, etc...

Why not work on what we CAN control? Ride near the speed limit, keep quiet, etc...
I don't think the guy in the truck is justified,

I can agree with the keep quiet. It doesn't bother me when I see someone flying down my neighborhood road, only annoys the heck out of me if they're loudly doing so.
That sickens me. I hope the guy driving the truck gets at least a decade in jail.

I've come across similar people though, they suddenly take serious personal offense to you passing them and they decide to get up your arse. Had a guy follow me all the way up to 90mph before... seriously anybody caught doing something retarded like this should be stripped of their license permanently and given a severe beating, followed by jail time.
People take EVERYTHING personally. If you change lanes in front of someone in L.A., some people act as if you've slapped their grandmother.

I have worked with people who believe with all of their hearts that the IT guy is out to get them because their computer is acting up. I suppose it's [modern] human nature to a certain degree. The thing is to become aware of it and to try to mitigate the negative affects it can have on you and your day. :)
I see a crazy redneck in a pickup (is the quad in the back not a strong clue?)

and 2 stupid riders that don't have the sense to get away from a bad driver,

they stop and confront the guy then bitch out and call the cops

this should be shown in safety courses as an example of what not to do

My thoughts exactly... get the lic plate and leave the situation... (no offense to the normal Yanks), he's American, he could have had a gun instead of a tire iron...
I don't see why the truck guy would be upset if a motorcycle pass him up, double yellow or not. It doesn't and shouldn't affect him in any way.

Last year I was on a highway and trying to exit a ramp. The line was almost a mile long and you guess it, I tried to sneak in right at the exit. This jerk saw me coming and start swerving back and forth, I guess to discourage me by blocking my path. I wait until he swerve back in lane and swerved right in front of him. I was grinning so wide :D. Then I realized it might not be such a good idea to be in front of this jerk in case he wanted to retaliated. So I rode passed (along the side) passed several cars. Once I was on the other highway, I hauled ass. Man I wish I had my helmet cam back then.

tcmalker: 1 jerk: 0
"me kill somebody? I grew up on this road"

Funny you must just be a ****ty driver then because you managed to put at least 5 peoples lives in danger in less than 10 minutes.... God this pisses me off, I take back my origional thought of take the license beat him once and toss him in jail... this guy needs multiple beatings.... I don't care if motorcycles come past your house all the time with loud pipes it still doesn't justify this bullsh*t. I agree as riders we should do all we can to not make this kind of thing worse, it will however still happen.

This is a prime example of why you need to assume the worst is going to happen every time... you've gotta think of all the possibilities, save the kid on the first bikes life.

Please, all of you, drive safe and always be aware of your surroundings, and don't put yourself in an unwinable situation, it just might save your life one day.
Hey, years ago I observed a guy exit his pickup (why is it always a PU truck?) with a baseball bat at a 4 way stop intersection. What was it over---I can't even remember. But he exited his truck with the baseball bat, didn't actually swing it at anybody or anything but---I think---was just trying to get a point across to to somebody (it didn't escalate to a road rage homicide or anything). Nice! Back to the thread, would've been much more interesting if he had done that stunt to a member of a bunch of cranked up Angels.
so the guy in the truck was following the one behind him? neat trick :rolleyes:

first off, the redneck didn't get out until both riders had visited his
window and said...we don't know what, but it's obvious this further
provoked the idiot, but anyway, here's some scenarios:

play it out as these 2 did and luckily no one got hurt or killed,
then spend a couple of hours in a police station dealing with the BS...

again, play it like they did and one or both riders end up dead or injured

or, both riders signal to the right, slow down, stop, stay on the bikes and let
the whiskey tango MF drive away then laugh about it and carry on with
your day

personally I'd rather not waste my riding time in a police station

Are you serious? I probably would have gone to jail with him because I probably would have pulled his scrawny useless ass out of the window and beat him with his own tire iron. The bike did a quick pass to get around him caused no injury or anything. I guess we better write every cop on the face of the planet a ticket because I see them breaking numerous laws.......
That sickens me. I hope the guy driving the truck gets at least a decade in jail.

I've come across similar people though, they suddenly take serious personal offense to you passing them and they decide to get up your arse. Had a guy follow me all the way up to 90mph before... seriously anybody caught doing something retarded like this should be stripped of their license permanently and given a severe beating, followed by jail time.

I have found PA, NJ, and CA drivers do this....... They can be doing 40mph in a 55mph zone but as soon as you pass them they are either tailgating you or go flying by you....
wow bet that was a butt pucker moment for all those oncoming riders. Those guys keep there cool way better than I would have. I hope that guy goes to jail for a long time and gets the beating he deserves.
Glad they got him on camera and hopefully he really is being prosecuted as mentioned. I doubt that was the first time he'd pulled such antics against bikers. I think I'll go order those suppressers for this loud-assed TB exhaust now. Hate to upset the crazies.
as soon as you pass them they are either tailgating you or go flying by you....

I've seen a lot of that too -- it doesn't make any sense to me.

Not exactly related - one of the things that gets to me is inconsistent speeds. I can't count the number of times that it's been me and one other car on the expressway, and somehow throughout the drive I'm passing them, then they're passing me, repeated a number of times -- but I've had my cruise set on the same speed the entire time.
The guy videotaping the incident posted up on our local board tonight confirming it was him and giving a first-hand update. I though everyone might want to know where things stand as of right now:

"Hey guys, yes its me. We are working with the local authorities to bring this POS to justice. They are not interested in the double yellow pass. It was a good pass. The truck was slow moving and it was within the law.

No arrest made yet. The truck was not registered to the driver.

This guy had it out for sportbikes due to someone on one allegedly running his mom of the road at some point. Per douchebag. He would have attempted something if we passed or not.

Really wanted to rip his head off but refrained as other people passing would have witnessed 2 bikers beating on one guy. It would have made a bad situation worse and I wanted the police to handle it. An a$$ whooping fades after a while, but legal action can hang around."
The guy videotaping the incident posted up on our local board tonight confirming it was him and giving a first-hand update. I though everyone might want to know where things stand as of right now:

"Hey guys, yes its me. We are working with the local authorities to bring this POS to justice. They are not interested in the double yellow pass. It was a good pass. The truck was slow moving and it was within the law.

No arrest made yet. The truck was not registered to the driver.

This guy had it out for sportbikes due to someone on one allegedly running his mom of the road at some point. Per douchebag. He would have attempted something if we passed or not.

Really wanted to rip his head off but refrained as other people passing would have witnessed 2 bikers beating on one guy. It would have made a bad situation worse and I wanted the police to handle it. An a$$ whooping fades after a while, but legal action can hang around."

Sounds like he has a level head on his shoulders, very mature for the situation that happened...couple questions for our dbag friend in the pickup truck

1) How does running a biker, who had nothing to do with your previous incident, off the road an potentially hurting them , solve your problem???

2) How does a bike force a car off the road?????

Some people are just so irrational.... Really hope justice gets done.
Its good to hear something is being done, and great that he (the rider) is able to think before acting, even in such a situation.

1) It doesn't. Heck, doing it to the biker that was involved with alleged incident still wouldn't solve the problem - but people with that attitude don't see it that way.

2) I'd like to know how this works too. I don't even think I'd be able to push a smart car off the road on my bike.
Its good to hear something is being done, and great that he (the rider) is able to think before acting, even in such a situation.

1) It doesn't. Heck, doing it to the biker that was involved with alleged incident still wouldn't solve the problem - but people with that attitude don't see it that way.

2) I'd like to know how this works too. I don't even think I'd be able to push a smart car off the road on my bike.

2) I think it is more like mommy whipped off the road and told jr. and he turned it around and rationalized a reason in his head that all motorcyclists are bad.........

I have people pull over all of the time for me to go around them. Many times they are making the situation dangerous. If they would just drive with the cruise set and not change a thing then I could pass when I was ready and not put anyone in danger.....
I've seen a lot of that too -- it doesn't make any sense to me.

Not exactly related - one of the things that gets to me is inconsistent speeds. I can't count the number of times that it's been me and one other car on the expressway, and somehow throughout the drive I'm passing them, then they're passing me, repeated a number of times -- but I've had my cruise set on the same speed the entire time.

Major pet peeve of mine. I've even thought about buying one of those scrolling LED display tags and setting it to "I've got my cruise control set. You're the indecisive one." They love to reduce their speed to what seems like a 1/2 MPH below yours after entering the lane.

I also set mine around 10ish over and when I reduce speed as the limit changes, cars I just passed doing 5 over the limit will pass me doing 10 over the current limit.

My next cage will definitely have radar-controlled cruise.