fitting a new rectifier or stator


UK Luchador
Aug 3, 2010
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Stockport, UK
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quick question, how difficult is it to fit a new rectifier, and how difficult is it to fit new stator?

I'm talking in terms of stuff I need to remove from the bike to access them, the service manual didn't really seem to say anything on this, and i don't have my haynes to hand.

I'm working on the principles of worst case scenario, and that I will need to replace one of them on my bike.
Greg! Give me a bell if you want I have an issue with mine that I'm working on. Probably exact same thing. Rectifiers are so so easy to remove. I don't know about the stator I'll do some digging.
07754 214 739.
~ Alex
cheers mate, i'm can't look at my bike for another 10 days, so i'm just guessing at stuff at the moment

don't know whether to order a new rectifier on the off chance mine is broken

i think i also need to remove it anyway to access one of the subframe bolts which needs tightening

i'm hoping i just have a flat battery, but it's odd that even after bump starting and revving that it couldn't maintain running
I have a factory 2007 Genuine Yamaha FZ6 manual as a PDF file. Should you need it PM me with an e-mail address to send it to. It explains what needs to be done.

i think you already sent it to me when i first joined ;)

i had a look, but apart from listing the location, it didn't seem to mention how to remove it.

i'm just trying to guess what the problem is at the moment until i can go home and play with it
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Sorry I'm not trying to be difficult, I know roughly where it is, but that may not necessarily mean it is easy to remove. For instance do I need to take the tank off, remove the suspension etc. was hoping somebody who has done this in the past could let me know how easy it was. I also need to tighten a subframe bolt which is right next to it, and may be easier once it's out.
rectifier is just underneath the front tip of the seat.
Take the seat off. Undo the top bolts to the fuel tank. If you've fairing in the way you may have to remove that. Lift the fuel tank up and eithe prop it up on the handle bars OR I have a special magic tool called a "wooden spatula" that I use to prop mine up. Works a treat... ;-)
Anyway... the rectifier looks like a heat sink (if you know what one of them looks like). If not then use google to find what the image of it looks like. Look under the seat from the direction of the fuel tank and you should see it bolted with two easy to remove allen bolts. Its upside down.

The stator I'm led to belive is a bit tricker to get to and will be my next challenge when I'm off work in a few days.

If you're like me and not used to tinkering with bikes then don't be afraid!! If you're not like me then just ignore previous comment. :-/
well my tinkering may have been what broke it, as i was fitting a leo vince exhaust ;)

i don't mind tinkering, but i understand that i can still make the odd mistake, and some jobs may not be worth the hassle (like when i changed fork seals)

sounds like it should be easy enough to get at, don't know whether it's worth ordering one in case mine is broken, or waiting to see what i can diagnose

there's a chance my lights might be leaking voltage, as i was playing around with my tail tidy during the install, i also may have nudged the rectifier connection (now i know what that block was)

this may mean that i have inadvertantly fried my R/R though (i do remember it being warmer than usual between my legs