Moped haters


Be nice i am
May 25, 2010
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Telford England
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Just a coincidence with the name...(i dont agree with this lol )


I'd agree with the line where the idiots overtake on every side of you. I drive a van for work and those gits are alway hiding in my blind spot.
Apart from that if i saw one broke down on the side of the road I'd still stop to offer help.
awesome.. except for the part where it says push them over.. i wouldnt want someone pushing my bike over, so i wouldnt do it to anyone else either.. not even a moped (no matter how f'n anoying they are)...
What a total waste of internet space.
If it wasn't for mopeds I wouldn't have had such a great time learning to ride.

actually its funny when i started to think about it.. my first "powered" 2 wheel thing was in fact a moped.. me and my cousin bought one from a neighbor but it didnt work.. i did alot of research on how engines work (this is back when i was 15) and between the 2 of us we managed to get it going.. sure it was after i lost the parts of the carborator (some block that manages the fuel and air) and it ran full power.. well, as long as you held a can of wd-40 next the the intake and was spraying.. good memories of blasting down my street one a moped basically powered by gas and wd-40.. good times...
I think it's just important to get people out of their cages.

[ame=]YouTube - Vespa Ciao Wheely 3[/ame] :eek:
Excellent piece of arrogant garbage. Next, it'll be Harley riders dumping on 600 cc riders. I'll wave at a moped rider--not stuck up enough yet.
That is absolute BS as far as I am concerned. To advocate pushing over anything that is not yours is criminal at least.

They are even showing a picture of a motor scooter and saying it is a moped. How ignorant are these people. A moped is a machine with a motor and pedals and not a scooter.

Yes they can be annoying but are these people insane? :rolleyes:
I've yet to be annoyed by a scooter rider, but then again, there aren't many to begin with. I usually wave or nod, but they never return, not sure why. Maybe they're caught off guard by it. lol I'd love to add a scooter to my collection, but I'm out of room, and don't really want to pay for one, much less registration and insurance. Besides, my TW kind of fills the put-put niche anyways. :D If I see anyone pushing over anything with two wheels, my lord they are going to get the beating of their lives. :mad:
I loved my first bike, a Suzuki ER50. 3 quid to fill it up and the tank would do about a million miles lol.

I usually wave or nod, but they never return, not sure why. Maybe they're caught off guard by it. :mad:
Yeah, it's as if, maybe, they don't know about waving or, as you say, are too surprised that a bigger CC rider or somebody on a non-moped/scooter displays respect. My first bike was a 1970 Suzuki 50.
Yeah, it's as if, maybe, they don't know about waving or, as you say, are too surprised that a bigger CC rider or somebody on a non-moped/scooter displays respect. My first bike was a 1970 Suzuki 50.

yup. I see this too. I wave or nod to moped riders all the time. some of them get it and wave back or first but others look at me like I am riding naked or something.
I still have my son's moped in the garage. Bought it for him when he was 13. We changed the jug, put in a bigger piston and carb and finished it off with Bi-Turbo exhaust system. Even though he doesn't ride it much, it's still a blast to get out and mess around with it. Even with my large carcass onboard, top speed is around 65 mph.
yup. I see this too. I wave or nod to moped riders all the time. some of them get it and wave back or first but others look at me like I am riding naked or something.

LOL!!! Forgot about the funny looks! It's as if they're saying with their expression, "why is this creep waving at me?".

I still have my son's moped in the garage. Bought it for him when he was 13. We changed the jug, put in a bigger piston and carb and finished it off with Bi-Turbo exhaust system. Even though he doesn't ride it much, it's still a blast to get out and mess around with it. Even with my large carcass onboard, top speed is around 65 mph.

That sounds awesome, have any pics? I'm still toying with the idea of shoe-horning a small turbo on my TW, simply because people on those boards say it absolutely can not be done. Nonsense I say! Maybe some day.....
My wife and I just rented 2 Honda Beat 100 for $20.00 USD for the whole day each, and did an almost 100 miles ride around the whole island of Cozumel, Quintana Roo, Mexico, the best day of the whole vacation.
must of the roads are like the one on the pictures, along the beautiful coastline.
They didn't have fullface helmets or any other gear for rent.:spank:
NYC will be really different riding but with the proper gear and a scooter with better brakes (Honda PCX) could be even funnier then the FZ6.
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