My new saddle.


Junior Member
Nov 1, 2010
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Madison, WI
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Well I did it. I bought a new seat from Top Saddlery. So I guess a review is in order.

Pros: VERY comfortable. bike feels different, better... dare I say easer to ride. I didn't even thought that was possible. The seat looks excellent and craftsmanship is very good.

Cons: Does not fit the bike perfect. (as you will see).

I ordered the seat on the seat on the 16th, It shipped on the 17th and I received it on the 25th, today. It was a bargain bin seat advertised at 186 euros. after selecting the option to buy a base from Top Saddlery and adding in tax along with shipping. the total was 267 euros. or about $378. Not too bad.

I read past stories of how Top Saddlery used to do a horrible job packing their seats and was crossing my fingers but this one cane to my door step very well cushioned and there was not a wrinkle on the box:


LOTS of padding as you can see:


Additionally it came wrapped in plastic:


After I took It out:


I didn't get a chance to take the bike for a long ride as It was late when i got home and fairly chilly. I did take it for a 20 minute ride around the neighborhood. I like the seat very much. It feels like i am sitting higher and further towards the front of the bike. As far as height goes I think it's pretty much the same height as the stock seat, maybe 1/2 an inch higher MAYBE. both my feet are firmly planted on the ground at a stop. It doesn't FEEL wider, but I'm pretty sure it is. Maybe just where it counts. My legs are not sprawled out more when compared to the stock seat. Again thats the way it FEELS.

The bike feel quite a bit different. somehow... more nimble? Yes I'll use that word. more nimble. Now I know how ridiculous this sounds, but thats how It feels. Or maybe It's just me. Now on the stock seat It always felt as if my..... Nuts (please excuse me ladies) were resting against the tank. But now they seem to be resting against the seat. when going over bumps I It's not uncomfortable at all. not like before. maybe this has to do with the gap at the front of the seat? and that little upward slope thats also there?

Speaking of gap, thats pretty much the only gripe I have with this seat:



Does anyone else who has this seat have the same problem? I would love to hear. or is it a defect and should be sent back to top saddlery? please leave your input. thanks. By the way I did put all the six rubber mounts on this seat from the old one.

The rear portion of the seat fits flush and fine:



here is how the stock seat fits in comparison:



Over all I like the seat and Its very comfortable. It enhances the bike in so many ways..... I just wish It would fit better. hoping and waiting to hear from you guys. thanks.
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Looks great! I'd see the gap as a benefit as it isn't that big of a gap. Now it won't rub the paintwork on your gas tank.
i have a TS seat and it fits fine against the tank. mine too was one of the pre-made (cheaper) seats and mine is fine in every way. i guess keeping or sending back is up to you. if i spend that sorta money on a seat i want it to be right. you'd just have to figure out if it's worth it to pay any shipping costs/time. you could see if there's anyone around you that does seats and have them transfer all the foam and covering over to your yamaha base and that should fix everything. it might be cheaper and faster than having to deal with TS. or, just deal with it. :D
I special ordered mine the way I wanted it and it's fine. Not a perfect fit but not bad for any reason. Super comfortable and I actualy like the up slope at the front. The stock seat forces you forward where the TS doesn't. I love mine. Long trips no problem. :thumbup: Thanks for the review. :rockon:
Speaking of gap, thats pretty much the only gripe I have with this seat... I just wish It would fit better. hoping and waiting to hear from you guys. thanks.

Don’t take this the wrong way (as an insult to your intelligence), but are you sure you have the little tongue at the front of the seat engaged in the slot behind the tank? I ask because it looks to me like the seat is being held up. With my TS seat I kind of have to hold the seat a little to the rear, then squish the front of the seat down and push forward while squishing to get the tongue engaged. Sorry if this is not your problem, figured it would not hurt to suggest.
That is quite a gap, I agree. Could you perhaps leave the little rubber deals off of the front part of the seat, to drop it down a bit?

The only other thing you might be able to do, and I admit this is a little ghetto, would be to add something to the underside of the seat in the front there where the gap is, to fill it in. Not elegant I understand. I'd try to remove the rubber mounts, all of them if necessary, to see how if fits then.

I'd also concur with the person who is asking if you've correctly seated the tongue part up front? I imagine that you have if you are focused on the gap and comparing with the stock seat.

In other news, the new saddle looks great - I have seen them in person - and I bet it feels phenomenal. Good work!
Don’t take this the wrong way (as an insult to your intelligence), but are you sure you have the little tongue at the front of the seat engaged in the slot behind the tank? I ask because it looks to me like the seat is being held up. With my TS seat I kind of have to hold the seat a little to the rear, then squish the front of the seat down and push forward while squishing to get the tongue engaged. Sorry if this is not your problem, figured it would not hurt to suggest.

that's actually a pretty good call. i have to do the same for my TS seat. hold the rear up and really work to get the lip in the groove. be sweet if that's all it is.
Don’t take this the wrong way (as an insult to your intelligence), but are you sure you have the little tongue at the front of the seat engaged in the slot behind the tank? I ask because it looks to me like the seat is being held up. With my TS seat I kind of have to hold the seat a little to the rear, then squish the front of the seat down and push forward while squishing to get the tongue engaged. Sorry if this is not your problem, figured it would not hurt to suggest.

Im pretty sure its in the groove. I tried pulling up on the seat after fitting it to the bike and it feels snug. But I'm gonna take it off and try again. Also I was looking at it this morning and the gap seems to have decreased a little. I pushed down on the front end of the seat and it went right up against the tank. I'm guessing after last night's ride it got pushed down? Im gonna ride it around for a few days and see what happens. If it dosent get better Im contacting Top Saddlery.
Also anyone else who has this seat, when u transfered the rubber mounts from the stock seat did u also move over the two rectangular rubber pieces. These are pretty though to remove. any suggestions would help thanks.
Now I know what brand my seat is... I can see there was once a sticker underneath, but I guess it fell of before I bought my bike 2nd hand 3 years ago.
Of course my seat has different color stitchings (blue) to match the color of my bike... quite comfortable even for passengers... Text at the vertical piece (behind the butt) says "YAMAHA" in blue.
I think this seat really improves the look of the Fazer compared to the standard piece of cardboard!!!

My seats rear is slighty loose due to the hole in the metal piece (which drops down in the lock) is too big. I have been to lazy (and always forget it) to fix this tiny thing. When I drive over small fast bumps etc. I can hear the rear of the seat bounce up/down - First time I heard it I thought the rear wheel was comming off haha...

Front end of seat seems solid enough. There is only a slight space from tank to saddle in the middle of the front arc, but the side front corners fits tightly.
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My seats rear is slighty loose due to the hole in the metal piece (which drops down in the lock) is too big.

just a quick question... did the previous owner put all the rubber bumpers in the new seat? TS sends the seat without them. wonder if you're missing them and if you put them in if it would help with your problem?
just a quick question... did the previous owner put all the rubber bumpers in the new seat? TS sends the seat without them. wonder if you're missing them and if you put them in if it would help with your problem?

I am not really sure what you mean with rubber bumbers... should they have been placed under the seat to make the seat more stable?

If the rubber bumpers raises the seat I wouldn't use them! It looks (and feels) good where it is. Only thing I think need to do is to shrink the hole in the metal hinge which drops in the rear lock (to keep the rear seat down when riding very bumpy roads).
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see this thread
go four pictures down and you can see the bumpers i'm talking about. TS doesn't send those with their seats. they shouldn't affect the hight but they might affect the fit of your seat. personally, i'm cheap and i only bought the bumpers for the "driver's" portion because i don't ever see myself taking a passenger.
Great review. I love my TS seat, it makes the bike a lot more comfortable. I was getting uncomfortable after ~80 miles, but with the TS I didn't have any trouble with 400.

I'll have to take pictures of mine later tonight. I'll also have to look under it too, because I didn't pay that much attention to the underside.
see this thread
go four pictures down and you can see the bumpers i'm talking about. TS doesn't send those with their seats. they shouldn't affect the hight but they might affect the fit of your seat. personally, i'm cheap and i only bought the bumpers for the "driver's" portion because i don't ever see myself taking a passenger.

I sometimes ride with my GF (when she isn't riding her Suzuki M800 Intruder).

Yeah I see what you mean now... I don't think there is a single one of those under my seat... its late here... will look tomorrow!